I asked you to practice martial arts, and you achieved the Golden Body?

Chapter 214 Please, bring peace to Daxia forever!

After Ding Lei dropped a few meters, he barely stabilized his body. Only after he raised his head did the members of the expedition team notice.

At this time, their captain was no longer as relaxed and comfortable as before. He was bending over and breathing heavily. His originally rosy and vibrant face had turned as pale as white paper, and his wet hair was sticking to his scalp.

It seems that he has just experienced a life and death disaster.

"Team, team... Captain, what happened just now?" When someone saw this, they immediately noticed something was wrong, but looking around, they didn't find anything unusual.

Ding Lei changed his usual chatterbox and didn't say a word. He just shook his head quietly.

"Captain, if there is any difficulty, we can solve it together. Don't hide it, okay?"

"That's right." Some members of the expedition team nodded in agreement, and they all asked Ding Lei with concern: "Captain, if you have any questions, just tell me."

"After so many years, we brothers have been friends for a lifetime. We can help you with anything."


"Don't worry, I'm fine, I'm just distracted for a moment." Ding Lei looked at the concerned looks from the team members around him, hesitated for a moment, and finally chose to hide the matter.

Because the look in his eyes just now was so calm and depressing that it was really terrifying.

Just like the bottomless abyss that never sees light, just a casual glance can make people feel an inexplicable trembling, and an unprecedented depression and uneasiness rising from the depths of their hearts.

Can't hold it down.

"You are not allowed to talk about this matter in the future, just pretend it never happened." Ding Lei glanced at the teammates around him who were hesitant to speak, and persuaded him sincerely again.

This time, because of his quick words, he accidentally offended the other party. Fortunately, the unknown strong man was still young and did not act harshly. He looked away just for a moment.

Otherwise, the consequences will be unimaginable.

But if some of them are still thinking about "revenge", the next time they meet, they may not be taken away as easily as before.

"Okay." The members of the expedition team looked at each other for a moment after hearing this.

They also understood the meaning of Ding Lei's words. That boy was someone they couldn't afford to mess with. His strength was at least in the late stage of the Mortal Transformation Realm, or at the peak of the Mortal Transformation Realm.

Coupled with the other party's age, based on their experience, that boy's physical fitness level must be among the best even among first-class universities.

Behind him stood one or several powerful men from the Sea-Opening Realm or even the Moon-Embracing Realm.

It can be said that if you really make the other party unhappy, what will happen and the consequences will be beyond your imagination.

"Huh, isn't he just a genius in martial arts? What's so impressive about him!" A man with a short hair at the back of the team looked at the direction Shen Bailian was leaving and said bitterly:

"Captain, don't look at how that kid is making noises here, but I can guarantee that among his generation, he will be defeated by Shen Bailian, the number one martial arts genius in Bozhou!"

"That's right!" Someone was stunned for a moment when he heard this, and then immediately reacted. He changed from the sluggish state a few seconds ago and said energetically:

"I almost forgot about Shen Bailian!"

"I heard that Shen Bailian, the martial arts prodigy who came out of our Bozhou City, was able to reach the mortal realm in November. Even if he is weaker now, he must not be much weaker than that kid just now. "

"It's not even impossible to win the battle!"

"Besides, the guy just now looks young, but he might be an old martial arts student of some generation. He is definitely not as good as Shen Bailian from our city!"


"That's right!" Under the divergent opinions, the entire expedition team suddenly changed from its previous lifeless state to looking proud and proud.

What Shen Bailian didn't know was that when he reached the finals of the Bozhou City Martial Arts Competition as a dark horse, he was already well-known in the martial arts circle.

And when he won the championship by defeating Li Hongling, the first genius besides blood warriors in Bozhou No. 1 Middle School, this kind of fame could be considered to have reached a small peak in the warrior circle.

And Shen Bailian's careless body gave these warriors who had stayed at the first and second levels for many years a sense of identity and intimacy.

With the conclusion of the Bozhou City Martial Arts Competition, ordinary people have returned to their own lives again. No matter what achievements Shen Bailian has achieved, it has nothing to do with them and their lives.

These ordinary viewers are just watching the fun. After the fun is over, they will basically stop paying attention to these news.

But these groups of warriors are different. Because of the level of authority, the scope of information they can obtain is wider than that of ordinary people.

Among these low-level warriors in Bozhou City, there is a group of people who are secretly paying attention to Shen Bailian's growth process, every progress, every achievement... every drop of sweat.

Some of them were directly or indirectly influenced by Shen Bailian and embarked on the path of cultivation again, becoming full of enthusiasm for martial arts again.

It's like chasing stars.

In other words, he is a hero, the most representative figure of a city in an era, and this kind of figure is not just a statue placed in Bozhou No. 3 Middle School.

Among a hundred martial arts students, if one is influenced by the hero and embarks on the path of changing himself, it is extremely rare for the entire Bozhou City.

What if we look at the entire Daxia?

Therefore, in this era of crisis, the Daxia government not only has no resistance to this kind of heroic worship, but even supports it to a certain extent.

It’s just that the Daxia government will not put this kind of support in the open, otherwise it will be easy for people with ulterior motives to take this opportunity to make a fuss.

"It’s a pity that Lao Zhou is gone, otherwise, we can let his nominal disciple help us beat up that kid!" A member of the expedition team said bitterly, looking at the direction where Shen Bailian left.


"Nothing to regret." Ding Lei silently felt his own state. He had less than 30 years left to live. He sighed in a low voice: "The dead are gone. This result is a kind of relief for Lao Zhou."

"It's better to be an ordinary person than to live in such a fucked up world."

"Captain, what you said is so right. I don't want to come to such a fucked up world again! In my next life, I must be an ordinary rich boy~~"

"A servant!" Someone added maliciously.

"Get lost!"

"Hahahaha." In an instant, the sky thousands of meters high was filled with the joyful laughter of Ding Lei and the members of the expedition team.

"Dear top martial arts prodigy Shen Bailian, thank you for your active response to this second-level conscription order. Please rest assured that your military merit points have been recorded. You can exchange them for the cultivation resources, natural treasures, and armor you want in the municipal hall of any city..."

Shen Bailian quickly shuttled through the sea of ​​clouds, and nodded when he heard the voice coming from the wireless channel beside his ear.

Although it was the first time to experience such a thing, after reading the detailed tutorials of such events, he already had some basic knowledge in his heart.

"It's late, I have to speed up." Shen Bailian glanced at the two suns that were about to set, and then with a bang, he broke through the speed of sound in an instant and rushed towards home.

Eager to go home.

It was past ten o'clock in the evening.

"How about it? More?"

"Enough, enough, really enough!" Shen Bailian stood up quickly, looking at the more than ten dishes on the table that had been cleaned up, and grabbed Shen's mother: "I really can't eat anymore!"

As he said that, he quickly glanced at Shen's father beside him: 'Dad, come and help! '

"Okay, okay." Shen's father understood and persuaded him: "It's not that our son can't eat good food at school. That's Tiangang Academy, and the chefs there are all chefs from seven-star hotels..."

"Why, are you saying that my cooking skills are not good?"

"No! I definitely don't mean that!" Shen's father quickly rejected it.

After all, if this really makes Shen's mother angry, then he will have to take on the responsibility of cooking at home in the future. The sadness of a middle-aged unemployed man!

"Oh, right." Father Shen raised his eyebrows, as if he remembered something, and changed the subject to Shen Bailian and said, "Son, there is another letter. Someone from Xingyi Martial Arts School asked me to pass it to you."

"A letter?" Shen Bailian was a little confused. What era is this? There are still people who write letters? And it's from Xingyi Martial Arts School. Could it be...

"Yes, I'll give it to you right away." After saying that, Father Shen quickly ran to the coffee table, opened the drawer below, took out a green letter, and handed it to Shen Bailian.

The paper felt very comfortable to the touch, with a cool feeling.

Shen Bailian simply scanned it with the Eye of God, and then his face changed slightly, and he said to Father and Mother Shen: "I'll go back to the room to take a look."

After saying that, without waiting for the two to respond, he quickly walked back to the familiar small room and closed the door.

"This... can't be a love letter?" Father and Mother Shen looked at each other, and then their faces were slightly happy, and a long-awaited idea popped up in their minds at the same time.

Inside the room.

Shen Bailian sat in front of the desk that he was familiar with to the extreme, and was silent for a moment. With a heavy heart, he opened the long-sealed letter——

[Bai Lian, should I call you that? I hope so. After all, I have already called you my nominal apprentice outside. I believe you will not bother with a dead person, hahahaha...]

[I heard that in the 1960s and 1970s before the new era, the traffic was very slow, and letters seemed particularly meaningful, so I hesitated again and again, and finally decided to write a letter to you, to my only true apprentice. ]

Shen Bailian smiled knowingly when he saw this, because to some extent, Zhou Changqing was indeed his nominal master.

Because apart from the basic swordsmanship in the teaching package, now thinking back, Zhou Changqing was indeed teaching him wholeheartedly.

[I have deceived many people in my life. During the years when I was a coach in Xingyi Wuguan, I must have "deceived" at least thousands of people, right? You must have been deceived by me at that time, don't rush to deny it, it's certain. 】

"Fuck!" Shen Bailian cursed inwardly, and then laughed.

When he first saw Zhou Changqing's information sheet, he felt something was wrong, but due to his lack of knowledge, he did not make a judgment.

[However, for a small place like Bozhou City, a warrior in the Sea-breaking Realm is considered a top-level warrior. If I were listed as a peak warrior in the Transcendent Realm on the information sheet, I would not have been relegated to the Xingyi Martial Arts Hall. ]

[So, it was natural for me to lie. ]

[I have said too much off-topic stuff. Next, I want to ask you for something. Although the hope is slim, you are the most promising genius I have ever met. ]

[Please, bring peace to the Great Xia for eternity! ]

Each stroke was sonorous and powerful, and Shen Bailian was slightly moved, because from these last strokes of Zhou Changqing, he could faintly feel the taste of the fourth stage of martial arts skills.

This is really amazing!

You know, Zhou Changqing is just an ordinary warrior in the Transcendent Realm, not even a martial arts genius, but he can touch the threshold of the fourth stage of martial arts skills at this stage.

[Bitter! It's really too bitter! Difficult! This world is really too difficult! If I live another life, I would rather not have this great power, and I will never choose to come to this world again! But I don't have the right to choose!!! 】

【To be honest, when we first met, I was almost at the end of my life. A martial artist at the peak of the Transcendent Realm only has a lifespan of fifty or sixty years, which is not as long as an ordinary person. Do you think it's ridiculous? 】

【It's ridiculous! It's really ridiculous! 】

【But as I said before, I don't have the right to choose. I didn't have it before, I don't have it now, and I won't have it in the future. 】

【With my martial arts qualifications, being able to reach the Transcendent Realm is already a great honor, but for my family, for the country... and for my sense of responsibility, I can only keep burning my blood and my spirit in battle... and burn the last bit of my martial arts potential! 】

【I don't regret this, because I did it, I did what a man should do. ]

[The meaning of a peak Transcendent Realm warrior is far different from that of the early Transcendent Realm. I asked my parents to move from a pigeon cage of 30 to 40 square meters to a large villa of hundreds of square meters]

[However, the road of martial arts is difficult, and the battle with fierce beasts is also so. In hundreds of battles, I fell into danger many times and had to burn my lifespan like many predecessors to increase my combat power for a short time. ]

[Although I controlled myself every time and only burned for a few months, half a year... at most a year, but over time, my lifespan also reached the warning line, and I was forcibly persuaded to return from the border of Daxia by official personnel. ]

[At the beginning of cultivation, it was to protect the family and the country, to gain personal power, to live as long as the heaven and earth, and shine as brightly as the sun and the moon, but as I practiced, I found that the length of my lifespan was not even comparable to that of an ordinary person...]

[Ridiculous! It's really ridiculous! 】

【The border of Daxia is like a meat grinder. Every year, hundreds of thousands of warriors in the life-making realm and the mortal realm die on the front line. In the era of frequent beast tides, this number can even rise to more than one million... If you are lucky, you can leave a little flesh and blood and burn into ashes. If you are unlucky...】

One minute later~

Shen Bailian silently put down the heavy letter in his hand. Since he entered high school, he has never read any article word by word.

Because with his ability, he can remember 80% to 90% of it at a glance.

However, Shen Bailian spent several minutes reading this last letter left by Zhou Changqing, which was several thousand words long. Every word was engraved in his mind and heart.

"To open peace for the world?" Shen Bailian lay down on the familiar small bed, feeling the familiar breath, looking at the ceiling above his head that he had been looking at for more than ten years, and fell into deep thought.

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