As early as when Shen Bailian and the middle-aged man had a dispute, Kong Chaowu looked at the young man who had already revealed his edge, and he vaguely realized that today's situation could not be resolved without a fight.

Therefore, Kong Chaowu used his authority to retrieve part of the middle-aged man's information and found that the other party's physical fitness had reached level 23.8.

This level of physical fitness, if viewed according to conventional data, is enough to crush any peak warrior in the Transcendent Realm. Even the top martial arts geniuses would find it difficult to fight against a major realm.

The difference between the Force Gauze and the Force Battle Armor alone is a world of difference.

Not to mention the difference in strength.

In the Pihai Realm, the realms are divided as follows:

Level 21.0~24.0 is the early stage of the Pihai Realm; Level 24.0~27.0 is the middle stage of the Pihai Realm; Level 27.0~30.0 is the late stage of the Pihai Realm; Level 30.0~30.9 is the peak of the Pihai Realm.

This means that middle-aged men have basically touched the threshold of the middle stage of the Pihai Realm.

In the Pihai Realm stage, the gap between each level of physical fitness will be greatly improved again because of the improvement of basic body mass.

For a Pihai Realm warrior with a physical fitness of level 21.0, the single-arm limit punching force alone has reached an astonishing 640 tons to 900 tons.

For a Pihai Realm warrior with a physical fitness of level 22.0, the single-arm limit punching force data is 720 to 1100 tons, that is, a thousand tons of force; the single-arm limit punching force of level 23.0 is 900~1400 tons; the single-arm limit punching force of level 24.0 is 1100 tons to 1720 tons...

As for why the gap in single-arm limit punching force between warriors of the same physical fitness level is so large?

The reason is very simple.

Why does Daxia classify martial arts geniuses into three categories: first-class martial arts geniuses, martial arts geniuses, and top martial arts geniuses? Is it just to facilitate the allocation of Longmen species? Is it just because of the speed of cultivation and the depth of martial arts potential?

Of course there are the above reasons, but they are by no means the main reasons.

Warriors, warriors, will eventually go to the battlefield, and on the battlefield, the most important thing is not the strength of combat power, but the depth of potential.

On the road to promotion of warriors, even warriors of the same level still have the problem of high and low combat power. For example, a martial arts genius can easily defeat an ordinary first-class martial arts genius.

And the top martial arts genius can crush the martial arts genius of the same level.

However, no matter how big the combat power gap is, it depends on the mastery of martial arts skills, combat experience and mental strength level.

In the actual data of the single-arm extreme fist force, it is difficult to open the gap, even if the gap is ten tons.

But it is different when you reach the Pihai Realm. After the baptism of the Transcendent Realm, the warrior has completely transformed into a new human being. Strictly speaking, each human race is a new population.

The gap is reflected in the quality of life.

For example, although they are all iron, they are divided into pig iron, wrought iron, steel and cast iron; the same is true for warriors in the Pihai Realm, it is just a general term.

The quality of life determines the strength of the Force. According to the classification given by Daxia, the strength of the Force is divided into three grades from high to low: upper, middle and lower.

This affects the single-arm limit punching power.

It is also from this stage that the gap between ordinary warriors, first-class martial arts geniuses, martial arts geniuses, and top martial arts geniuses has been concretely reflected.

Back to the original topic.

In Kong Chaowu's opinion, the physical fitness of middle-aged men has now reached level 23.8, which means that the single-arm limit punching power of middle-aged men is at least a thousand tons of force.

And what about Shen Bailian?

Based on the time from his peak battle in the Golden Cup League to now, Kong Chaowu simply inferred that Shen Bailian's physical fitness level is at least level 19.0, that is, the late stage of the Transcendent Realm.

Let's make another bold estimate. Shen Bailian's physical fitness has reached level 19.9. This is also a data judged by Kong Chaowu based on reality and past experience.

Even so, Shen Bailian's single-arm maximum punching force is only more than 300 tons, which is a world of difference from the thousand-ton force of the middle-aged man.

In addition to combat experience, the amount of force, force armor, and mental suppression...

This means that even if Kong Chaowu took the lead and injured the middle-aged man, his real combat power was weakened by 20% to 30%.

But it is still undeniable that the gap between Shen Bailian and the middle-aged man has reached an undeniable huge level, and there is almost no chance of victory.

It is a miracle to be able to go through a few rounds.

And now, the middle-aged man has been completely angered by Shen Bailian's words and actions. The first move he made was the killing move "Dragon Snake Rising from the Land". It is hard to imagine what kind of heavy hand he would use on the young man in his rage.

Therefore, Kong Chaowu understood that his current task was to prevent the conflict from escalating further, and the key to preventing the conflict from escalating further was that Shen Bailian could not be seriously injured.

Even at the risk of destroying the fairness of the battle, he had to take action at the critical moment to save Shen Bailian.

Otherwise, the consequences would be unimaginable. As of now, Kong Chaowu has not figured out how high Shen Bailian's status in Tiangang Academy is.

Boom! Boom! Boom!

Shen Bailian and the middle-aged man fought fiercely, and in the blink of an eye, they collided violently hundreds of times.

There was a big explosion in the air, and the air surged violently, just like a stone was thrown into a calm lake, and it immediately rippled in circles and turned into real ripples.

The atmosphere between the two gradually heated up and became more and more intense. The middle-aged man gradually began to get serious. Every move had a terrible impact on the area of ​​thousands of square meters.

If it was still on the ring, many high school students in the martial arts department would find it difficult to withstand the aftermath of such a battle, and they would most likely be affected and seriously injured by the aftermath.

"Good! Good! Good!!!"

The middle-aged man saw that he had used 50% of his strength, but still couldn't take down the young man. He was shocked for a moment. His eyes were like lightning and his voice was like thunder:

"Your performance really exceeded my expectations, but don't think that you can defeat me with this level of attack. Even my Force armor is an insurmountable mountain for you."

"Give up. I have only used 30% of my strength now, and you can't resist it. As a senior, I can give you another chance to forgive the past."

"Otherwise, don't blame me for being merciless!"

Although the middle-aged man said that he was righteous on the surface, he was actually stunned. He felt scared, and things became more and more difficult.

Up to now, he has actually used 50% of his strength, but Shen Bailian can still fight him on equal terms. Every move contains the power of heaven and earth.

You know, for ordinary warriors, the rapid development period is generally concentrated in the 22 years between the ages of 18 and 40, which is also the peak stage of a warrior's combat power at the same level.

And what about Shen Bailian?

As far as he knows, he is not yet 18 years old, but he can fight a warrior like him who is in the early stage of the Pihai Realm and almost the middle stage of the Pihai Realm with 50% of his strength.

What a terrifying talent!

If such a martial arts genius was placed in Chang'an Martial Arts University, if he suffered a little grievance outside, wouldn't the principal bring a group of deans to the door?

What's more, the boy is a martial arts student of Tiangang Academy, one of the six major universities. The deans of the six major combat branches are all from the same school. If it comes to protecting their children, there is no one better than those six.

There is another one above to protect his children

Moreover, according to the latest information he has obtained, Duan Wuya has not only broken through to the Baoyue Realm, but has also stabilized his realm and shined on the border of Daxia.

However, Shen Bailian's next words completely made him fall into a red-hot state.

"If you want to fight, fight. If you don't want to fight, surrender quickly. I'm too lazy to waste time. You don't deserve to reason with you here!" Shen Bailian said coldly, without showing any mercy, and rushed up directly, brazenly attacking with all his strength.

Since you have decided to show your edge, then show your edge completely!

At the same time.

[Congratulations, your skill Tiangang Yiqi has been improved, experience value +3]

[Congratulations, your character level experience value has been improved, experience value +3]

[Congratulations, your skill Jifeng has been improved, experience value +2]

[Congratulations, your skill Tieshen has been improved, experience value +1]

[……] In the fierce battle, Shen Bailian's panel continuously and continuously popped up prompt messages.

Because it was a cross-level battle, and it was a cross-level battle, and Shen Bailian was stronger than the middle-aged man, only one martial arts skill was four-stage subtle.

The rest, whether it was the single-arm limit punching power, speed, physical fitness level, mental strength... were all at a disadvantage.

With the blessing of various factors, the quality of this battle was unprecedentedly high, and it could be called the best in Shen Bailian's battle history.

Being able to have a life-and-death clash with such an opponent also caused Shen Bailian to be completely addicted to it, and the speed of gaining experience points was also abnormally fast.

In just more than ten seconds of fierce collision, his character level experience points increased by ten points, which can be almost seen as one point per second.

However, because of the middle-aged man's whining, I don't know what was shackled by something, causing the intensity of the battle to drop sharply, and Shen Bailian's speed of gaining experience points was also affected.

It slowed down a lot at once, and he was naturally unhappy.

Such a suitable experience machine, how could it be let go so easily?

Moreover, Shen Bailian just wanted to use this battle to try out what kind of increase his actual combat ability had obtained after the mutation last night, and to what extent it could reach.

And below.

Shen Bailian's words were not concealed at all, and were clearly heard by almost all the martial arts students. Instantly, a thousand waves were shocked by his words.


"Isn't this a bit too, too..."

"Too much, right? If you mock a martial artist in the Sea Breaking Realm like this, won't he be beaten badly?"

"I feel a little bit worried."

"Do you need to feel it? This is certain. Didn't you hear what that guy said? He only used 30% of his strength. If he used all his strength, I'm afraid Senior Brother Shen would have been beaten black and blue." The tall and thin martial arts student analyzed with reason.

"You are right, but I heard that the perception, especially the hearing, of the peak martial artists in the Transcendent Realm are very strong. You said that Senior Brother Shen, it's really not..."

Instantly, all the martial arts students turned their eyes to the tall and thin martial arts student, revealing a smile of watching the show.

"Afraid, afraid... What are you afraid of? Senior Brother Shen is not the kind of petty person?" The tall and thin martial arts student raised his neck and refuted righteously.

However, the martial arts students just said "oh" to his erratic tone.

"City Lord, you... won't you stop this battle?" Suddenly, a low voice sounded in Kong Chaowu's ears.

It was Yang Wu who rushed over. After discovering the abnormal movement of the heaven and earth energy here, he hurried over. He originally wanted to stop it, but after noticing Kong Chaowu, he immediately gave up the idea.

Kong Chaowu shook his head. With his perception, he had naturally noticed Yang Wu approaching. A faint light flashed in his eyes, and he said faintly: "No need to stop."

"And this conflict incident, as of now, is no longer something I can intervene in. Just wait and see and save that kid."


Yang Wu was stunned when he heard it. After all, Kong Chaowu was the mayor of Bozhou City. He had the first-hand jurisdiction over these two people making trouble in his territory.

But now Kong Chaowu actually said that he couldn't do anything about it?

Unless, unless...

Yang Wu didn't dare to think about it anymore, because that was not the scope he could involve in this life.

"Yang Wu, since you are here, I will give you a task. Hurry up and gather the school teachers and law enforcement officers to the scene, cover the students' evacuation, and open the shield."

"Otherwise, when the battle between these two people becomes completely intense, some students will be injured."


Yang Wu glanced and noticed that the scope of the impact on the sky was getting larger and larger. His heart suddenly trembled, and he understood in an instant


As time passed bit by bit.

Boom! Boom! Boom!!!

At this time, the sky hundreds of meters above had undergone earth-shaking changes, with dazzling beams constantly bursting out, energy surging, and air surging.

"Bang Bang Bang!"

In the astonishing thunder, Shen Bailian was like a small boat in a storm, swaying and trying his best to resist the bombardment from the middle-aged man.

This was a dead end that he had never encountered since he was promoted to the Transcendent Realm. No matter how high his martial arts skills were, it was difficult to break through the gap of two or three times the basic strength.

Every second, he was jumping back and forth on the verge of death.

"You ignorant, arrogant and ignorant young man, today, I will teach you how to respect your elders!" The middle-aged man's eyes were extremely intimidating and dazzling, exuding the confidence engraved in his bones.

Many martial arts students felt a splitting headache, as if they were about to explode, even if they just glanced at him carelessly.


Shen Bailian approached and used his left shoulder to resist the bombardment of the middle-aged man. His body shook violently, and the huge force of up to a thousand tons immediately made his force gauze clothes, like glass, explode in an instant.

In an instant, the middle-aged man's fist was like an electromagnetic cannon shell that slammed into the young man's left arm connection that was like a brick. The huge force of up to a thousand tons immediately caused his skin to set off a series of shock waves from the center to the periphery.


The young man's arm bones were shattered without a single pause.


In the horrified eyes of all the martial arts students, teachers, Kong Chaowu and the middle-aged man, the middle-aged man's right arm, without a trace of hesitation, went straight through.

"You lose..."

However, after experiencing many deaths, Shen Bailian had already developed a huge and strong tolerance for this kind of pain, as if he had lost his hearing. In the middle-aged man's doubtful eyes, he showed a grin.

Because he wanted this kind of effect, this kind of close-range effect.

Only in this way can he launch the strongest blow that he had been preparing for a long time.


Shen Bailian took a deep breath.

In an instant, the speed of his internal organs increased several times, and a deafening roar came from his body, like thunder, and rich beams of light appeared in his internal organs, overflowing from his pores.

The middle-aged man noticed something was wrong and wanted to pull away, but he found that the boy didn't care about the severe pain caused by the hole at the joint of his left arm, and used it to tightly wrap around his right arm.

"Mad man! What a mad man!"

The middle-aged man felt the surging force of heaven and earth around him. With the quality of the force of a warrior in the Pihai realm, he could hardly shake the storm of force.

And the unreasonable action of the young man. Even though his reason had been devoured by anger, his fighting instincts developed in the long-term life and death trials also noticed something was wrong.

This was the young man's trap.

A trap with his body as bait!

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