I asked you to practice martial arts, and you achieved the Golden Body?

Chapter 211 It’s him! It’s him! It’s him! Our

Chapter 211 It’s him! It's him! That's him! Our...

New Era 346, January 17th.

The weather is sunny.

"call out!!!"

Like an arrow like a thunderbolt and a sound like thunder, a manned aerospace passenger plane galloped between the sky and the earth at a speed exceeding 340 meters per second, accompanied by a terrifying roar.

Like a sharp sword, it cuts through the soft sea of ​​clouds in the sky in an instant.

"Dear passengers, welcome to take the Kyoto Air flight. In ten minutes, our flight will arrive at Bozhou Baiyun Airport. Please fasten your seat belts..."

On the aerospace passenger plane, soft announcements surrounded the interior of the cabin. There were all kinds of passersby, lying on their seats. Some were using smart bracelets to browse Starlink, and some were playing games...

There were also some younger children who looked at the white clouds and low-level ferocious beasts flying by outside, and exclaimed "Wow!" and "Wow~" with inexplicable joy.

However, there are still seven or eight high school students aged 16 or 17 who always turn their attention intentionally or unintentionally to a sunny and handsome young man sitting in seat 52A with his eyes closed and looking like he is pretending to be asleep.

"Xiao Feng, you've been identifying him for so long and you're still not sure? Is that person... him?" A tall, fat man poked the head of a high school boy with a buzz cut below him and asked in a low voice. .

After hearing this, several teenagers on the side also turned their attention to the short-haired male high school student, revealing their eager and longing eyes.

"Are you still embarrassed to ask?" Xiaofeng, a high school boy with a short head, raised his head with difficulty, gritted his teeth and complained to that chubby face:

"If you hadn't been holding me down, I would have figured it out long ago."

"Uh." Seeing this, the little fat man couldn't help but reveal an embarrassed smile, then scratched his head and said sheepishly:

"Sorry, because I'm really a little too excited, don't mind, don't mind..."

"Remember carefully whether that person is him."

"Yes, Xiaofeng, please ignore the fat man and think about it carefully. Whether our Starlink account can increase tens of thousands of followers this time depends on today's wave." The teenagers next to him also urged.

In Daxia, although martial arts are prosperous, it does not mean that there are no other paths to take. Although they will be subject to many restrictions, some people just don't like to practice martial arts or martial arts.

Maintaining a state of high pressure and mental stress for a long time is not conducive to the development of society. Beautiful music, movies, and songs can also inspire military morale and inspire warriors' will to fight.

These are all results that have been tested in actual combat.

Moreover, as long as you abide by the laws, obey the laws of Daxia, and pay taxes in accordance with the law, you can contribute to the harmony and stability of Daxia.

Therefore, with a population of two to three billion, the entertainment industry in Daxia not only still exists, but is also extremely prosperous.

There are many young Internet celebrities, singers, and dreamers who choose to flock to this track.

Others are just hobbies and regard the number of fans as bragging rights. If the number of fans is large, they can be monetized and contribute to the path of martial arts practice.

Many adult men and women nearby couldn't help but smile when they saw the boys and girls playing around, some of them sneered...but most of them were envious smiles.

Because this is youth!

A person can only experience youth once in his life!

But while laughing, these middle-aged men and women were also curious about who the young man sitting in seat 52A who had been resting with his eyes closed the whole way was.

He is able to attract the admiration of so many teenagers and girls, and several of them are top-ranked students in Bozhou No. 1 Middle School. It is almost certain that they will enter the six universities in the future.

As for which star it is?

It doesn’t look like it either.

He doesn't even have a bodyguard by his side, how can he be called a famous star?


"These people are really boring." Shen Bailian lay on his seat, looking at the young girls and middle-aged men and women who were like literary monkeys, and the corners of his mouth twitched slightly.

He was a little tired from practicing last night, so he took a nap to rest, but as soon as he woke up, which was good, he found that those people, young people and girls, had been discussing him.

None of those people recognized Shen Bailian, and it was not without some reason.

Ever since Shen Bailian became the top martial arts genius recognized by Tiangang Academy, there is no way to save his photos or videos on any electronic device in Daxia. He can only watch them directly when major top events are broadcast live.

This is the treatment that all top martial arts geniuses have.

As for the reason?


Anyway, that's what Cheng Shangwu told Shen Bailian.

Daxia can become the most powerful country in Earth Yuan Star. There must be many unknown secrets inside. Some secrets cannot be understood by Shen Bailian at this stage.

Even Cheng Shangwu, a warrior at the peak of the sea-opening realm, was not qualified to know.

However, this is also a good thing for Shen Bailian, otherwise daily travel, such as today, would be more than just "monkey watching".

But touch the monkey!

However, as things have developed to this point, Shen Bailian dared not "wake up" and could only pretend to be still asleep, otherwise it would be embarrassing once he woke up.

"When I come back next time, I must not take the air-space passenger plane again. This is too embarrassing." Shen Bailian closed his eyes helplessly, and suddenly remembered another thing:

"However, the high-tech mount that the master said takes so long to make?"

Before he came back, Duan Wuya sent an email, which roughly said that his exclusive mount would take about three days to forge.

You can choose to wait for three days, recognize the master, and then go home.

At first, Shen Bailian was confused.

What era is this, and forging? Shouldn't it be "intelligent manufacturing"?

Especially when he thought that the exclusive mount still needed to wait for three days, Shen Bailian immediately chose to give up, bought a plane ticket, and took the official air-space passenger plane of Daxia back to Bozhou City in advance.

Because he must participate in the Freshman Cup Competition, all his holidays are only six days from January 18th to January 24th.

During these six days, he must go home to accompany his parents.

Cultivation is for life, but once you step into the path of cultivation, you can only find a sad problem.

Cultivation and life are never double-choice questions, but single-choice questions.

Every holiday is precious to family members, especially parents.

Therefore, Shen Bailian wants to temporarily give up cultivation during these six golden days and go home to accompany his parents.

"Little brother, little sister, since you are so curious about who he is, why don't you go up and ask him?" Just as the short-haired male high school student was thinking hard, a soft and sticky voice suddenly came from the side.


The short-haired male high school student and a group of boys and girls were stunned for a moment, and then they all looked at the source of the voice.

Then, they saw a doll-like girl, about three or four years old, blinking her big, bright eyes and looking at them in confusion.

It was as if she was looking at a mentally retarded person.

Ga~ Ga~ Ga~

In an instant.

The boys and girls only felt a crow slowly flying over their heads, making a mocking sound. They looked at each other, ashamed and embarrassed.


The person was sitting in seat 52A, not at the end of the world. They recalled for so long, but there was no result. They might as well go up and ask directly.

"A bunch of idiots! You still have to look at me at the critical moment. I'll go and ask." A boy in black was about to get up, but suddenly felt his collar being pulled.

He turned his head in confusion and saw three young girls holding his collar with one hand, tidying up their makeup, and showing a long-lost kind smile on their faces.

"I know you are in a hurry, but don't be in a hurry." The three young girls stood up together and said with a smile: "Let us three sisters take care of this important task!"


Seeing this, the young men raised their middle fingers in their hearts.

These three sisters are not so hardworking at ordinary times. This time they are so proactive. It's completely a weasel paying New Year's greetings to chickens. They have bad intentions.

Not only do they want to increase their fans, they also want...


"Warning! Warning! Warning!"

"A group of second-level flamingos have been found. Please ask the air-space fighters of each flight to find the nearest airport to land in turn. Repeat once, found..."

Inside the cabin of the air-space passenger plane, red lights suddenly flashed, accompanied by the urgent alarm and broadcast.

All the passengers who had fallen into deep sleep woke up from their dreams and began to check the seat belts, the parachutes under the seats, and the status of the rocket seats.

The boys and girls also sat back in their seats nervously.

After a short period of agitation, there was no other sound in the cabin except the urgent alarm and the rustling sound of movement.

Everything seemed so orderly.

In this regard, Shen Bailian saw the boys and girls who had returned to their seats through the Eye of God, as well as the middle-aged men and women, and the children. He breathed a sigh of relief and slowly opened his eyes.

"After the six-day holiday, I still have to work hard to gain skill experience points as soon as possible and break through my mental power to the second level. Otherwise, if I open my eyes like this, others will think I am sick." Shen Bailian felt his increasingly active mental power and felt speechless.

[Character Level: LV9 (2582/3000)]

[Physique: 20.7; Spirit: 20.6]

[Eight-in-One Great Sun Visualization Method LV2 (401/900)]


After activating the divine skill - A World Away That Day, Shen Bailian felt that his spiritual power was only one step away from a breakthrough.

So, he added the last straw.

Therefore, with the help of the Jiaolong Copper Pillar, Shen Bailian only spent less than half an hour, and his spiritual power easily broke through to level 20.6.

However, this also caused a problem.

Because his spiritual power was getting closer and closer to breaking through the second level, Shen Bailian's spiritual power was now becoming more and more active.

To give a vivid example: Just like when you have diarrhea, if you don't pay attention, your spiritual power will pour out.

And human eyes, generally speaking, are the embankments that are most easily washed away.

As for the alarm inside the cabin, Shen Bailian didn't take it to heart at all.

It's entirely because this kind of thing is so common.

In Daxia, and even around the world, flying by plane is a dangerous thing, because the ferocious beasts on the ground are easy to deal with, but those in the sky are not.

What's more, some flying ferocious beasts often live in the sea of ​​clouds at an altitude of 10,000 meters. Even with fast laser weapons, it is difficult to aim and kill them.

But in Daxia, every city is separated by at least dozens or hundreds of kilometers, and some are thousands of kilometers apart. Compared with air transportation, the cost of land transportation is too high.

Moreover, ordinary railways are on land and have to pass through wilderness areas. The railways will always be damaged by ferocious beasts.

Air transportation is an inevitable path. For the sake of safety, some senior officials in Daxia suggested that the air and space fighters be directly expanded and converted into air and space passenger aircraft.

As for the power issue?

The technical difficulties of the nuclear fusion device have been overcome, and there is almost endless energy. Are you still worried about insufficient power?

However, all the transportation routes of the aerospace passenger planes and the aerospace passenger planes themselves are in the hands of Daxia officials, and no other companies or groups have the possibility to get involved.

"The following is a second-level recruitment order."

"All nearby second-level warriors and above can actively sign up on their smart bracelets, go to the location of the incident voluntarily, and settle their battle merits after the war."

"Repeat, everyone nearby..."

"Huh?" The short-haired male high school student couldn't help but frowned as he listened to the sweet announcement on the radio, and asked: "Why is the second-level recruitment order sent here?"

"That's right." The chubby guy next to him nodded and said, "In a small place like ours, second-level warriors can be considered prominent figures. How come they can fly on this mass version of the aerospace passenger plane?"

"Yeah, I guess I sent it wrong."

"I think so..." The rest of the people reacted after being stunned for a moment.


"Give me a moment, thank you."

Inside the silent cabin, a clear and strong voice suddenly sounded. The passengers in seats 52B and 52C stared blankly at the person who stood up, and subconsciously made way for a narrow passage that could allow one person to pass. the way.

"If you encounter an opportunity to earn military merit, you can't let it go." Shen Bailian walked to the front of the cabin step by step and verified his identity on the smart terminal.

"The identity verification has been passed. Dear warrior, would you like to confirm your acceptance of the first-level recruitment order?"


As he finished speaking, a cabin door slowly opened next to him, and fierce wind rushed into the cabin, blowing the young man's black hair and clothes.

Shen Bailian had a sudden idea and glanced in the direction of the boys and girls. He smiled slightly, raised three fingers, then accelerated and rushed out of the skyliner.

A group of boys and girls looked at the boy's movements with confusion, but when they saw that gesture, which is quite representative in Bozhou City, their pupils suddenly opened and they exclaimed:

"It's him! It's him! It's him!"

"He is the first top martial arts genius in the history of Bozhou City."

"Shen Bailian!"

It's him! It's him! It's him! That's him!

Our hero is Xiao Nezha.

It's him, it's him, it's him.

The young hero Xiao Nezha is higher than the sky.

He is even bigger than he is when he goes to the sea, and he outsmarts demons and subdues ghosts.

The young hero is little Nezha!

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