The old man was very busy, and the old man was very busy.

"Wait, I remember you guys were panning for gold over there this morning, right?"

Chen Feng recalled and said, pointing in a direction.

Zheng Ping and his group had just noticed that Chen Feng was back, but they were busy arguing with others and had no time to say hello.

Looking at the direction Chen Feng pointed, Huang Fei suddenly realized and squinted at Li Chunsheng and the others: "Oh, so you are the group of people this morning?"

Li Chunsheng squinted one eye when he heard this, but didn't say anything.

"Brother, we saw you in the morning, and you should have seen us too."

"Normally, this place has no owner, and if you can pan for gold, we can pan for gold too, but we saw you panning for gold there, so we moved here to make way for you."

"We are all from the same town, and we will see each other sooner or later. Give us some face, and we will let you go once, and you will let us go once, okay."

Chen Feng's words were well-reasoned, and he gave Li Chunsheng enough face.

The reason why he came out to say this was because the system rang when he came over.

The system rang, which proved one thing, that there was really a commodity underneath, not scrap metal!

If the system didn't ring, Chen Feng would persuade Zheng Ping to go back, anyway, it was worthless, so why bother with a bunch of hooligans, just go home and eat.

Although Chen Feng's words were very beautiful, he didn't expect that Li Chunsheng and his gang didn't buy it at all. A young man next to Li Chunsheng heard the words and pointed at Chen Feng with a shovel in his hand and a fierce face.

"Fuck you, who do you think you are? Do you have the right to speak here?"

"Get out of here, you bastard."

Li Chunsheng and his men stared at Chen Feng fiercely, as if they would rush up and beat him if he said another word.

"Keep your mouth shut!" Zheng Ping shouted, pointing at the young man without giving in.

Both sides started to quarrel loudly, and it seemed that they were about to fight.

Chen Feng was startled when he heard the young man's words, and the next second he suddenly laughed, shook his head gently, reached out to the backpack behind him, grabbed the 30-centimeter-long steel bar, and whispered softly.

"Fuck you..."

The next moment, before anyone could react, Chen Feng's eyes turned cold, and he swung a steel bar at the young man's arm.


The sound of the steel bar hitting the flesh was so harsh in the noise, and everyone was stunned by this sudden change.

The next second, the young man's shovel fell to the ground, and his screams were heartbreaking.


The young man hugged his right arm, and he couldn't stand up straight in pain. The scream was extremely miserable.

Li Chunsheng looked at his brother, then looked back at Chen Feng, who looked indifferent, with horror in his eyes.

He never thought that this young man, who seemed to be less intimidating than Zheng Ping, would actually take action directly without any signs!

You know, even if they are gangsters fighting, they have to give a branch. How can they just come up and kill without saying a word?

He was full of anger at this time. His brother was beaten, where would he put his face!

And he was often out there, could he be afraid of Chen Feng, an unknown person?

He swung the shovel in his hand and was about to chop Chen Feng to get back the place.

"I'm going to..."

He hadn't finished his curse yet, and his hand holding the shovel was still in the air when he saw Chen Feng holding a long steel bar as thick as a thumb and pointing it at him.

The degree of threat was self-evident. He believed that if he dared to drop this shovel, the steel bar would hit him in the next second.

It goes without saying which one is more lethal, a small shovel used for digging soil or a steel bar as thick as a thumb. They are simply not on the same level.

At this moment, his heart was filled with turmoil and he was extremely unbelievable.

Who would go out to pan for gold and carry a steel bar with them!

Who are you, are you crazy!

Li Chunsheng, who has always been known for fighting and fighting, was scared at this moment. He was really scared.

If it were someone else, he would dare to go up and try, but the key point was that this guy didn't even say hello before he started, and he really couldn't guarantee whether his steel bar would fall on his head or his butt.

The hand holding the shovel didn't dare to drop it, and the next second he was kicked to the ground by Zheng Ping.

The reason why Zheng Ping didn't take action immediately was not because he wanted to wait and see, but simply because he didn't react in time.

Seeing that the boy was going to hit Chen Feng with a shovel, how could he agree? He kicked him to the ground directly.

He stepped forward to protect Chen Feng,

Today Chen Feng stood up for him, even if he got beaten, Chen Feng couldn't be beaten.

When the people in Xiaoqiao Village saw that their boss was kicked down, they no longer had the fierce momentum they had before. Facing the aggressive Chen Feng and his gang, they subconsciously took a step back.

Several people helped their boss Li Chunsheng up and looked at them nervously.

Chen Feng walked to the young man who was still wailing. The young man looked at Chen Feng with hatred and wanted to shout to beat Chen Feng.

Unfortunately, the moment he saw the steel bar in Chen Feng's hand, he swallowed the words in his mouth and was so scared that he didn't dare to say anything.

He was really afraid of being hit again. Chen Feng's blow just now was too fierce, making him feel that his arm was about to break and it hurt.

"Didn't your mother teach you to be clean when you go out, you bastard."

"Try to point it out to me again?"

Chen Feng pointed at his head with a steel bar and said with cold eyes.

The young man lowered his head, not daring to look at Chen Feng at all, pursing his lips tightly, not even daring to say a word of pain.

Although Zheng Ping looked fierce, he was still shocked when he saw Chen Feng with his peripheral vision.

He never expected that Fengzi would directly attack, and attack so fiercely.

This time the young man was beaten hard. To be honest, if he had changed positions just now, he might not dare to swing the stick.

Little did they know that Huang Fei and others were also shocked at this time.

They had just cursed at each other for a long time, and they were all very angry with this group of people, but no one dared to attack first.

Because they saw that the other party was not kind, they were afraid that they would not be able to beat the other party and suffer losses. After Li Chunsheng reported his name, they dared not to attack.

Those gangsters are famous in the county, who dares to provoke them.

But unexpectedly, Chen Feng did it like this, without any fear.

Led by Chen Feng, they were all a little excited at this time. If these people dared to fight back, they would definitely fight them without hesitation.

Damn, whoever is cowardly is a grandson. No matter if they are gangsters or not, they all have two shoulders and one head. Who is afraid of whom?

This is the role and momentum of the leader.

Chen Feng looked at Li Chunsheng, who stood up with a gloomy face, pointed the steel bar in his hand at him, and said coldly: "Damn it, you are still one word short, finish that word."

Li Chunsheng stared at Chen Feng tightly after hearing this, but finally did not dare to say it.

"Okay, you are so cruel. I have remembered the people in your village. We will meet again in the future."

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