In the blink of an eye, three days passed.

Along with the harsh ringing, the invigilator on the podium glanced at the time and spoke one after another.

"Everyone, please check whether your name and student number are correct. The student in the last row, please stop writing, otherwise it will be recorded as cheating..."

Shen Bailian calmly laid out the papers, answer sheets and scratch paper on the table in order. After the invigilator finished collecting them, he picked up his things and left the examination room.

As soon as I returned to my class, I heard a mixture of joy and regret. Some people were rejoicing one second, and beating their chests and feet in excruciating pain the next.

This is the most familiar part of answering questions after the exam.

"The twelfth multiple-choice question is option C, right?"

"Choose C? I calculated that I chose B. Did you make a mistake?"

"Impossible, you must have made a mistake in your calculations. This question requires the use of Lópida's law. Then..."

"Stop arguing, Lao Shen, what did you choose for the twelfth multiple-choice question?"

While several students were arguing fiercely, one of them saw Shen Bailian who was about to return to his seat, so he quickly asked.

Shen Bailian recalled it for a moment and said slowly: "Choose D."

"Depend on."

"Shit, I chose D the first time, but I changed it during the second check!"

Some people suddenly looked annoyed and regretful.

Some people jumped up for joy and shouted: "I was right!"

No one doubts the authority of this answer, because Shen Bailian's mathematics and science scores have been stable above 140 points all year round.

Shen Bailian smiled, and the two-day monthly exam came to an end for the time being.

Not long after I returned to my seat, with the sound of high heels hitting the ground, Yan Yajuan, the head teacher in a gray suit, walked in holding a stack of paper-like things.

Everyone looked up subconsciously, and there were sudden gasps of air.

Will the results for yesterday's exam be released today?

Everyone's hearts suddenly trembled, and they quickly returned to their seats.

At this moment, Wei Peng bent over from the back door. When he passed behind Shen Bailian, he reached out and handed over a pink letter, and then trotted back to his seat.

Shen Bailian held the letter. Although he was a little confused, he knew that now was not the time to ask this question.

After entering the classroom, Yan Yajuan didn't say a word, her face was expressionless, and she glanced around with stern eyes.

The people she watched held their breaths, fearing that they would become the one who stood out. This silent atmosphere was so different from the scene two minutes ago that you could hear a pin drop.

Because their class teacher’s surname is Yan, which sounds the same as Yan, and because of her teaching style, they call her the Prince of Hell in private.

"Don't be nervous, the papers haven't been corrected yet."

After Yan Yajuan's words were spoken, the wrinkles in everyone's hearts were immediately smoothed, and they all let out a sigh of relief.


As soon as these two words came out, some people's waists that were about to bend immediately straightened up, and they did not dare to take a breath.

"I'm in a bad mood today. Some people have ignored what I said."

Some of the students were already so nervous that they were trembling, and they were recalling in their minds whether they had failed to do their duty well, or whether they had failed to pay attention to using their smart bracelets in class.

They were afraid that the "certain people" mentioned by the Lord of Hell were themselves.

"Don't be nervous, it has nothing to do with all of your classmates here."

"I'm here today to remind you all once again that you are all high school students and martial arts student reserve. You all have a bright future. Even if you are not admitted to the martial arts university, you can still practice to the level of Longmen. "

"These are preferential welfare policies given to you by the state. As long as the conditions are met, you can apply, instead of going to the market to spend a lot of money to buy, try your luck, and gamble with your future!"

Yan Yajuan's words contained a hint of hatred and self-blame.

She blames herself because as a class teacher, she did not discover the students' incorrect ideas in time, which led to an irreparable mistake, although she did not have much responsibility for this matter.

Some students seemed to understand something and turned to look at the empty seats next to Shen Bailian. In the past few days, they had more or less heard some gossip.

Yan Yajuan sorted out the things in her hands and said casually: "As long as you know who it is, don't talk about it again after you leave this door."

"Otherwise, you should all know what my temper is like."


All the students suddenly felt shocked and answered neatly.

"Now let's get down to business today."

Yan Yajuan handed the pile of things in her hand to the students in the front row and asked them to distribute them one by one. She said, "I believe you all know more or less about the eight schools' joint martial arts."

"If it were in the past, only a few students in our class would have the opportunity to participate."

When he said this, Shen Bailian felt his head teacher glance at him, wondering if it was his imagination.

"But this time, due to some things, the scale may be much larger than before. The threshold for participation has been lowered, and the basic boxing strength is only 450kg."

"The rewards are also unprecedentedly generous, and some of them may become the most important turning points in your lives."

When she said the last sentence, Yan Yajuan deliberately slowed down her speech: "For example, the Longmen type with a leap coefficient of 3.0~3.2."


The noise of benches moving suddenly rang out in the silent classroom. Everyone looked at the head teacher on the stage in disbelief, with eager desire in their eyes.

Although there is only a difference of a few tenths, it can make up for many innate deficiencies for martial arts students with an average punching power base of more than 1000kg.

It is not an exaggeration to say that it is the most important turning point in life.

Although Shen Bailian had already known some relevant inside information, he was still a little excited when he heard it.

"Then teacher, are there any conditions?"

Someone quickly woke up from the frenzy and asked calmly. There is no such thing as a free lunch. Such a generous reward must have some requirements.

"Indeed, you need to participate in a wilderness trial organized by the Education Bureau. There will be relevant judges to score your performance in the trial."

"Those who rank in the top 20% can directly qualify for the competition. Those who rank in the top 20% to 50% need to reach a punching force of 600kg to qualify for the competition."

"There is another very important thing."

Yan Yajuan adjusted her gold-rimmed glasses and said in a deep voice:

"There is a mortality rate indicator for this wilderness trial, so you must discuss it with your parents. If you want to participate, sign your and your parents' names on the agreement and give it to me on Monday."

"Okay, get out of class is over!"

After the head teacher Yan Yajuan finished speaking, she stepped on her high heels and prepared to leave.

Seeing this, Shen Bailian immediately handed the schoolbag to Wei Peng who happened to arrive, and after saying "Wait for me at the school gate", he quickly chased after him.

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