Zheng Ping looked ahead with lifeless eyes, thinking about the feasibility of something. After a while, he gradually made up his mind, looked back at everyone and said. "Actually, I met an old gold prospector before. We got along pretty well that time. He told me a lot about gold panning."

"He said he had actually panned this abandoned mine before, but he didn't like the few gold. He had been to a gold panning site that was bigger than this one."

"You can earn hundreds of dollars a day there, but it's far away. He asked me if I wanted to go. If I did, he would take me with him."

"I was new to the business and didn't know much, so I didn't dare to go with him, but I asked him the location."

"I want to try it now. What do you think?"

Everyone got excited when they heard it, but they didn't know if it was reliable, so they asked questions one after another.

"Where is that place? Can you really make hundreds of dollars a day?" Yin Xing asked, why hadn't he heard Zheng Ping talk about this?

"He said this business. I saw that his outfit really looked like a gold prospector. He wasn't a liar. He told me a lot of experience. Later, I panned for gold and it all proved that he didn't lie to me." Zheng Ping said seriously.

"Where is that place?" Huang Fei asked loudly in front.

"A field mine in Qiuling City. He said it used to be a state-owned mine, but it was abandoned and became their gold mining site." Zheng Ping replied.

"Qiuling City!" Huang Fei's eyes widened instantly when he heard this.

He thought it would be far away, but he didn't expect it to be so far. Qiuling City is more than a thousand kilometers away from their county town, and it takes twelve hours to drive.

This is across provinces.

"Are you sure you remembered it correctly? It's really Qiuling City. That's too far." Huang Fei said with shock in his eyes.

"I'm sure I remembered it correctly. I asked several times on purpose. How could I remember it wrong?" Zheng Ping said with great certainty.

"It's so far away. It's a problem for us to eat and drink when we go there. And where to stay? We can't go there and come back on the same day. Is there a hotel around the abandoned mine?" Yin Xing scratched his head and said puzzledly.

"What? That's not the case at all. He told me." Zheng Ping waved his hand and talked to them.

"This is the job of a gold prospector. They go wherever there is more gold. He said that more than a thousand kilometers is too common, and some even have several thousand kilometers."

"Most of the mines are abandoned. This kind of mine is just like our abandoned mines. There is no one living there. There is no one even within a hundred miles."

"They usually drive themselves, with food and water in the car. They go out for ten days or half a month. They sleep in the car at night and pan for gold when they wake up during the day."

"Then when they feel that it is enough, they drive to the nearest city, sell the goods, and then buy food, water and daily necessities."

"If you want to go home and rest, you can go home and rest. If you want to continue, you can go again."

"As for the oil, don't worry. Although it is uninhabited, there must be gas stations within a hundred miles, so it's okay."

Zheng Ping's words opened the door to a new world for them. They thought that it was quite far for them to take a one-hour drive to the abandoned mine to pan for gold.

Unexpectedly, compared with professional gold prospectors, it is nothing.

"It sounds like a story. Is this really something we can do?" Some people couldn't help but doubt themselves.

They are just a group of farmers who make some pocket money by panning for gold. How come they are getting bigger and bigger, and they even go out of the province to pan for gold, and even don't go home.

"What's wrong with that? As long as we can make money, it's okay to go out of the province. If they can do it, we can do it too." Zheng Ping said firmly.

He didn't want to go before, first because he had just entered the industry and didn't understand many things. Although the income from the waste mine was small, it was okay for him.

And he didn't want to be too far away from home.

But now it's not possible. If you don't go out, you really can't make money. You have been forced to the limit.

Chen Feng listened to Zheng Ping's words, his eyes couldn't help but show his spirit. He had wanted to explore the big mines for a long time.

And the process Zheng Ping said was correct, exactly the same as the gold diggers he knew.

Seeing that the income from the waste mines was getting smaller and smaller, Chen Feng knew in his heart that it was not a big deal.

Although it has no impact on him for the time being, his income will drop sooner or later. Four thousand a day here is already the ceiling, and it can't be higher than this.

Only by going to other large mines can you make a fortune like others and make money as easy as drinking water.

Before, I suffered from the lack of connections, and I never thought that Zheng Ping would come up with this idea today. It turns out that the connection has always been around me.

Regardless of whether others go or not, Chen Feng must go.


If you go, can you find the place?" Someone asked Zheng Ping with an idea.

After all, it would be fun if they went there in a big group and couldn't find the big mine in the end.

"Yes, there is only one big mine outside Qiuling City, of course we can find it." Zheng Ping said confidently. He had seen the map before, and the abandoned mine was marked on the map.

"This is a big deal, we have to go home and discuss it carefully." A man said in amazement.

It takes a week to go out. Although the travel expenses are not mentioned now, they are out of the province, which must be expensive, plus food and drink.

They will definitely talk to their families and decide whether to go.

"Da Fei, can your car travel long distances? "Zheng Ping stretched his head and asked Huang Fei, his voice a little worried.

It's no wonder he was worried. The car was indeed a little broken, and it had never been on a long-distance trip. If it broke down halfway, it would be a disaster if it was in the middle of the journey.

"Yes, don't worry. Although the car is broken, it has no major problems. If I really decide to leave the province, I have to clean up the car first and fix all the minor problems."

"That's more than a thousand kilometers. I'm not kidding. You don't have to tell me. I'm worried myself." Huang Fei changed his usual laughter and said seriously.

"Okay, then don't forget to calculate it when you go home. If you go, how much the fare will be, so that we can be prepared." Zheng Ping reminded.

"Don't worry, I'll go home and calculate it carefully. "Huang Fei nodded.

If everyone wants to go to other provinces, they have to hire Huang Fei's car. The car is big and easy to load, and everyone is familiar with each other, which can save a lot of unnecessary trouble.

Unless Huang Fei decides not to go in the end, they can find another car.

Soon the car arrived at the county town, and the atmosphere was different from usual after everyone got off the car.

Some people were thinking about the feasibility of going out of the province to pan for gold, and some people were thinking about whether to continue this business.

Everyone came to Boss Bai's gold shop as usual.

Everyone walked in, and Boss Bai couldn't help but smile when he saw them coming.

"I haven't seen you for a long time. Have you found any big goods these days?" Boss Bai asked with a smile.

And there was a girl standing next to him. Chen Feng unconsciously raised his head and looked into the girl's eyes. The two of them widened their eyes at the same time, full of disbelief.

An idea popped up in his mind at the same time.

Why is it him!

Why is it her!

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