The ground was broken, and the ground was broken.

Chen Feng knew without thinking that it was the branches of the bushes that were pushing against his butt.

"I never thought that I would be played by a branch in this life." Chen Feng turned his head and squinted at the branch, his expression a little depressed.

He pinched the branch with his backhand and bent it aside.

This made Chen Feng feel much more comfortable to continue exploring. Just now, he always felt that there was a strong man staring at him from behind.

He turned his head and continued to hold the detector vertically, exploring under his feet. The detector in front did not sound, so Chen Feng could only turn around and explore to the side.

After a few explorations, Chen Feng stretched forward and felt a familiar and strange feeling in his buttocks.

Chen Feng: "..."

"Damn it, it's done, it's your turn now, right?" Chen Feng turned around and randomly broke off all the branches that had been extended.

He actually let the branches play with him twice in one day. Is he here to make money or sell his dignity?

Isn't this job supposed to be about selling art but not body? Why is it different from what was said when he entered this industry?

After trying hard to probe in the gap, the detector finally rang under a bush.


It was just a little quieter than before. Chen Feng had a premonition that this thing should be a little deep.

And the bush was very short, Chen Feng could only work hard to get under the bush, and then turn around to pull the detector over.

He couldn't squat any longer, so Chen Feng simply knelt down, lowered his head and took the shovel to start digging.

He shoveled hard and passed it over the detector for a while. The detector didn't make a sound. Chen Feng threw the soil in the shovel a little further away and continued to shovel the second shovel.

There is only one good thing about this place surrounded by bushes, that is, it is a little cooler than outside.

After seven or eight shovels, Chen Feng still found nothing, but he was mentally prepared for this.

It is estimated that it will take more than 20 shovels to dig out.

I don’t know how long it took, Chen Feng estimated that he had dug more than 30 shovels, and he dug a big pit in front of him, and a small bag was piled up next to him.

Kneeling and bending over to dig the soil, Chen Feng was sweating all over his head. He subconsciously prepared to straighten up and take a break. As soon as he straightened his waist, his head hit the bushes above his head.

"Fuck." Chen Feng retracted like lightning, crawled as low as possible and looked back.

Because he was wearing a hat, his head was fine, but some branches of the bushes scratched Chen Feng's neck, and the bushes had small thorns, which scratched Chen Feng's neck a little hot.

He reached out and touched the back of his neck, and found that there was no blood, and he couldn't help but feel a little relieved.

"What the hell, what a fucking position." Chen Feng took a deep breath and could only continue to pout and dig with a shovel.

The pit in front of him was getting bigger and bigger, and Chen Feng was getting more and more confused.

"Fuck, are you kidding me?"

Chen Feng shoveled hard again, and the pit in front of him could fit his head in.

After passing it over the detector, the detector still didn't sound, so he shoveled the dirt away.

Chen Feng pursed his lips as he looked at the pit in front of him, pulled the detector over, and just as he stretched it into the pit, he heard a loud sound from the detector.

"Oh wow~"

The sound proved that the goods were still in the pit, and Chen Feng at least didn't dig in the wrong place.

"Damn it, I want to see what kind of goods you are." Chen Feng swung the shovel and continued to dig, holding his breath in his heart.

He couldn't even straighten his waist here, and the goods were so deep, and it was so hard to dig.

If the goods were not valuable, he would have the heart to cut down these four bushes.

After more than ten shovels, Chen Feng used the detector again, and the detector finally made a sound.


Hearing the sound, Chen Feng finally breathed a sigh of relief, but he was a little nervous the next moment.

The quality of this goods will be known in the next moment.

With a slight shake of the shovel, without using the detector, Chen Feng saw something floating on the surface of the pile of soil in the shovel.

After seeing that color, Chen Feng's breathing became rapid instantly.

Because the thing was shining with a dark yellow luster, it was the color that Chen Feng had been looking forward to for a long time.

Only one corner of the thing was exposed, and Chen Feng was not sure how big it was.

Although it was said that as long as he reached out and took it, he could know how big it was, but Chen Feng was extremely excited at this time, just like winning a prize, he didn't dare to look directly at it, and he covered one eye secretly first.

Chen Feng gently stretched out a finger and dug the pile of soil next to the gold, and some fine sand scattered,

The gold is bigger.

Chen Feng couldn't help but smile when he saw it. Even if he only saw the tip of the iceberg, he could tell that the gold was not small.

He stretched out his fingers to dig again, and more sand fell off. The gold became bigger and bigger. Chen Feng's mouth also became bigger and bigger with the gold.

Finally, after digging a few times, the gold stopped increasing. Chen Feng reached out and held the gold in his hand.

When he really held the gold in his hand, Chen Feng had an urge to laugh out loud.

The gold was in a strange shape, much bigger than what Chen Feng had found before.

Chen Feng weighed it and estimated that it was about 16 or 17 grams!

Excluding the loss, the value of this piece of gold is estimated to be around 4,000 or 5,000!

Just one piece directly broke Chen Feng's record of the day before.


Chen Feng held the piece of gold, his heart was full of satisfaction. He didn't care whether the ground was dirty or not. He just lay on the ground, let out a long breath, and couldn't suppress the smile on his face.

He lay on the ground, looking at the four tall bushes above his head. Chen Feng wanted to chop them off just now, but now they look much better.

It must be a big waste mine. He has been exploring the waste mine next to the village for a lifetime, and it is estimated that it is difficult to encounter a nugget worth 5,000.

And it has not been half a day since he came here, and he has explored such a big piece of goods.


After resting for a few minutes, Chen Feng sat up, looked at the gold carefully again, and then threw it into the bottle with satisfaction.

If the bottle could speak, it would probably want to say it at this time.

"Brother, who are you? I feel a little strange. I haven't been to your big guy before. Did you come to the wrong place?"

Carrying the detector, Chen Feng crawled out from the bushes directly.

The blinding sunlight instantly hit Chen Feng, making him want to go back.

Although the place just now was a bit humiliating, it was really comfortable.

Carrying the detector and walking forward, it was already past eleven o'clock, but because they had eaten late in the morning, Chen Feng was not in a hurry, and he would eat when he was hungry.

In front of him was an uphill slope similar to a staircase, and Chen Feng stepped up and searched back and forth on it.

The system did not sound, so he turned in a direction and turned right. The road was not very flat and a little difficult to walk.

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