0.001 second.

Melbourne reacted in horror from his daze. He felt the fiery power in his abdomen and subconsciously mobilized the strength in his whole body to surge up like a wave, trying to push Shen Bailian away.

But it discovered that the boy was like a tarsal maggot, his eyes shining with the cold light of death like bright stars.

Then it turned into ashes in the white light.


Melbourne felt the powerful impact in front of him and the temperature of millions of degrees, and roared to the sky angrily.

It didn't understand. It couldn't figure out how Shen Bailian dared to do so. As a top martial arts prodigy, he couldn't understand why he didn't value his own life so much.



Next 0.001 seconds.


The sky shrouded by thick black clouds seemed to be torn open with a crack. The endless light suddenly broke free like an angry giant beast and poured down violently, covering everything around it in dazzling incandescence.

In the blazing white light of Melbourne, the sound became weaker and weaker, and the shadows became more and more blurred. Finally, it was torn apart, completely swallowed up by the blazing white light, and turned into fly ash.

All confusion is buried in the endless blazing light.

Hundreds of kilometers away~

"Old Li, look, what is that?" A man with a flat head had not heard the roar of the explosion, but the beam of light was so dazzling that it was even dazzling, millions of times better than the scorching sun in the sky. .

Moreover, rising together with it was a towering mushroom.

"There is a high probability that someone will die together with the ferocious beast." Lao Li stared at the "scorching sun" rising in the distance, and his heart twitched. Although he didn't know the other person's name, he knew that the other party was definitely in danger. .

When performing tasks officially issued by Daxia, or participating in the battle of beast tides, you will receive a ten cubic mina ring officially issued by Daxia.

In the Najie, different materials, cultivation resources, nutritional potions, and the most important death-to-die device will be equipped according to each mission.

Yes, it's the device that dies together.

You can only die standing, not live on your knees.

This has been the common creed of Daxia warriors for hundreds of years, and it is also the reason why warriors are respected by the entire Daxia mainstream society.

Most of the devices that perished together were one or more simple, easy-to-carry micro-nuclear fusion devices.

After a miniature nuclear fusion device activates its self-destruction program and self-destructs, its explosive power is equivalent to the detonation of a small-yield hydrogen bomb.

The cost of building a micro-nuclear fusion device is not very high in Daxia today (compared to high-level training resources), so some warriors like to use this micro-nuclear fusion device as a "grenade".

Faced with a small-yield hydrogen bomb at close range, if a peak Pikai Realm warrior is lucky, he may be able to leave a body behind.

Because within the 100-meter area at the center of the explosion, the air temperature can reach astonishing millions of degrees. This high temperature is enough to instantly vaporize 99.9999% of the items in the world.

Even if a sea-opening warrior has a force armor, he cannot face such a high temperature.

Not far away, in other directions, some warriors also noticed this grand scene, and then some warriors who were not in combat status immediately reported this information to the war base.

Yu Hu, who is sitting in the war base, will conduct a thorough investigation one by one to find out which warrior was attacked and whether he needs support, rescue, etc. A series of issues.

It was hundreds of miles away due north from the center of the explosion.


Pillars of light reaching the sky fell from the black clouds. Hundreds of ape-like ferocious beasts moved very fast one by one, constantly dodging the pillars of thunder while frantically throwing boulders and heavy arrows into the sky.

Each of them is over five meters tall, their skin is lime-grey, and the hair on their skin is extremely sparse. At first glance, they look like terrifying upright apes that have just evolved.

Some of them carried sharp stone weapons and spears made of iron and wood.

There are also some ape-like ferocious beasts that use local materials and constantly take out huge rocks from the surrounding area. The huge rocks are like cannonballs and are constantly shooting towards Yuwen Changkong.


All this is in front of Yuwen Changkong who occupies the time of day (thick dark clouds filled the sky); the location (being in the wilderness after the hydrogen bomb explosion, with no obstacles around to avoid); and the people (Thunder Bead).

They are all like ants.


A sound of angry thunder rolled across the wilderness, and the thick black clouds in the sky instantly resonated with it, turning gray-white, and dazzling lightning exploded in the dim wilderness.

Blue arcs of electricity were like agile snake shadows, tearing apart the shackles of the night, dancing wildly in the air, and constantly attacking the ape-like ferocious beasts below.

At this moment, Yuwen Changkong, with the help of the power of heaven and earth, is fully qualified to fight against the warriors in the early stage of the Sea Opening Realm, let alone these ferocious beasts whose strength is only at the late second level?

Any ferocious beast that dares to step beyond the thunder pool will be fatally struck. Even if it does not cross the thunder pool, it can only delay the time of being hit by a few seconds.

In just less than a minute, the hundreds of ape-like beasts, half of which were relatively weak, had been completely turned into ashes under the wrath of thunder.

Another part turned into charcoal, and an extremely unpleasant smell, mixed with the smell of rain, permeated the air.


The air echoed with the heavy and rapid breathing of Yuwen Changkong. His face, which was particularly ruddy due to his blood and vigor, suddenly lost all color and became extremely pale as if suddenly attacked by the winter frost.

His chest rose and fell violently, and the temperature of his body had reached nearly 100 degrees, as if it was about to explode in the next moment. The sweat just came out and evaporated almost instantly, leaving only white marks.

"Look... it seems that this, this... this move of thunder and lightning cannot be used stably before being promoted to the Sea-breaking Realm." Yuwen Changkong's consciousness sank into every inch of his bones, flesh and blood.

He felt that his body was like an active volcano, which could erupt at any time. With the sound of breathing, the temperature began to slowly drop.

Yuwen Changkong stood silently on the sky, breathing slightly, and recovering his own state.

Because the ground below had a nuclear explosion, the iron content became extremely high for a while. Under the action of electromagnetic force, his body naturally floated in the air.

As for various therapeutic potions?

At this time, Yuwen Changkong absolutely dared not use it. That would be tantamount to pouring a bottle of water on a hot flame. The violent reaction would definitely destroy his body.

Unless there is a particularly mild therapeutic potion.

However, this high-level recovery holy medicine is not in the standard configuration. In order to enable Yuwen Changkong to effectively exercise his actual combat ability, Lei Zhentian has temporarily confiscated his original ring.

After a while.

"Gulp~" Yuwen Changkong took out two second-level advanced nutritional potions from the ring and drank them down.


In just a moment, the extremely pure nutrient solution, before it fell into the stomach, turned into abundant energy, and gradually penetrated the limbs and bones from the capillaries in the esophagus with the flow of blood, and each pore gushed out hot air.

But this heat is harmless warmth.


At this moment of enjoyment, Yuwen Changkong's ears moved slightly, and he seemed to hear some strange sound.


In an instant, Yuwen Changkong's muscles and bones all rang, and the strength surged. The nano battle suit covered his whole body, and his eyes emitted bright lightning, as bright as stars, and suddenly rose to the sky.

Fighting posture.

And the next moment, Yuwen Changkong realized that he had thought too much.


The strong wind whistled, and the shock wave brought by the hydrogen bomb explosion instantly caused a force 18 gale, which kept shuttling through the canyon formed by the explosion, making a roar that would scare ordinary people.

The air was filled with an extremely oppressive atmosphere. The surrounding beasts took advantage of the moment when the "Thunder God" in the sky was stunned and fled rapidly in all directions.

"That direction?" Yuwen Changkong disarmed himself and stood in the storm brought by the strong shock wave, as steady as a mountain.

He stared at the direction where the micro-nuclear fusion device was detonated, "tick-tick~", and ripples appeared in his heart.

Because, Yuwen Changkong always felt a sense of inexplicable familiarity in that direction. He lowered his head and pondered for a moment, and said to himself: "Hiss~, I remember that Shen Bailian seemed to have explored that direction before."

"And." Yuwen Changkong frowned slightly and said in confusion: "What's even more strange is that after the explosion, the panic in my heart seemed to gradually subside."

"Could it be that? The enemy I am facing was seriously injured in the explosion, or directly fell?"

A sudden impulse is a special warning among warriors. It is an advance prediction of future dangers after the body and spirit are strong to a certain extent.

And more than ten minutes ago, when Yuwen Changkong was in the battle, his heart beat rapidly for no reason, and his eyebrows hurt sharply, as if he was shrouded by a shadow of death.

Because he didn't know which direction the danger would come from, he could only contact several seniors in the middle stage of the Sea-breaking Realm nearby in advance and ambush not far away.

If there is any danger, the nearest mid-stage Pihai Realm warrior can rush to him in less than ten seconds. With the various weapons and equipment in the ring and the thunder beads, it can be regarded as foolproof.

"Sorry to bother you seniors. When you get out, my master will definitely thank you generously." Yu Wenchangkong stared for a moment and said softly.

The three mid-stage Pihai Realm warriors a few miles away looked at each other for a moment when they saw this situation. Then one of them immediately reacted and smiled and replied: "It's okay, it's okay, there's no need to thank you generously. It's just a simple thing, not worth mentioning."

"Yes, it's nothing, just a small matter, you don't have to thank me, Sun Dazhuang." Another warrior immediately followed.

However, he deliberately mentioned his own name in his words.

"That's right, as a Daxia warrior, we should help each other. For this kind of thing, I, Gu Xinjiang, have the unshirkable responsibility. If anything happens in the future, I will just let you know." The last warrior also followed suit and absorbed the two of them. of essence.

After saying that, the three of them stopped talking and left with satisfaction.

This may be a beautiful thing.

He didn't do anything, he just came over to help ambush for a few minutes, and then he had a chance to get on the line with the future Moon Holding Realm powerhouse.

If this is not a beautiful thing, what is a beautiful thing?

Two days later~

In the treasure land where Shen Bailian was before.

The thick fog that originally shrouded the core area has become much thinner now. Although it still has the effect of blocking the vision, its power is much weaker than before.

Moreover, in the mountains and forests, there was almost no ferocious beast to be seen, and not even the chirping of insects or the chirping of birds could be heard. The silence was a bit scary.

In the thick fog in the core area, in front of an almost ninety-degree cliff leaning on the central lake, there are several huge temples composed of hundreds of ferocious beast heads.

Each ferocious beast had its pupils widened before death, and emotions such as fear, trembling, unwillingness, confusion, etc. could be seen in the pupils of different sizes and shapes.

Some ferocious beasts seemed to have experienced some terrible torture before death, while some ferocious beasts were in confusion and unknowingly embarked on the road to death.

This was Shen Bailian's revenge on the ferocious beasts that attacked him before.


Not far from those Beijing sights, in the middle of the lake, waves of frightening roars were heard continuously, like a terrifying giant beast panting, and every vibration seemed to cause resonance in the surrounding air.

Shen Bailian's whole body was wrapped in the Force battle suit. Thanks to the four levels of martial arts skills, even in the state of cultivation, he could maintain the state of treading water even if he drew out the slightest bit of mental power.

Each of his left and right hands held a second-order star crystal. He calmed down completely and immersed himself in the practice. His powerful mental power continuously guided the heaven and earth energy in the star crystal into his body.

And among these dense heaven and earth energy, there is also a trace of extremely weak but extremely heavy star power, which makes the young man gain a little weight.

Speed ​​is both quality and quality.

But quality itself is quality without any conversion.

at the same time.

[Congratulations, your skill Five Elements Breathing has been improved, experience value +5]

[Congratulations, your character level experience value has been improved, experience value +5]

[Congratulations, your divine substance has been improved, divine substance +1]

[Congratulations, your iron body skills have been improved, and your experience value +1]

[Congratulations, your divine substance has been improved, divine substance +1]


【Divine substance: 839】

Every once in a while, a prompt message will pop up on Shen Bailian's panel, and every few minutes or more than ten minutes, the divine substance will increase by 1.

There's no sign of it slowing down.

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