I asked you to practice martial arts, and you achieved the Golden Body?

Chapter 181 Dongfeng Express, mission accomplished

At the moment of entering the gate of rebirth.


An invisible pressure from all directions instantly enveloped Shen Bailian's whole body. His face changed slightly, and then he recovered immediately.

The gravity of this No. 98 cave world is twice that of the Earthly Origin Star.

"No wonder the cave world generally does not allow warriors in the life-establishing realm to enter." Shen Bailian felt the pressure around him and adapted to the environment here in just a breath.

You know, the burden of double gravity on the body is not just double, gravity is an all-round pressure on the body, bones, flesh and blood... and even cells.

Therefore, the sudden change of double gravity burdens the body at least three times, and it is still a continuous and stable negative state.

After entering the Transcendent Realm, warriors will evolve at the cellular level, and at the same time, the adaptability that humans are originally good at has been sublimated.

What's more, Shen Bailian's physical fitness level has reached level 19.1, and his mental strength level has also reached level 19.1, plus he has mastered the fourth stage of martial arts.

So just a two-fold gravity change is not worth mentioning at all... Even a three-fold or five-fold gravity change is not a problem at all.

However, under the influence of double gravity, more energy is needed in battle, and more force is needed when flying in the air.


Shen Bailian looked at the projection of the sun in the main world on the sky. Unlike the two suns in the main world of Diyuan Star, there is only one sun here.

It seems so inconsistent.

The mountains in the distance are rolling, the forests are dense and prosperous, and the sun shows a vibrant scene. On the ground, a winding river is surging like a long snake, and its water waves are shining in the sun.

However, in the Cave World No. 98, which should have been full of ferocious beasts, there was no trace of any ferocious beasts within a radius of dozens of miles, and there was not even a cry.

Moreover, the winding water waves seemed to be mixed with a trace of strange bright red, and it became more and more intense as time passed.

Shen Bailian took a deep breath. He knew that the surrounding ferocious beasts were cleared out at a very fast speed by the pioneer troops who came in first, using high-tech means.

Otherwise, with the hostility hidden in the blood of the ferocious beasts, once they smelled the human scent, a conflict would surely break out, and the ferocious beasts in the Cave World No. 98 were all Ram's eyes.

However, although the vacant reconnaissance area within a radius of dozens of miles is not noticeable in the Cave World No. 98 with a million square kilometers, if it is maintained for a long time, it will inevitably be detected as abnormal.

"Hello, classmate Shen Bailian." Suddenly, a familiar voice sounded in Shen Bailian's ears. It was the guardian Yu Hu who was previously responsible for the logistics support troops.

"Okay, I'll land right away." Shen Bailian clicked on the virtual AR smart glasses, and then saw the war fortress below, which was in optical invisibility and had taken shape.

In fact, he had already seen the war fortress below through the Eye of God when he first came in, but this area was under surveillance, so he had to pretend.

"Don't worry about this." Yu Hu's answer surprised Shen Bailian, and he continued to say through the private channel: "I want to ask, is classmate Shen Bailian interested in the Ascension Martial Hall?"

"You mean to let me join the Ascension Martial Hall?" Shen Bailian frowned slightly, and a trace of doubt appeared in his heart:

"But, I don't have any characteristics that can impress you, right?"

The Ascension Martial Hall is a very special existence in Daxia. From the lofty concept of "flesh and blood are weak, and mechanical ascension", it can be seen that this group of people pursue mechanical ascension.

The late stage of the Transcendent Realm at the age of 17 should not mean much to this group of people, right?

"No, Mr. Shen's mental power is enough to impress us. Based on the strong perception you have shown in the past, I guess your mental power has reached the second level now, right?"

Shen Bailian showed a look of astonishment on his cheek, but he soon figured it out. It should be the divine skill [Eye of God] that surpassed the imagination of the detection method, which made the other party misunderstand his mental power level.

However, Shen Bailian remained silent afterwards, neither admitting nor denying.

After all, that kind of perception that is so strong that it is a bit abnormal, even many warriors with mental power reaching the second level cannot easily do it.

Misunderstanding is misunderstanding, as long as you don't admit or deny, there will be no loss for Shen Bailian

"The mental power level is related to our 'lifespan' and the limit that can be carried. As long as Mr. Shen is willing to agree to join our Feisheng Martial Hall, after your mental power enters the third level, the emperor can promise to build you a strongest body."

"Who is the emperor?" Shen Bailian asked doubtfully.

What a domineering name. To choose such a name in this era obviously means that one has extremely strong self-confidence in his own strength.

"You don't have enough authority, so I can't tell you for now, but if you are willing to join the Ascension Martial Hall, all information can be opened for you."

"All?" Shen Bailian was slightly shocked.

This is really a big deal. For these tough guys in the Ascension Martial Hall, information is money, life, and it is also related to their evolution.

"Yes, as long as your mental power level can break through the third level before the age of 22, all information in the Ascension Martial Hall can be disclosed to you."

"Let me think about it." Shen Bailian had already landed in the war base. He looked at the logistics support troops coming and going and pondered for a moment. He originally wanted to refuse directly, but he changed his words when he said it.

Because within Daxia, the strength of the science and technology side is not weaker than that of the martial arts side. Without the rapid development of high-tech technologies such as medical cabins, artificial intelligence, and cave technology... martial arts would not develop so fast.

To a certain extent, the strength of the technology side is even stronger than that of the martial arts side.

Nuclear fusion technology has completely solved the energy problem, making energy cheap. Air and space war bases, war robots, war mechas, energy cannons, and electromagnetic restraint cannons that only exist in fantasy have become a reality.

Relying on these technologies, just Daxia on Earth Yuan Planet was enough to start a shocking interstellar war and win.


There used to be gods standing high in the sky on the Earth Star, but now there are weaker gods. They all know the war potential on the side of human technology, so various fields have been born.

The purpose of these fields is nothing more than to abolish the powerful external force of the human race.

Therefore, under the dual factors of external force and sense of security, coupled with Daxia's strong support, the martial arts side replaced the technology side and became the strongest school.

Technology has become an auxiliary means to help martial arts develop more rapidly.

After getting Shen Bailian's ambiguous answer, Yu Hu also became enthusiastic. At least he didn't refuse, which meant that this rising star had no objection to ascending to the Martial Palace.


Under the guidance of Yu Hu, Shen Bailian met up with Yuwen Changkong and came to a cave-sky combat command room with several thousand square meters.

Yue Feng, Lei Zhentian, and Cheng Shangwu stood in front of a huge three-dimensional projection, discussing the battle plan in a low voice.

The three-dimensional projection is a reduced version of the terrain area of ​​Cave No. 98, with mountains and meandering rivers. The gathering locations of various ferocious beasts have been marked with red dots...

Of course, there are also some black hole areas. Those areas are places that have not been detected by nanorobots and are most likely where the gods are hiding.

"How do you two feel?" Yue Feng had already noticed Shen Bailian and Yuwen Changkong, with a faint smile on his face.

Wasn't the captain's brain caught in the door?

How could he be so polite to two freshman martial arts students, and even have a vague feeling of respect?

The faint, even distorted smile on Yue Feng's face made Lone Wolf and Tie Yuan look at each other in confusion, with doubts appearing in their heads.


If Yue Feng knew what Lone Wolf and the two were thinking, he would not blame them. After all, Lone Wolf and the two did not know the whole story.

Now Yue Feng even regrets letting Shen Bailian in.

Because no one can guarantee that it is 100% safe when exploring the mezzanine world of Yuanxing. Once Shen Bailian has a small problem, with the stubborn temper of the old man who will never regret it, even if the Daxia military is behind him, he will inevitably get a flesh and blood meal. suffering.


Yue Feng could only hide this kind of frustration in his heart, and certainly did not dare to expose it openly. After all, Cheng Shangwu's people were still here.

"Senior Yue." Shen Bailian and Yuwen Changkong immediately responded respectfully.

Being able to become the captain of the Sharp Sword Law Enforcement Team and mobilize such a large number of Sea-opening Realm warriors is absolutely amazing. Moreover, this is a mezzanine world, so naturally one has to respect each other.

"Okay, now that you two have arrived safely, I'm relieved." After Yue Feng finished speaking, he turned to look at Cheng Shangwu and Lei Zhentian, and asked in a deep voice: "What's next, God's Ram , I’ll leave it to you two.”


"It's funny, I haven't done anything for more than half a year, so I just took this opportunity to stretch my muscles."

Lei Zhentian and Cheng Shangwu laughed and readily agreed. Yue Feng had already informed them of the specific situation when they entered the mezzanine world.

"Yu Hu, how is the Dongfeng Strategic System prepared?" The expression on Yue Feng's face suddenly became serious.

"The Dongfeng strategic system has been installed and is undergoing debugging and targeting work. The remaining time is 10, 9, 8...3, 2, 1, 0."

"The debugging and aiming work of Dongfeng Express has been completed. Commander-in-Chief Yue Feng is required to pass the authorization review before launch authorization can be carried out and a thorough cleaning work can be carried out."

"Dongfeng strategic system? Cleaning up work?" When Shen Bailian heard Yue Feng's words, his heart was filled with waves.

He vaguely thought of something in his mind, but he felt that his idea was too shocking.

No way?

Isn't it really as simple and crude as Shen Bailian imagined?

"Is the plasma shield ready to activate?"

"Already ready to start, pending authorization."


Yue Feng did not hesitate and continued to ask Yu Hu attentively how the relevant preparations were going. After all, he was the commander-in-chief here.

Once a large-scale accident occurs, he must bear the responsibility even if he dies.

After a while~

After all Dongfeng strategic systems and facilities were inspected, Yue Feng's heart suddenly became tense. A flash of determination flashed in his eyes, and he issued the order to confirm the authorization without hesitation.

The Dongfeng strategic system was activated, and the plasma shield was deployed, instantly enveloping the entire war base...


As the earth trembled, Shen Bailian's ears suddenly rang with sharp bursts of air explosions, and he felt that the entire war base was shaking slightly.

Through the large screen in the middle, it can be seen clearly.

In the silent night, the air around the war base seemed to solidify, with only the sound of wind and occasional insects coming from afar.

Suddenly, a dazzling red light lit up from the depths of the launch silo, instantly tearing the tranquility of the night sky. The red light gradually spread, reflecting the surrounding land and sky red, like a sun about to rise.

Immediately afterwards, a deafening roar resounded through the sky, shaking the hearts of everyone in the war base like thunder.

As the roar echoed, the hydrogen bomb rose from the launch silo at an astonishing speed.

They streaked across the night sky like bright meteors, with fiery tail flames and powerful momentum, rushing towards the red dot on the light screen.

In just a few seconds.

A small-yield hydrogen warhead had already reached a target dozens of kilometers away from the war base, a group of powerful silver-armored demon wolves, among which the strongest leader had reached the third-order late stage of physical fitness.

With its own huge defense, even ordinary warriors in the late stage of the Sea-breaking Realm could hardly compete with it, and it often took two warriors in the late stage of the Sea-breaking Realm to kill it.


The hydrogen bomb exploded more than a hundred meters above the ground. At the moment of the explosion, the body of the leader of the silver-armored demon wolf was instantly turned into ashes.

The sky seemed to be torn apart, and the dazzling light instantly illuminated the entire No. 98 Cave Heaven Small World. The light was so strong that the picture on the light screen was reflected pale and somewhat distorted.


A deafening roar spread throughout the fields, and the heat wave generated by the explosion quickly spread, engulfing everything around in a sea of ​​fire, turning it into ashes in an instant.

The air was filled with the smell of burning, and the oxygen was consumed in an instant, suffocating.

After the light, sound and heat, the shock wave generated by the hydrogen bomb explosion spread around at an astonishing speed, and wherever it went, as long as it was within the effective killing range.

All the beasts, whether they were second-level or third-level, lost their lives in an instant.

In just one second, one after another hydrogen warheads reached the designated position one after another, and then exploded.

At this time, the world of Cave Heaven No. 98 was like a dazzling sun planted, filled with extreme light and heat.

If the war base had not opened the plasma shield in advance, all the warriors here would have turned into ashes in the shock waves generated by the explosion of these hydrogen bombs.

Even with the plasma shield and nanorobots, the image on the central screen of the Dongtian Combat Command Room was lost a minute ago, and only the situation outside could be vaguely seen through the window.

Why vaguely?

It was because it was too bright and too dazzling. Even a Transcendent Realm warrior felt extremely dazzling when facing this extremely bright light.

So, he could only squint his eyes slightly.

"Is this the Great Cleanup?!" Shen Bailian observed the ruins outside through the Eye of God, and his heart was filled with turmoil and he was completely shocked.

This is a real war.

At the same time, this also overturned Shen Bailian's inherent impression in previous trials. Only the hydrogen bomb with low technological content can explode with such devastating power.

But even so, in the battle on the front line, Daxia as a whole is still in a stalemate, and even slightly at a disadvantage.

A glimpse of the leopard in the tube.

Just from this point alone, it is enough to see how fierce the battle on the border of Daxia is.

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