I asked you to practice martial arts, and you achieved the Golden Body?

Chapter 159 The strength that has to be gradually exposed

New Era 345, November 30th morning.

In a canyon about 50 kilometers away from where Shen Bailian had fought the Savage Giant Ape King.

There was a strong smell of blood in the air, which spread to all directions with the slowly blowing breeze.

On this battlefield stained with blood, dozens of huge wolf-like beasts fell to the ground in all directions. Their once hideous faces were now covered by the silence of death.

The fangs of these wolf-like beasts were sharp and slender, but now they were powerlessly exposed to the air, flashing a blood-red luster.

Most of the heads of the second-level beasts were broken, with brains splattered, and some were directly cut open by sharp blades, revealing white bones and pale soy milk.

Generally speaking, the vitality of the second-level beasts is strong enough, and they also have a strong healing ability. It is difficult to kill them completely without completely crushing their important organs.

And the head is the fundamental weakness of all living things.

So, it's not that Shen Bailian wants to become a head-blasting maniac, but the simplest and most efficient way to kill the enemy is to blast or chop off its brain.


Shen Bailian stood next to a huge beast, and the Eye of God swept around. When he confirmed that no beast was still alive, he couldn't help but breathe a sigh of relief.

"Kill the 18.6 level 2 beast Blood Fang, and get 8 points."

Name: Shen Bailian

Identity: Tiangang Academy freshman martial arts student

Points: 4503

Ranking: 31

"After working so hard for so long, I only rose to 31st place." Shen Bailian looked at the ranking on the virtual AR glasses, rubbed his temples, and couldn't help but feel helpless:

"It's now the seventh day of the first round of eliminations. If you want to pass the first round of eliminations stably, you must keep your ranking stable in the top 24."

This is the ideal situation.

Shen Bailian originally thought that he could quickly brush points with the Eye of God skill.

But he subconsciously overlooked a problem. The most powerful warriors in the late stage of the Transcendent Realm participated in the first round of the elimination match of the Golden Cup League.

Especially the geniuses of the six universities, basically all have the ability to fight across levels.

In addition, there are few peak-level second-order beasts in the Wutai Mountain Trial Field, which makes it difficult for those geniuses in the late stage of the Transcendent Realm to encounter beasts of equal strength.

It was basically a one-sided battle.

"I want to stay in the top 20." Shen Bailian turned his head suddenly, looking at the place where he originally practiced in seclusion with a serious look: "It's not that there is no way."

In the evening of November 28.

When Shen Bailian's mental power reached level 18.8, the amount of mental power reached eight times that of level 10.0. In addition, with the continuous practice of the Eight-in-One Great Sun Visualization Method, the strength of mental power has also undergone a qualitative change.

The limit detection range of the Eye of God has also expanded from the original one thousand meters to three thousand meters.

Shen Bailian also discovered the gathering place of apes.

In the new era, the apes that evolved under the influence of the heaven and earth's energy became extremely powerful. If it weren't for the curse set by the gods, those ape tribes would have a great chance of evolving into a new intelligent race.

However, there is no such if.

Because what the gods hate most is that other creatures have the two characteristics of wisdom and emotion, especially social creatures.

With wisdom and emotion, how can they be willing to be tools of the gods?

Although the wisdom of the ape tribe was imprisoned by the gods, they still learned simple smelting, group combat, making weapons and armor... and division of labor and cooperation.

Just like the troll tribe in the western continent.

In that ape tribe, there are about 300 apes and more than 200 adult apes.

The weakest adult ape is in the early stage of the second stage. The strongest leader, according to Shen Bailian's detection, has just broken through to the peak of the middle stage of the second stage.

That is equivalent to a mid-stage warrior of the Transcendent Realm with a physical fitness of 18.9.

If you can kill all of these apes, you will definitely get more than 1,000 points and advance to the top 24.


There must be many optically invisible eyes in the sky above such a powerful ape group.


[Congratulations, you have obtained 6 points of divine substance. ]

[Divine substance: 657]

"It seems that I have to burst out most of my strength this time." Hearing the prompt sound from the panel, Shen Bailian pondered for a moment, and a hint of coldness flashed in his eyes.

This time.

Whether it is for points or accumulating enough divine substance to activate the active skill of shadow-like, Shen Bailian must expose his own strength.

"At present, only the teacher, Vice Principal Ji Chenghu, and Principal Xiong Kuohai know my true physical fitness."

"The rest of the leaders and deans of Tiangang Academy only know that I have broken through to the middle stage of the Transcendent Realm."

"And, as long as I am strong enough and have enough potential beyond imagination, it will not be a disaster for Daxia now, but a blessing." Shen Bailian's eyes flickered slightly, and he gradually figured everything out.

A warrior in the Baoyue Realm, or even the Divine Palace Realm, cannot really determine the life and death of Daxia.

Only the strong who surpass the Divine Palace Realm can truly determine the outcome of the battle.

Exploding part of one's strength, although there is a risk of being doubted, can also show one's deep potential and bring about generous resource tilt.

Just like Shen Bailian did before.

Moreover, Tiangang Academy is also one of the top martial arts universities in Daxia, one of the six universities. Xiong Kuohai's strength is unfathomable, and it is not a soft persimmon that can be manipulated by others.

From the official view of Daxia, they are eager to have a cheating genius emerge from the sky and lead Daxia to the highest level.

Isn't every martial arts prodigy a cheater compared to ordinary warriors?

The sea-opening realm, which is difficult for ordinary martial arts students to achieve in their lifetime, is just a big threshold for Tianjiao, and the breakthrough is only a matter of time.

If cheating is illegal, the group of saints in Wudian will be the first to be guilty.

What's more, the leader of the ape tribe who has not yet broken through to the late second level will not force Shen Bailian to take action. He can definitely spend time and gain some experience.

"I can finally unravel your mystery."

Shen Bailian glanced at the Shadow Follower skill on the panel. The passive effects were so incredible and powerful. How powerful would the active effects be?

He was looking forward to this.

Thinking of this, Shen Bailian smiled slightly, no longer hesitated, and suddenly started running towards the direction of the ape tribe before.

This time, it must be an unimaginable gain.

While Shen Bailian was on his way, Tiangang Academy, the spiritual realm virtual space.

During the period when Shen Bailian fell into seclusion, many Yaori-level Longmen martial arts students were put under great pressure due to Shen Bailian's amazing performance in battles.

Therefore, among the crowd at this time, Li Feiyu, Wang Yuxuan, Feng Yanqiu... and others could no longer be seen, and they all went offline to practice.

However, since the mid-term trial had just been completed, there were still many martial arts students who wanted to take another day off and relax properly.

As the saying goes, haste makes waste.

Practicing under conditions of excessive psychological pressure and physical and mental exhaustion will not only not speed up the progress of cultivation, but sometimes cause unnecessary internal injuries and mental backlash.

Almost all the first-year martial arts students have no doubt in their minds about whether Shen Bailian can advance.

Under such circumstances, many first-year martial arts students took advantage of this rare opportunity and chose to change the channel and switch to contestants from other schools.

In the new era, technology has developed rapidly, and the essence of martial arts training is also a transformation of life. Therefore, among the group of martial artists, there are many handsome men and beautiful women unless they do it intentionally.


Among the group of first-year martial arts students, Brother Zhu's shrunken laughter could be heard from time to time... and girls' exclamations could also be heard from time to time.

Such sounds are endless.

Of course, there are also many male and female martial arts students who are off the assembly line.


"Damn it, brothers, look, there's a female tyrannosaurus!" A cry of surprise suddenly erupted among the group of first-year martial arts students.

"What female tyrannosaurus?"


For a moment, the attention of all the martial arts students was attracted by the exclamation, and they all wanted to see the female tyrannosaurus.

"What the hell?" A martial arts student looked over in confusion and shouted, "Brother, don't eat alone. Zoom in on the video and take a look."


As the words fell, a light curtain suddenly appeared in the middle of the martial arts students. The picture in it was clearly visible and was displayed as a three-dimensional projection.

The picture displayed in the projection made everyone's hearts tremble and they were stunned.

They, the martial arts students, originally thought that Shen Bailian's previous battle with the silver-armored demon wolf was brutal, bloody and violent enough.

But compared with the female tyrannosaurus displayed on the light screen, it was much inferior.

"I'll go!" A lean martial arts student couldn't help but swallowed when he saw the fighting scene on the screen. He felt his arms shaking slightly:

"What a female tyrannosaurus!"

In a basin and valley about three hundred kilometers away from Shen Bailian.

"Roar!" "Roar!"

Angry roars, like thunder, continued to explode in the valley, and then continued to echo.

There are at least hundreds of densely packed Nether Demonic Wolves. Their scarlet eyes are like rubies, revealing their bloodthirsty desire to kill. Their fangs are sharp and sharp, like daggers.

Their bodies were covered with dark purple hair, emitting a faint light in the dim sunlight, like creatures coming out of the underworld.

Without exception, among this group of Nether Demonic Wolves, the weakest ones are mid-level second-order ferocious beasts, four to five meters tall at the shoulders, exuding an evil aura.


The group of Netherworld Demonic Wolves that had been invincible in the past encountered great troubles at this moment. There was even a flash of fear in the scarlet eyes of many Netherworld Demonic Wolves.


Amidst the roaring sounds of explosions, a humanoid tyrannosaurus continued to charge among the group of ghost demon wolves.

Zhan Tai Mingyue, who has entered a semi-animal state, has a majestic figure, with sharp dragon horns on both sides of his head, and the dragon horns are also shining with the light of flames.

At this time, she was a full five meters tall. Her arms were like a thick tree. Her fiery red scales shone with metallic luster in the sun, like a burning flame, exuding a terrifying force. breath.


Zhan Taimingyue's dragon claws were sharp and sharp. When they were swung, they were like a red lightning. The air flow surged and instantly ripped open a Nether Demon Wolf, spilling its internal organs and flesh.

And the strong wind that had almost condensed into a substance was swung to the side, and immediately hit a Nether Demon Wolf that was attacking.


Zhan Taimingyue turned around, and the dragon tail behind him suddenly moved, drawing a semicircular arc, like a violent red lightning, and instantly struck down.


The two huge Nether Demon Wolves were immediately hit by a huge force, and their internal organs were shattered into paste. Like a cannonball fired from a gun, they smashed into the group of Nether Demon Wolves.

The malice in their blood, coupled with the fact that the wolf king was still alive, even if the Nether Demon Wolves felt the chill in their hearts, they had to bite the bullet and rush forward.

"Bang, bang, bang..."

With the successive explosions, the internal organs of the Nether Wolf were shattered one by one, and they fell to the ground wailing in pain, and then were completely crushed to death by the running footsteps of the wolf pack.

In just one minute, dozens of Nether Wolfs died completely. The remaining Nether Wolfs roared wildly, but their pace was slowing down.

The Nether Wolf group was indeed bloodthirsty and united, but facing a battle with no chance of winning, the survival instinct in their hearts would also make them afraid.

And fear is contagious in any group of creatures.

Before this day, they encountered the female Tyrannosaurus, but at the beginning, they chased and she fled.

After following Zhan Taimingyue's footsteps into the valley of this basin, the only entrance was blocked by falling rocks for some unknown reason.

And Zhan Taimingyue also entered a semi-beast state, turning from a little sheep into a violent dragon, catching all the Nether Wolfs off guard.

Out of their instinctive desire for power, the fierce beasts will not be satisfied with the status quo after they have become stronger with the help of the power of heaven and earth.

They will completely transform the extremely sparse and weak divine substances contained in the power of heaven and earth into their own blood, strengthen themselves, and thus upgrade, evolve, and advance.

In this process, the wisdom of the fierce beasts will increase, but the divine substances are not so easy to use, it is a double-edged sword.

After these fierce beasts have completely absorbed the divine substances, they will also completely transform into tools of the gods, and their malice towards the human race will be further aggravated.

"Kill the 18.6-level second-level beast Nether Wolf and get 8 points."

"Kill the 19.5-level second-level beast Nether Wolf and get 15 points."


Name: Zhan Taimingyue

Identity: Sophomore martial arts student at Sixiang Academy

Scores: 6938

Ranking: 3

"It's worth my time for a day." Zhan Taimingyue glanced at the Nether Wolf that was slowly retreating, and a smile slowly appeared at the corner of her mouth.

In such a fierce and bloody battle, the unexpected thing was that there was no trace of blood on Zhan Taimingyue's fiery red scales.

Because her bloodline comes from the semi-god-level dragon blood beast-Fentian.

Current bloodline development level: 59%.

Bloodline warriors are different from ordinary warriors. The former's combat power depends not only on physical fitness, but also on the development level of bloodline.

In addition, the development level of bloodline will also feed back physical fitness.

With such a high degree of blood development, Zhan Taimingyue's physical fitness reached an astonishing level of 19.7 in the first semester of his sophomore year, which is the peak of the late stage of the Transcendent Realm.

At the same time, Zhan Taimingyue is also a new generation that the Four Symbols Academy focuses on cultivating at this stage, and has received a lot of resources.

Although Zhan Taimingyue will encounter a higher threshold than ordinary warriors when he is promoted to the Sea-breaking Realm, once he crosses it, he will be free to fly freely.

Because of the special nature of his blood, after Zhan Taimingyue enters the half-beast state, the scales on his body are not only as hard as iron, but also have a temperature of hundreds of degrees Celsius under normal conditions.

This high temperature is enough to evaporate blood.

If Zhan Taimingyue intentionally stimulates it, the temperature on his scales can even reach hundreds or thousands of degrees, but the amount of original force consumed varies depending on the temperature.


Suddenly, a thunderous roar broke the silence.

This roar rolled in like thunder, making all the Nether Demon Wolves feel terrified, and they quickly made way for a wide path leading directly to Zhan Tai Mingyue.

An extremely large Nether Demon Wolf King with a shoulder height of seven or eight meters appeared, with strong limbs and powerful strength, and every step seemed to make the earth tremble.

Its fur was a deep black, with a faint purple light flowing on it, as if the essence of the sun was absorbed by it.

The wolf head, as big as a water tank, was raised high, with eyes like torches, emitting a cold light, as if it could see through all illusions, bringing endless oppression to this basin valley, as if the air had solidified.

The Nether Demon Wolf King, the peak of the second level, level 20.2, the absolute king!

A battle of equal strength is about to break out in this valley.

In the air-space war base, in the combat conference room.

All the representatives of the academies and the representative of the Starry Sky Martial Hall, Lei Zhentian, fell silent and quietly looked at the two enlarged light screens in the center of the round table.

On a light curtain, it was the scene where Zhan Taimingyue and the peak of the Nether Demon Wolf King faced each other.

A burly man with strong muscles, Chen Feng, the representative of the Four Symbols Academy, held his breath and stared at the light curtain motionlessly.

He couldn't help but feel a little worried.

Because the difference in strength between the two was too big.

Level 19.7 vs. Level 20.2, the difference in strength alone reached an astonishing 70 to 80 tons, not to mention that there were so many Nether Demon Wolves in the valley of the basin.

Under the intentional control of the observation team, hundreds of idle sky eyes around the sky gathered towards the sky above the valley. After calibrating the accuracy, they could launch powerful laser attacks at any time.

In the face of the high temperature of tens of thousands or hundreds of thousands of lasers, even the fierce beasts at the peak of the Transcendent Realm had to die in the northwest.

And the others, such as Lei Zhentian, Li Mingxuan, Yu Linglong and Cheng Shangwu, the representatives of Liuxing Academy, all focused their attention on another light curtain.

On the light screen, it was the scene of Shen Bailian killing people in the ape tribe.

"Isn't Xiao Shen's strength a bit wrong?"

"This is too wrong. This is not the strength that a freshman can have. His physical fitness is definitely not as simple as the middle stage of the Transcendent Realm."

"Or, has he been hiding his strength before?" Yu Linglong turned to Cheng Shangwu in confusion, smiled slightly, and said in a voice line: "Shangwu, tell me the truth, what stage and level has Shen Bailian's physical fitness reached."

Hearing this, Li Mingxuan and Lei Zhentian also turned their attention back to the bald and burly man.

Especially Li Mingxuan, who seemed to be particularly concerned about this matter.

Other school representatives sometimes shifted their attention to their own students, but he was doing two things at the same time. Since Shen Bailian came out of retreat, he has been paying attention to the boy.

It was normal at the beginning. He had just experienced a big battle and practiced in retreat for more than ten hours. His spirit and energy were restored to the most perfect state.

There was a breakthrough in physical fitness, which was also within a reasonable range.

After all, for the Tianjiao martial arts students, this kind of thing is commonplace to break through in battle.


When Shen Bailian rushed into the ape tribe, Li Mingxuan found something unusual. When facing the ape leader with a physical fitness of 18.9, the boy was still not at a disadvantage.

Although fighting across levels is not so difficult to understand for Tianjiao or top Tianjiao, there are very few martial arts students who can fight across a whole level.

"Hey, look at you, why do you look like you have never seen the world." Cheng Shangwu did not succumb to beauty, ignored Yu Linglong's gentleness, shook his head helplessly, and said with a smile:

"This Shen Bailian is the first person in our Tiangang Academy from ancient times to the present. Fighting across a whole level is also a piece of cake."

"There is no truth in your mouth." Yu Linglong frowned, glanced at Cheng Shangwu unhappily, and then moved the chair to keep some distance.

Li Mingxuan and Lei Zhentian also turned their attention back to the light screen.

"Ah, in this world, no one cares if you tell the truth." Cheng Shangwu smacked his lips and glanced at Yu Linglong with his peripheral vision. He felt that his heart was bleeding.

He immediately cursed Ji Chenghu and Duan Wuya in his heart.

Early stage of the Transcendent Realm?

Who in the middle stage of the Transcendent Realm can tie with the leader of the apes who is in the middle stage of the second stage and is about to break through to the late stage of the second stage? There is even a tendency to gain the upper hand.


"Clang! Clang! Clang!"

Shen Bailian and the leader of the ape tribe were caught in a fierce battle. The dragon-slaying sword in his hand was like golden lightning, crossing the day, and constantly engaged in fierce battles with the other side.

The leader of the ape tribe felt that the boy opposite him was invincible. Even with the sword and shield blocking him, the brief contact still caused severe pain in his palm joints, blood kept flowing, and his bones were in great pain, as if they were about to break.

The situation was quite critical. In the continuous collisions, the leader of the ape tribe had to retreat several times to find space to move.

At the same time.

It kept roaring. This was not an angry roar, nor was it a call to its companions, but a signal to the few remaining apes to escape quickly.

This human was really too strong.

The leader of the ape tribe felt that the human had been playing with it. He had many opportunities to kill it, but he missed them many times.

He never believed that such a strong man would not be able to grasp this critical moment to kill the enemy with one blow.

"It's almost time."

Shen Bailian estimated the time. It had been nearly half an hour since he and the leader of the ape tribe fought until now, and the play was already in place.


Instantly, like dawn breaking through the darkness, a brilliant golden light suddenly filled the vision of the new ape tribe leader.

However, at this moment, his eyes were full of relief.


The huge sword and shield fell to the ground, and at the same time, a black and red head stained with blood fell, and there was a trace of relief in his eyes.

The huge body of the ape tribe leader, under the influence of inertia, continued to move forward a few steps, and fell heavily to the ground.

The 18.9-level second-stage late ape tribe leader died!

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