On the road to Tiangang Academy.

Shen Bailian and Duan Wuya walked side by side to Tianhui Square.

As for the remaining five deans and vice president Ji Chenghu, they did not come together because they wanted to avoid drawing too much attention.

"Big brother."

"Senior Brother, why don't you come out for a walk? Well, hello, Dean Duan."


Except for the 171 martial arts students, Ji Chenghu, Duan Wuya and other deans and teachers, few people knew what happened in the last two days of the second round of trials.

(Note: When the blocking battle of the Battle of Yitiantian began, there were a total of 183 martial arts students, but 12 died in the battle.)

The news that most people received was that the Sky Eye monitoring system temporarily experienced signal fluctuations due to attacks by ferocious beasts.

Only a small number of sophomore and junior martial arts students could vaguely guess the answer, but because it involved a confidentiality agreement, they did not dare to spread it freely.

"Old man, old man, you are not as popular as a freshman. Almost all the freshmen know you as their senior brother, but not me as the dean of the Fourth House."

Duan Wuya shook his head and looked at Shen Bailian with a half-smile, a hint of teasing on his face.

Along the way between the two of them, many freshmen knew Shen Bailian, but most of them looked at the dean next to the boy as if he was someone else.

"After the freshmen meeting tomorrow, they will all know you." Shen Bailian said with a smile.

After getting along many times, he also discovered that Duan Wuya was indeed very easy-going towards him, so he was no longer so cautious.

After all, such an elder would not be angry with a junior as long as the junior is not too excessive.

"These are all small things. As long as you become strong enough, others will pretend to know you even if they don't know you." Duan Wuya said with a smile:

"But this is also the honor you deserve. Whether in the first round or the second round, you have performed extremely well. If the second round of trials can proceed normally, it will be difficult for anyone to defeat you in the future. record."

"Hehe." Shen Bailian smiled and scratched his head.

"However, I still underestimated your potential before." Duan Wuya restrained his aura, with a kind smile on his face, just like an ordinary elder.

Shen Bailian listened carefully.

"I originally thought that your potential was weaker than Xu Changqing's." Duan Wuya had a look of emotion on his face, as if he was lamenting the impermanence of the world, and said with a smile:

"But now it seems that you may be stronger than him, and even be able to surpass him."

"Xu Changqing?" Shen Bailian asked doubtfully.

The person who can be praised so much by Duan Wuya must not be an ordinary person.

"The senior brother of level 43 martial arts students." Duan Wuya then added: "Unlike your senior brother, Xu Changqing is the senior senior brother of all level 43 students, and even most of the level 42 and 44 students."

"And he's the kind of senior brother who is convinced. You should understand what I mean, right?"

"Understood." Shen Bailian nodded dumbly.

How did he become a senior brother?

It's very simple, use your own powerful strength to conquer everyone temporarily.

However, the status of this kind of senior brother is not stable. Many people are not convinced in their hearts. They are forced to accept it due to the psychological pressure of conformity.

Once something happens, there may be a thunderstorm.

As for Xu Changqing in Duan Wuya's words, he should use his own strong strength, coupled with his strong personality charm, or...

It is rare to conquer all the martial arts students.

"Before you came, Xu Changqing was the strongest newcomer in the history of Tiangang Academy. He just started his junior year this year. He is only one step away from the sea-opening realm."

"Once Xu Changqing stabilizes in Pihai Realm, he will have a chance to represent Tiangang Academy in the National College Martial Arts League and win the top 100."

"If he can win the top 100, he will have the ability to sprint into the Disha list."

"Top 100?" Shen Bailian frowned slightly, a little surprised, and couldn't help but ask: "Can martial artists in the Pihai Realm only win the top 100 in the National College Martial Arts League?"

"The warriors of the Piercing Sea Realm are indeed very strong, but it also depends on the occasion." Duan Wuya sighed and said with emotion:

"In Daxia, the lower the game, the more restrictions there are."

"As for the National College Martial Arts League, there is only one registration condition. Anyone who is a student of Daxia Martial Arts University can register, and this includes all martial arts students from freshman to fifth year."

"Wouldn't this be a little unfair?"

Hearing this, Shen Bailian was stunned for a moment, and then immediately continued to add: "The higher the junior, senior, and fifth year martial arts students, the longer they have practiced, they will naturally become stronger, so their strength is completely unequal. ah."

"Fair? Xiao Shen, your mentality has not completely changed from the warrior apprentice stage."

When Duan Wuya heard this, he was not angry. He just straightened his face and his eyes were gentle but firm, like an elder admonishing the younger generation.

This made Shen Bailian feel slightly flustered, because Duan Wuya had never shown such an attitude in front of him.

However, in just a moment, he settled down under the gentle gaze and listened quietly.

"Fairness is a very rare thing in this world, and fairness is relative." Duan Wuya's eyes became deep and he continued:

"Actually, what you are thinking about was also considered by the top leaders of Daxia at the beginning of the college martial arts league, but this plan was eventually abandoned."

"Do you know why?"

"Why?" Shen Bailian also entered the state and couldn't help asking.

"What do you think of Bozhou City where you live?" Duan Wuya did not answer directly, but asked a seemingly irrelevant question.

"It is a very stable and beautiful hometown."

Shen Bailian answered without hesitation.

He did not praise his hometown, but it came from his heart.

In Shen Bailian's impression, before the Sanqingshan trial, the fierce beasts were just monsters seen in textbooks and three-dimensional projections, which were far away from his life.

As for the worship of gods, it is more of a topic of conversation. It is rare to hear that anyone's life was really affected by the worship of gods.

And the sheriff is also very responsible. If the fierce beasts outside are ignored, energy has completely entered the era of controllable and miniaturized nuclear fusion, and everyone can have enough food and clothing.

Except for a small number of people, it is simply an ideal city of the future.

"Then do you realize the problem now?"

"The problem?" Shen Bailian was slightly stunned. What's the problem?

"Did the God's priest tell you about fairness in the God's Ruins?" Duan Wuya didn't say anything after he finished this sentence. He knew Shen Bailian would definitely react.


Like a huge bell, it instantly dispersed the fog in Shen Bailian's heart, and he suddenly woke up. His mouth was a little tight, and he answered dryly: "I realized it."

Too stable, this is abnormal.

The era of Daxia is now in a chaotic world, not a peaceful and prosperous world. Ferocious beasts cannot be ignored at all, and the same is true for the God Worship.

And the reason why they live so steadily is because someone is carrying the burden forward.

And this is unfair in itself, because in Daxia, those who carry the burden forward pay the price of their lives, or even their families.

From the beginning to now, all the competitions that Shen Bailian has participated in have a restriction, that is, martial arts students of the same grade compete on the same stage.

However, this is artificial fairness, just like the welfare measures of the Novice Village.

However, on the battlefield, those brutal beasts and vicious and cunning gods never talk about fairness with the people of Daxia.

"You are still a freshman, so you still have the opportunity to compete with students of the same grade on the same stage. You must cherish it and do your best to win all the first places."

"After your sophomore year, all the competitions between colleges and universities will have no grade restrictions. You must be mentally prepared." Duan Wuya's voice was low and powerful, giving people a sense of persuasion.

"Why should this system be popularized?"

"Why can only excellent warriors get more resources?" Duan Wuya stared at Shen Bailian and said in a deep voice:

"Because our Great Xia has always been facing the crisis of extinction. If we are not strong, we will die. Once the first god begins to return, it will be a devastating blow to the entire human race and the entire Great Xia."

"So, we have formulated a relatively fair but not so fair rule"

"It is impossible to say that the first place in the sophomore year can get more resources than the top students in the junior year. This is unfair to the top students in the junior year."

"It is precisely because of this external crisis that time waits for no one, so what Great Xia needs is one or more powerful martial gods, rather than a bunch of geniuses with great potential but not yet fully developed."

"You have studied for so many years, you should understand this common sense, right?"

Shen Bailian nodded and fell silent.

In the competitions of freshmen and below, there is basically a shadow of "fairness".

But in the sophomore year or above, or after graduation, due to the external situation, they have to follow the rule of survival of the fittest.

"Don't think too much." Duan Wuya suddenly laughed: "This rule only applies when you participate in the national martial arts league in the future, or compete for the Tiangang Disha list."

"The resource allocation promised to you before will definitely be in place."

"That's fine."

Shen Bailian was relieved when he heard this. He thought he had to compete with those martial arts students in their sophomores, juniors, seniors, and even seniors for training resources.

With his current strength, he would definitely not be able to compete.

"Teacher Duan." Shen Bailian asked, "Can I ask what specific cultivation resources Tiangang Academy can provide me?"

"Although mental power is not so important in the Liming Realm, strong mental power is a necessity in the Transcendent Realm after the Liming Realm and above the Transcendent Realm."

"You should have a deep feeling about this." Duan Wuya said with a smile, "The stronger the mental power, the stronger the control over the body, and it can also increase the comprehension."

Shen Bailian nodded.

After his mental power broke through 3.0, his comprehension became stronger with the improvement of mental power.

In addition, the stronger the mental power, the ability to perceive, think and comprehend is constantly improving.

As for the basic swordsmanship, Shen Bailian has played a variety of basic swordsmanship, from the original Day Tiger, Thunder, to the Breathing Realm of All Things, to the current Golden Su Ge, Windward Slash, and Golden Skyline.

Cutting through steel is no longer difficult for him now.

"But if you want to improve your mental power, I told you before."

"Yeah." Shen Bailian nodded.

If you want to improve your spiritual power, there are no more than three methods: physical pregnancy, taking heavenly materials and earthly treasures, and finally, the method of contemplation (contemplation of gods).

Duan Wuya continued to introduce: "The original idea was to prepare a Stabilizing Platform for you, coupled with a Sun-level observation method, to help you quickly break through level 10.0."

"But now it seems that the Stable God Platform can be exchanged for other cultivation resources."

Shen Bailian wanted to reject the idea of ​​contemplation, but he quickly rejected his idea.

Because there is also an "Eight-in-One Great Sun Contemplation Idea" on the panel waiting for him to solidify. Judging from the character of this contemplation idea, it must be a divine contemplation method, or far superior to a divine contemplation method.

The meditation method prepared by Tiangang Academy can be used as a cover.

"The second is the priority redemption rights for cultivation resources signed in the previous A-level training contract, similar to various heavenly materials and earthly treasures, various levels of basic nutritional potions, Yun Shen Shen Tea, Yuan Jing, Star Yuan Jing... "

"When your training funds are released, as long as you have enough funds, you will get the right to snap up."

"Original crystal?" Shen Bailian's pupils shrank slightly, and he asked in shock: "Isn't it a crystal formed by the condensed energy of heaven and earth?"

"That's right." Duan Wuya smiled and nodded: "The first-order Yuan Crystal is suitable for the warriors of the Destiny Realm and is worth fifty thousand Daxia coins; the second-order Yuan Crystal is suitable for the warriors of the Mortal Transformation Realm and is worth one hundred thousand Daxia coins. One coin..."

"As for the star yuan crystal, it is easy to understand that it is the yuan crystal that contains the power of the stars. The first-order star yuan crystal is worth one hundred thousand Daxia coins, and the second-order star yuan crystal is worth two hundred and fifty thousand Daxia coins..."

"So expensive?" Shen Bailian couldn't help but secretly smacked his lips, and asked doubtfully: "Is there any difference between Yuan Jing and Star Yuan Jing?"

"Star Yuan Jing is a Yuan Jing that contains the power of stars. After years of experimental verification, it has been found that the power of stars can also promote transformation. It is gentler and more efficient than the power of heaven and earth." Duan Wuya smiled half-heartedly. Looking at the young man, he said slowly:

"Moreover, multiple studies have proven that there is a 10% to 20% combat power gap between warriors who use star crystals and warriors who use crystals at the same level."


When Shen Bailian heard this, he was immediately confused. Isn't this a concrete manifestation of Qian's ability?

The one to two percent difference in combat power was enough to drive all the warriors crazy, but the price of the star crystals was a bit outrageously expensive.

"Don't be too expensive." As if he could see the young man's shock, Duan Wuya continued: "Compared to the number of warriors in the entire Great Xia, the power of stars is not very large, and it is still condensed into substantial star power. "

"If you were not a martial arts student at Tiangang Academy, the words "Star Yuan Jing" would not appear in your list of redeemable resources.

"Awesome." Shen Bailian admired sincerely.

No wonder Tiangang Academy has been able to securely sit on the throne of the six universities for so many years. With this alone, the martial arts students from the first-class martial arts schools are unable to catch up.

"Third: the actual combat instructor."

"Normally, first-year martial arts students will choose to practice with a teacher based on their proficiency in weapons, practice their skills in actual combat, and improve their mastery of weapons."

"For example, those who practice spear will follow the marksmanship teacher; those who practice bow and arrow will follow the archery teacher... Each teacher is a strong person in the late stage of transformation or sea-opening realm, and each one will lead about seven or eight students."

"As for the martial arts students of the Yaori level Longmen species, they will be assigned a special-level teacher with rich teaching experience, whose realm is the sea-opening realm." Duan Wuya had a touch of pride on his face.

Shen Bailian held his breath, feeling a storm in his heart.

Is this Tiangang Academy?

This is completely different from the remote Bozhou City. It has been rare to see a Mortal Realm warrior for more than ten years, and his status here is no different from that of an "ordinary person".

Moreover, there are at least thirty people in the Kaihai Realm who are currently on display.

This kind of teacher strength is really terrifying and intimidating.

"There are some martial arts students whose talents are quite terrifying. They have reached the third level of breathing, and even special teachers have difficulty giving effective guidance." Duan Wuya said:

"So, this group of students will be personally taught by the vice-dean."

"And the weapon I use happens to be a knife, so I can teach you." Duan Wuya narrowed his eyes and said softly:

"In our college, you are the only Sunshine-level Longmen martial arts student, so I will personally guide you."


Of course Shen Bailian wanted this.

After so many days, and with Kong Chaowu's introduction, he had gotten to know Duan Wuya, a strong man in the Sea-opening Realm in the Title Realm.

Moreover, the title is still Canghai Kuangdao, and his mastery of the weapon is at least to the point of subtlety.

"Shen Bailian, meet the teacher." Shen Bailian paused, and then bowed respectfully without hesitation.

Duan Wuya, as a dean and a powerful man with a title, was willing to take time to guide a warrior in the Destiny Realm like him.

Plus the past.

Therefore, Shen Bailian just pondered for a moment before deciding to become Duan Wuya's disciple.

"Are you studying as a disciple over there?"

"Isn't that Dean Duan of Canghai Crazy Sword? He is actually willing to accept a disciple!"

"Fuck, brothers, big news, big news, someone actually wants to worship Dean Duan as a teacher..."


Instantly, all the sophomores and juniors who saw this situation stopped in their tracks and looked at this scene in disbelief.

It can be said that among all the martial arts students here, some may not be familiar with Duan Wuya's appearance, but they must have heard of the name "Canghai Kuangdao".

Because the four words "Canghai Kuangdao" are the movable signboard of Tiangang Academy, not all Pihai Realm warriors can get the title.

"There are actually people who are overestimating their own abilities and want to ascend to heaven in one step by worshipping Duan Wuya as a teacher." A junior martial arts student sneered and said disdainfully.

"Hey, that's not right." Suddenly, a sophomore martial arts student looked at the back and felt that he had seen it somewhere: "That seems to be this year's freshman king, Shen Bailian."

And under a big tree not far away, a young man and a big man fought side by side, watching the scene on the road with interest.

The young man had a handsome face, deep eyes that seemed to be able to see through people's souls, and a wicked smile on his lips. It was Lu Changsheng.

The big man next to Lu Changsheng was more than eight feet tall, with deep and bright eyes, thick and curly beard around his mouth, and his muscle lines were particularly clear under the outline of tight clothes. He had broad shoulders and a strong waist.

Standing behind the crowd, he was like a standing boulder.

"He is Shen Bailian?" Xiong Dali looked at the boy who saluted respectfully, and his voice was transmitted in a line.

"Yes." Lu Changsheng's mouth corners slightly raised, and he also said in a line: "How about it, are you interested in going up and getting to know him now?"

Xiong Dali's mouth twitched slightly, and he looked at Lu Changsheng next to him with a suspicious look, as if to say: Are you stupid or am I stupid?

Anyone with a discerning eye can see that this apprenticeship is a natural thing. If Duan Wuya didn't mean to do so, it would never happen.

If someone dares to disturb?

The end can be imagined.


"Have you thought about it?" Duan Wuya also put away his smile and looked at the bowed boy seriously.

The one-on-one instructor in the martial arts university and the high school teacher are two completely different concepts.

Because the one-on-one instructor has to spend a long time with the students he teaches, to a certain extent, this is no different from the traditional master.

And the traditional master-disciple relationship, to a certain extent, is not father and son, but better than father and son.

Although this ancient teacher-student system has been abolished in modern times, its spirit is still preserved.

Almost every martial arts master will look for a closed disciple to inherit his mantle when he has difficulty making progress.

"I have thought about it, and I am willing to worship you as my master." Shen Bailian bowed, took a deep breath, and answered firmly.

It is a rare opportunity for him now to worship a titled master of the Sea-breaking Realm.

"Okay, okay~" Duan Wuya saw Shen Bailian who had finished the ceremony, and immediately reached out his hand to help Shen Bailian up: "You will be my last disciple from now on."

The smile on his face could not be wiped off.

Duan Wuya had the intention to accept Shen Bailian as his disciple, but he didn't know how to start, because for so many years, he had never thought about it, nor had he been mentally prepared.

There were so many people present here today, and Shen Bailian performed such a great ceremony, which showed that Shen Bailian really wanted to become his disciple.

"Thank you, teacher." Shen Bailian stood up with a smile on his face.

Teacher, compared to the two titles of Dean Duan and Teacher Duan, is much closer.

"What are you all doing here? If you have nothing to do, go back to practice." Duan Wuya turned around and looked at the crowd of spectators outside, and his face instantly turned cold.

In an instant.

The birds scattered like a flock of beasts, and the other sophomores and juniors of the martial arts department saw this situation, and they all turned their faces away, pretending to be passing by, walking away, and flying away.

In just a few seconds, the road that was originally crowded with people became empty.


Shen Bailian's mouth twitched twice when he saw this.

And not far away.

"Dean Duan and him really have a special relationship. He can even worship him directly in public."

Tian Ming quietly watched Duan Wuya and his two disciples who were gradually going away. His fists clenched tightly beside his trouser legs, and a look of unwillingness appeared on his face.

(The character appears in Chapter 111)


The episode of worshipping a disciple came to an end.

Duan Wuya's mood was obviously much better. He took Shen Bailian for a walk and continued to walk towards Tianhui Square.

"Oh, by the way, teacher." While walking, Shen Bailian suddenly thought of his parents, frowned slightly, and asked nervously:

"Can I exchange some natural treasures suitable for the apprentice stage of a warrior?"

The reason for the nervous mood was that he was not sure what Duan Wuya thought of this matter.

"Do you want to use it for your family?" Duan Wuya smiled slightly, and instantly guessed the boy's intention.

"Yes." Shen Bailian nodded.

As the saying goes, if one person succeeds, the whole family will benefit.

Now that he has obtained so many cultivation resources and tens of millions of Daxia coins in his hands, he originally wanted to buy a small villa in the inner city of Bozhou City.

But who would have thought that Shen's father and mother didn't want to move away, so they changed another way to improve their martial arts realm.

You don't need too high combat power, as long as you can become a martial artist in the Liming realm, you can not only have a certain self-protection ability, but also prolong your life.

With the cell activity of a martial artist in the Liming realm, it is not a problem to live to 150 years old, or even 200 years old.

"Of course." Duan Wuya readily agreed: "But your mentality is a bit wrong. You shouldn't ask me about this, but you should decide it yourself, understand?"

"Teacher, why is this?"

Shen Bailian was stunned.

"I understand your thoughts." Duan Wuya sneered, shook his head, and said with emotion: "Do you think you shouldn't waste cultivation resources at this time, or even feel a little guilty?"

"Yeah." Shen Bailian nodded, he did have this worry.

In his concept, this sum of money was a subsidy given by Daxia, and he didn't make any contribution now, but he enjoyed these precious cultivation resources out of thin air.

"If it was a hundred years ago, there would definitely be teachers who would praise you for this idea, but now no dean would praise you."

"Have you ever thought about why you can get these resources while others can't?"

"Because I have a strong talent." Shen Bailian replied, vaguely understanding something, but not very clearly.

"Yes." Duan Wuya said affirmatively: "It is because of your strong talent,"

"You have good grades in cultural courses, and you should have a certain understanding of economic common sense. Tiangang Academy's allocation of resources to you is an investment, and investment does not necessarily have returns."

"The most important thing is that such a person is not enough to become a real strong man, nor can he grow into a leader of Daxia."

"The entire Daxia is no longer able to bear this kind of loss again."


Shen Bailian keenly grasped the key words.

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