I asked you to practice martial arts, and you achieved the Golden Body?

Chapter 218 Breakthrough! Second Level Lingxi Realm!!!

Boom! Boom! Boom! ! !

Outside, the sky seemed to have opened a terrifying crack, and the surging thunder energy poured out, towards Xiaoqing Mountain, or more precisely, towards Shen Bailian and the towering tree.

However, Shen Bailian was safe and sound under the cover of that layer of misty light, and even the towering tree, only some of the treetops and branches turned into charcoal.

Overall, it was safe and sound.

However, the surrounding trees and creatures were not so lucky. Without the protection of that layer of misty light, they were like a small boat in the sea, and even the aftermath of the wind and waves could overturn them in an instant.

The originally lush mountains now became as black as ink, without a trace of green. At this time, it should be renamed Xiaohei Mountain, which might be more appropriate.

However, the thunder and deafening roar between heaven and earth, which poured down like a dragon out of the sea, seemed to be non-existent to Shen Bailian at this moment.

Moreover, as the vivid scenes emerged in his mind like a revolving lantern, his originally restless heart became more and more peaceful.

As time passed, there was a slight inexplicable change.

According to Daxia's standard classification of mental power levels, those below level 10.0 are collectively called 0-level mentalists, that is, the apprentice stage. Ninety-nine percent of warrior apprentices and warriors in the life realm are in this stage.

After breaking through level 10.0, they will advance to the first-level mentalist, which is also called the spirit lamp realm.

The biggest difference from the apprentice stage is that the originally illusory mental power will undergo a qualitative change, thus becoming a substance between illusion and reality, which can initially interfere with reality.

The cultivation of mental power is different from the cultivation of the physical body. One carelessness can easily cause the sea of ​​consciousness to shake, and it takes a long time to recuperate before it can recover.

However, for warriors, mental power and physical body complement each other, and for warriors of level one and above, mental power has a higher weight.

Once mental power is damaged, the time of recuperation is longer than that of injury, especially in this era of extremely advanced physical injury repair.

During the stage of recuperation and recovery of mental power, warriors not only cannot practice visualization, but also the practice of physical body and martial arts skills will be restricted.

The natural treasures and medicines used to cure the mental state are extremely precious, either unavailable or extremely expensive, causing some warriors to be unable to afford it.

Because of the limitations of the real environment, the mental power of the Lingzhan realm is the mental power realm that most of the Transcendental Realm warriors and the Sea-breaking Realm warriors must be in and in for a long time.

After the mental power breaks through the second level, the mental power of the Zhanchi gathers and converges into a winding river, which is a process of quantitative change leading to qualitative change.

After reaching this stage, all living beings, whether human, fierce beast, or divine, will have an extremely amazing and sharp perception of their own state and the state of the outside world.

Strong mental power can increase comprehension to a certain extent, and the degree of increase depends on the level and strength of mental power.

And what about Shen Bailian?

Not long after becoming a warrior in the Liming Realm, his mental power entered the Lingzhan Realm and became a first-level spiritual mind master. His comprehension, which originally surpassed that of ordinary people, suddenly reached a state of one in ten thousand.

The martial arts skills directly went from the original second stage of human-instrument integration to the third stage of the breathing of all things.

Whether it is the martial arts realm, the comprehension of various skills... or the combat power, they have all been leapfrogged, and the growth of physical attribute values ​​and mental attribute values ​​has also been "the first rich bring the later rich".

Up to now, Shen Bailian's mental power has reached an extremely amazing 20.6, no, it should be 20.7 to be more accurate, that is, the peak of the first level.

This is extremely amazing.

According to common sense, many warriors can only rely on their strong bodies to breed such a strong mental power in the late stage of Pihai Realm.

Even Duan Wuya, who was awarded the title of "Canghai Kuangdao" in Pihai Realm, was in the middle stage of Pihai Realm, relying on the nourishment of a strong body and the help of natural materials and treasures, and barely pushed his mental power into the second-level Lingxi Realm.

As we all know, mental power and physical fitness level are both the foundation of martial arts. The stronger the foundation, the higher the realm, and the easier it will be to comprehend and ponder martial arts skills.

And Shen Bailian is blessed with this amazing mental power. His cultivation speed is not only far ahead of his peers, but his martial arts skills have also reached a level that ordinary martial arts geniuses are afraid of.

Although Feng Yanqiu also entered the realm of martial arts skills in the third stage of Liming Realm, her situation is completely different from Shen Bailian.

The former has been taught by famous teachers for more than ten years and has accumulated a lot of experience in martial arts skills, but has not made a breakthrough, so there is only a layer of window paper left.

It's not that Feng Yanqiu doesn't want to, but she can't do it.

In the new wilderness trial, when she encountered an abnormality and her friend Wang Yuxuan was in a life-and-death crisis, Feng Yanqiu's accumulation of more than ten years turned into an epiphany.

But at the same time, this also means that her accumulation of more than ten years has been consumed. If she wants to enter the fourth stage of martial arts skills in a short period of time, it is nothing but wishful thinking.

As for how long this short period of time is?

At least four or five years.

Because the fourth stage of martial arts skills refers not only to physical subtlety, but also to spiritual subtlety. The two complement each other and can exert the power of one plus one greater than two.

In essence, this is already an extreme state of martial arts skills, and there is almost no possibility of continuing to climb up.

So, things are back to the starting point. If you want to enter the fourth stage of martial arts skills, a strong mental force is an indispensable link, and it is only the lowest threshold.

As for how strong it should be?

At least in the late stage of the first stage.

Moreover, if you want to enter the fourth stage of martial arts skills - subtlety, the most critical point is still the understanding, because this is a kind of spiritual perception.

Human talents can be simply divided into two categories, one is innate talent, and the other is acquired talent.

In the early stage of cultivation, the weight of innate talent is very large, but the more you practice, the weight of acquired talent will gradually increase, and eventually it will surpass the strong.

Moreover, the innate talent is an almost fixed value, while the acquired talent is not fixed and will improve with the encounters and experiences in life.

But this is completely unfeasible for Shen Bailian, because his innate talent is the highest level of origin talent. No matter when and where, this origin talent belongs to Shen Bailian alone.

Even if the origin talent is not awakened and the panel is not materialized, the passive skill of God rewards hard work will also produce effects spontaneously.

But the truth is cruel, if the origin talent is removed.

Shen Bailian simply cannot achieve such achievements today. With his physique, even going to a first-class martial arts university and breaking through the Transcendent Realm is a huge problem.

At the beginning, although his comprehension far exceeded that of martial arts apprentices of the same age, his physical talent was really not very good. Compared with Li Hongling, it was completely a firefly and the brilliance of the bright moon.

The road of martial arts is not a castle in the air, but a step by step.

Moreover, in Daxia, in this mythical era, how far a warrior can go in the warrior apprentice stage is basically destined to the martial arts realm that can be reached in the end.

Just based on Shen Bailian's mortal appearance before awakening his original talent, he should be thankful that his physical fitness can break through level 5.0 in the warrior apprentice stage.

If the early stage is gone, how can we talk about the later stage?

One step worse, step by step worse, and the distance will eventually be farther and farther, until it is impossible to reach the level of the opponent.

This is the cruelty of the martial arts road.

"It's a pity that there is no if in this world." Shen Bailian looked at the picture that emerged in his mind, his mouth corners slightly raised, and whispered in a low voice.

The martial arts road is cruel and full of uncertainty. Luck is also a kind of strength, and it is also a crucial link in the martial arts road.

With the help of the panel, Shen Bailian's speed of molting from cocoon to butterfly is more than ten times faster than normal practice, and the upper limit has also been raised to a rare level.

The thunderstorm in the sky, with the help of the misty light, not only did not affect Shen Bailian, but made him more immersed in the memory scenes, gradually falling into a special state.

Mysterious, the door to all wonders.

Although Shen Bailian's current state is not enlightenment, it is similar to enlightenment, and it is almost the same as the state of enlightenment. He vaguely sensed a trace of vitality in the thunder of the vast world.

At the same time.

[Congratulations, your skill Five Elements Breathing Method has been improved, experience value +3]

[Congratulations, your character level experience value has been improved, experience value +3]

[Congratulations, your skill Five Elements Breathing Method...]


[Congratulations, your skill Iron Body has been improved, experience value +1]

[Congratulations, your mental strength has been improved! ] There are prompt messages on the panel one after another, flashing by like a white horse passing by.

However, the prompt messages and prompt sounds on the panel have no effect on Shen Bailian at the moment.

Because, with the help of the living power of the flowers, plants and trees in Xiaoqingshan, the earthly power of wood, and the vitality contained in the thunder dragons in the sky, he has entered a spiritual transformation.

The roar in his ears is like a violent sonata.

As the light balls disappear one after another, Shen Bailian, who has completely entered the fourth stage of martial arts, can clearly feel that his mental power is also improving at an unimaginable speed.

"Hua La La~" "Hua La La~"

Like a surging river, with the help of that unknown force, this river has been gathered from a small stream to a river about tens of centimeters wide.

[Congratulations, your mental power has been improved! ] Another panel prompt message flashed.

"The mental power is already level 20.9, only one step away from the second level." Shen Bailian took a moment to think and glanced at the panel.

His current mental power is very close to the limit of the second level.

"It's probably a bit difficult to break through to the second level this time." Shen Bailian used the Eye of God to quickly scan the area. The number of green light balls that originally numbered thousands was now less than 200.

The later the martial arts path progresses, the greater the gap between each level will become.

The mental power index of level 19 is 10.6, the mental power index of level 20 is 21.2, and the mental power index of level 21.0 is 36.1.

Shen Bailian's mental power broke through from level 20.6 to level 20.9, which took more than 800 memory light balls.

And now the number of memory light balls is less than 200.

Shen Bailian understands that it is almost impossible for his mental power to impact the second level today.

But he is already very satisfied, because this is a complete surprise. He didn't expect that he could get such a gift by contracting a towering tree as an anchor.


Time passed slowly.

"It's just as I expected." Shen Bailian looked at the last gift of the living being in front of him, with some excitement and some loneliness that was difficult to conceal.

After half an hour of digestion and absorption, his mental power has now reached nearly level 20.9, or more accurately, level 20.95.

Although there is only one step left to the second stage, it is nothing but a dream to rely on a gift from a living being to break through.

"However, according to the current state, as long as I go back and practice for a few days, I can break through normally." Shen Bailian murmured in a low voice.

However, at this moment.


An invisible and intangible light came from nowhere, and suddenly penetrated into his spiritual stream in the field of vision that Shen Bailian could not see.


Accompanied by a blast like spring thunder, the spiritual stream, which had gradually calmed down, became jubilant again, making Shen Bailian feel a sense of pain instantly.

"This, this... what is this?" Shen Bailian noticed the abnormality in his mind and became uncertain.

Because he felt that his mental power, which had stopped growing, was like a rocket with fuel at this moment, soaring into the sky.

However, this violent improvement also brought strange pain.

"No matter what, we must hold on. Only those who endure the most hardships can become the best!" Shen Bailian lost his temper, muttering in his heart, with a terrible obsession that did not want to give in.

He let the pain hit his spiritual stream, but he still did not give up resisting.

In the end, as time passed bit by bit, and the waves of the spiritual power ocean were surging, Shen Bailian's obsession of not giving up became heavier.

Just like a magic needle that stabilizes the sea, it stood firmly in the waves.


A slight ripple spread in the darkness, and the last gift of a living being completely dissipated. In the black sky behind Shen Bailian.

The phantoms of stars actually emerged.

But if you look closely, it is not a phantom of a star at all, but more like a...


Some are shining with bright life light, some are running smoothly, some have gradually extinguished... and some are completely in a state of silence.


Diyuan Star World, Yuanxu Sea.

"Why? ... Why?"


"Why do you want to help him? Tell me! Why do you want to help him!!!" In the source sea, accompanied by hysterical roars, waves of stormy waves that reached the sky were set off.

Vow to sweep the world.


"It's not me." A disembodied voice spread: "But, you shouldn't ask me about this matter, but ask yourself."

"Why did you bring him to this world!!"

At the end, the disembodied voice also became hysterical, and the flames of anger burned in an instant.




Just like breaking through shackles, and breaking the limits of living beings, Shen Bailian felt that his spiritual power ocean suddenly calmed down.

[Congratulations, your spiritual power has been improved! ]


[Physical: 20.7; Spirit: 21.0]


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