Damn it!

How can we say that human flesh was purchased without our knowledge?

I think you picked it up?

Judging from various behaviors, this Niu Tiejun doesn't care about money at all, and he is not short of money...

This means that the butcher shop owner did not tell the truth.

But it's not a big problem.

The most important thing at the moment is that Niu Tiejun suddenly changed his temperament after doing this...

Are you going to attack the three of them?

The system profile page shows that this Niu Tiejun likes beautiful men very much and likes to do things to beautiful men!

Don't others know... He, Su Yun, is somewhat confident in his appearance.

High-end chefs often require the simplest cooking methods and have strict requirements on ingredients.

Keep the animal in a happy state before it dies, and its meat texture, muscle fibers, etc. will be different!

Oh shit……

Ten thousand grass and mud horses galloped in Su Yun's heart. Today, they were spotted by the ogre!

The main anti-customer, this Niu Tiejun, wants to eat three of them?

"Handsome guy...you look bad. What are you thinking about?"

"You are our factory director's distinguished guest, should we do something fun?"

A pair of female secretaries in black silk stockings have come roaring towards her, and their white tender jade hands can't stop moving up and down.


ol's uniform was thrown to the ground casually, revealing his close-mindedness!


Is this the rhythm of a facial cleanser?

At this time, the live broadcast room was already boiling with roars and screams.

——[What a big, white lamp! Is this paradise? No. Then why am I in a state of ecstasy? 】

——[One more look and you’ll take off! I said! 】

——[It’s over, brothers, it’s wet, it’s wet... I can’t imagine how fragrant this facial cleanser is! 】

——[Coward, what is there that you dare not think about? I dare to think! 】

——[There are not many girls with such a broad mind anymore. Can you throw it in my face? 】

——[Shit...can I see this? Is this what I should be watching? 】

——[Use this to test cadres? Which cadre can withstand such a test as yours? 】



Snow-white mountain peaks are coming towards us. Is this the rhythm of feeding people?

Su Yun dodged in time...

He glanced at photographer Wang Fan, who was already smiling crazily on the sofa next to him.

If he hadn't known that these were femme fatales, he would have been afraid that there were drugs on the mountain...

What if I get knocked out or lose my waist?

"Sorry beauty, I washed my face this morning."

"And, I want to say... I only drink milk that is natural and has zero additives."

"I don't drink technological silicone milk, I'm sorry..."

Now, Su Yun retracts his previous thoughts: Everything about this female secretary in black silk stockings is exposed to technology and hard work!


The female secretary in black stockings pretended not to understand. The closer she got, the less clothes she wore.

"Oh shit..."

Suddenly, photographer Wang Fan, who was sitting on the sofa, exclaimed, and his eyes began to blur.

He reached out to grab the water glass on the table, and it smashed to the ground with a bang!

Water splashed on his face, and Wang Fan's consciousness briefly became clear.

"What the hell, brother...what's wrong with me? Why am I so dizzy?"

"I seem...I seem to have breast dizziness too!"

"I'm a little...a little weak..."

Wang Fan sat down on the ground and collapsed to the ground.

A pair of eyes full of incomprehension and excitement.

"Brother Xiao Wang, why are you..."

Officer Hong noticed the situation and turned around.

The next second...

"Bang", his body was unsteady, and he felt the cotton under his feet, and he staggered around...

"I...what's wrong with me?" Officer Hong was sweating on his forehead.


at this time.

The original DJ version of the music in the office stopped. Niu Tiejun sat up, walked to the counter, adjusted it, and produced a music disc.


The piano music started playing, what the hell... it was Beethoven's First Symphony!

"Director Niu! What did you do to us?" Officer Hong was shocked and angry!

He could now confirm that Niu Tiejun had tampered with them.

"Ha ha……"

A greedy smile appeared on Niu Tiejun's face, and he waved his hand to signal the black stocking female secretary and others to leave.

"Now...it's my time to enjoy it."

"One is calm, one is handsome, and the other is a loser..."

"Congratulations to you three, you have aroused my appetite!"

Niu Tiejun's plump, somewhat bloated body was constantly twisting along with the symphony.

Elegant, clumsy, dignified…

Very weird dance moves.

He was rarely happy today.

"You guys...are talking about a multi-million dollar deal and talking about business."

"I don't like money."

"I just want to taste whether the livers of the three of you will be different under the emotions of excitement and fear!?"

Niu Tiejun slowly took out his set of exquisite knives from the drawer.

"Fuck you, uncle..."

"You damn fat man, you want to eat Fatty!?"

Wang Fan roared, but he couldn't use any energy.

"So you are the murderer, you are the ogre!" Officer Hong said coldly.

At this moment, in the live broadcast room, a group of enthusiastic and high-spirited netizens fell silent.

Some small tents that had just been erected quickly began to wither at this moment...

One second it was a charming and irresistible scene, the next second it was about to eat people?

——[Damn it! Damn it! do not do that! I am afraid! 】

——[What good will it do you to make my goddess cry? It’s over, the goddess punished me again by giving her birth control pills next time she opens a room! But thank you, host, for giving me this opportunity to get close to the goddess! I'm one step closer to the goddess! hey-hey……】

——[I am ready to reward my brother, you...have you considered my brother's feelings? 】

——[Script, right? This must be a script created by the anchor in cooperation with the police, right? Anchor, if this is a script, just blink! 】

——[It doesn’t look like it was staged. Is this middle-aged man really an ogre? 】

——[Don’t? I still want to watch the anchor pick up rags, don’t die...]

——[Can anyone help call the police? This joke is not funny at all! 】



Tens of thousands of fans and netizens in the live broadcast room were dumbfounded.

A chill of horror, horror, ran straight down my back.

What about the promised investigation case? What about the business deal we agreed to discuss?

Niu Tiejun was the first to draw out three reagents.

Draw in syringes separately.

Walking towards the three of them, showing excited smiles...


"Don't worry, it won't hurt."

"Although you have inhaled the smoke I carefully prepared..."

"But, just in case, in order to achieve the best results for your liver meat."

"I will inject you with a dose of anesthetic."

"To keep you awake without causing much pain..."

"In this way, you can see with your own eyes the moment your liver is being cooked..."

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