
Above the ten thousand meter sky, there are often violent strong winds blowing, sweeping away the clouds, which is very spectacular.

If it was in the Transcendent Realm, Shen Bailian would not easily come to this height, because the original force consumed here is much more than a few hundred meters high.

But now?

He has broken through the shackles and become a warrior in the Sea-breaking Realm.

Only when he really entered the Sea-breaking Realm, Shen Bailian truly felt the natural chasm between ordinary Transcendent Realm peak warriors and Sea-breaking Realm warriors.

The middle-aged man was right before.

Just from the amount of original force, the original force possessed by the warriors in the early stage of the Sea-breaking Realm is several times that of the peak warriors in the Transcendent Realm. The original force in the body is enough to support a battle of sufficient intensity.

Without the help of the power of heaven and earth.

And because 90% of the original force of the Sea-breaking Realm warriors has been gathered in the Dantian, it is more convenient and quick to mobilize during the battle.

Let me give you a vivid example: the 100-meter acceleration of a sports car, every few tenths of a second increase is a huge improvement.

The weak don't need it, but for warriors at or above the Pihai Realm, being able to start quickly for a millisecond can take advantage of the situation and gain a greater advantage in the battle.

This is what is called one step faster, every step faster.

Moreover, after being promoted to the Pihai Realm, the quality of the Force has also been concretely manifested. At this stage, the polarization between the strong and the weak is extremely serious compared to the Transcendent Realm.

In the Transcendent Realm and below, even a martial arts genius can hardly cross a whole physical fitness level to defeat others.

But in the Pihai Realm and above?

Simply take the warriors in the early Pihai Realm, with physical fitness levels of 21.0 to 24.0. A martial arts genius in the early Pihai Realm with a physical fitness of 21.0 is enough to easily defeat an ordinary warrior in the early Pihai Realm with a physical fitness of 22.0.

Remember, it is easy. If you try your best, you can barely remain undefeated even if you face a warrior in the early stage of the Sea-breaking Realm with a physical fitness of 23.0.

If that's all, the warriors in the Sea-breaking Realm are not enough to be called the backbone.

The most powerful thing about the warriors in the Sea-breaking Realm is the Force Battle Armor.

For example, although the physical fitness of the middle-aged man before was only 23.8, a warrior in the early stage of the Sea-breaking Realm, the Force Battle Armor on his body can only be broken by the full force of an ordinary warrior in the middle stage of the Sea-breaking Realm.

This is the moat between the Sea-breaking Realm and the Transcendent Realm warriors.

If you can't even break the opponent's defense, let alone attack the opponent? Isn't that wishful thinking and daydreaming?

With the accumulation of various buffs, the strength and status of the Sea-breaking Realm warriors are beyond doubt.

Moreover, as a warrior of the Pihai Realm, he is fully qualified to be among the top strongmen in some small countries on the Earth Yuan Star. Even in Daxia, he is qualified to apply to become the lord of a city.

But qualifications are just qualifications after all, and it does not mean that all Pihai Realm warriors in Daxia can become the lord of a city, because to be a city lord in Daxia, you need to work at the grassroots level for at least three years.

Although Shen Bailian's ambition is not here.

However, if he really wants to be a "hands-off shopkeeper", with his current talent and current strength, it is completely worthy of Daxia officials to give him a green light.

And almost no one will object.

"The sweat I paid before has finally turned into real gold today." Shen Bailian thought of this, and his mind moved slightly.

In an instant.

The thin heaven and earth elemental force around the sky above Bozhou City suddenly began to gather crazily towards the position of the black-clothed boy in the sky, and a heaven and earth elemental force cyclone was formed in an instant.


Shen Bailian's expression was calm. He clenched his palm fiercely, and the crazy vortex of heaven and earth energy was like a can of oil with a lit match thrown into it.

In an instant.

Above the sky tens of thousands of meters high, the blue sky was torn into an invisible crack, and a dazzling light suddenly burst out with Shen Bailian as the center.

It was like a ray of light from the sun in the distant sky was instantly magnified, illuminating the entire sky. The light was so bright that everything around was dyed bright white.

Even the residents of Bozhou City on the ground saw this strange scene.

However, due to the high altitude, they could not see it very clearly, and only thought that some powerful beast was being surrounded.

However, this wonder fell into the eyes of Kong Chaowu, Yang Wu... and other warriors in the Transcendent Realm and above, but it was a different scene.

"Can this level of attack really be unleashed by a warrior who has just entered the Sea-breaking Realm?"

Yang Wu raised his head suddenly. As a warrior at the peak of the Transcendent Realm, his body's transformation has almost been completed, and his eyesight alone is dozens of times that of an ordinary warrior in the Life-Standing Realm.

Coupled with his super perception, he can not only see clearly, but also feel the terrifying heaven and earth energy contained in it.

Yang Wu looked at Kong Chaowu on the side in confusion, revealing an inquiring look.

"I don't know... But so far, I'm afraid that even the Saint of the Martial Hall I have seen can't launch such a terrifying attack when he first enters the Sea-breaking Realm."

"However, compared with the previous one, this attack is far inferior." Kong Chaowu's mind was rapidly turning, and he judged the attack power of this attack in a moment.

Very strong.

It was comparable to the casual attack of a warrior who had just entered the middle stage of the Sea-breaking Realm.

Although it was just a casual attack, you have to know that Shen Bailian has just entered the early stage of the Transcendent Realm. It must be said that it was really terrifying.

"Have the relevant videos and messages been sent to Tiangang Academy?" Kong Chaowu continued to ask.

"Sent it out, but." After Yang Wu finished speaking, he hesitated for a moment, then pondered for a moment before continuing: "But I found some teachers from other martial arts universities. Do you think you want them?"

If it was this time in previous years, there would be no teachers from the martial arts university in Bozhou City, let alone the martial arts academic exchanges with Qingyun City.

But times have changed.

After Shen Bailian appeared in Bozhou City, the martial arts colleges that originally did not pay attention to the eighteen-tier small cities have stepped up their exploration of border small cities.

Especially in Bozhou City, the place of dragon's rise.

The teachers of various martial arts universities are like scouts. When the martial arts universities are about to go on vacation, they are sent out to grab excellent students in advance.

In terms of finding excellent students, even the attitudes of the six major universities are exactly the same as those of first-class martial arts universities and ordinary martial arts universities, and even more than that.

"No need." Kong Chaowu shook his head, "They are not children anymore, they naturally know the severity of the matter. Even if they don't know, their superiors will know."


Suddenly, when everyone was in doubt, a deafening explosion suddenly came from the sky, as if thousands of thunder gods were roaring, shaking the void as if trembling.

Of course, the latter is just an illusion.

The huge sound wave is like a wave, with Shen Bailian's position as the origin, and it spreads rapidly around, forming a circle of visible ripples.

Then, a fireball with a diameter of hundreds of meters suddenly exploded above the sky.

At this time, even if there was no alarm in Bozhou City, the civilians knew that something inexplicable must have happened in the sky, and they all quickened their pace and rushed home.

"Am I now... already so powerful?" Shen Bailian stood upright, his eyes like torches, and his expression calm in the center of the fire storm.

Although there were explosions like thunder roaring in his ears and thousands of degrees of heat, his footsteps did not move half an inch. His clothes rustled in the explosion, and a layer of faint light surrounded his body, like an invisible armor.

Shen Bailian was doing an experiment. He wanted to try what kind of damage his 70% force attack could cause to himself.

As for the faint light surrounding his body?

It came from the body's stress response, or the autonomous defense characteristics unique to Pihai Realm warriors and those above Pihai Realm warriors.

However, the defensive power displayed by this autonomous defense characteristic is only 50% of the defense power of the Force Armor.

However, this is an insurmountable chasm for the Transcendent Realm warriors, even the peak warriors of the Transcendent Realm.

"I am afraid that the Newton of this world has been annihilated by anger." Shen Bailian was in a fierce fire storm, opened his arms, and calmed down to feel his own state.

Extremely comfortable.

For any explosive, its attack method is roughly divided into two categories, one is the high temperature environment at the center of the explosion, and the other is the shock wave.

But for Shen Bailian now, as long as the autonomous defense characteristics surrounding him are not defeated at one time, whether it is abnormal temperature or shock wave, it is difficult to cause him harm.

Completely violate the rules of physics.

But this is a warrior!

Gods are outside the rules, and the path of warriors in the mythological era is a long step to ascend to the gods. What's wrong with violating a little physical rules?

Even the great consciousness gathering of the Earth Yuan Star Universe will not have any objection.

“I object!”

“We must not let him grow up smoothly. If he continues like this, not to mention me, even you, Gaia, will become his prisoner!”

In the Diyuan Star Universe, a voice that was gentle and persuasive, but also a little terrified, suddenly sounded in the Source Void Sea.

“What do you say we should do?” Above the Source Void Sea, an ethereal voice suddenly sounded: “Get rid of him? Or kill him? But the question is, do you dare?”

“Do you dare?” “Do you dare?”

There was a hint of sarcasm in the words, but more of anger. The three big words “Do you dare?” spread rapidly to the surrounding void space like ripples.

Then, Gaia was greeted by a long silence.

However, Gaia is the great consciousness of the Diyuan Star Universe. His every move when he loses his composure will have a great impact on the Diyuan Star Universe.

Along with Gaia’s anger, at this time, on the west coast of the Pacific Ocean on Diyuan Star.


The originally calm and peaceful sparkling sea suddenly became stormy, with thunder roaring, dazzling lightning streaking across the sky, and the wind sweeping away all the clouds, creating a scene of doomsday.

Even the ocean became restless, pushing and squeezing each other, gathering into a huge force, and a thick water column rushed straight into the sky!

"Catherine, how many times has this natural disaster occurred?" Alexander Grey put his hands behind his back, and his golden armor shone brightly under the bright lightning. He raised his chin and his sapphire-like eyes swept across the natural disaster in front of him.

"Report to the respected Lord Grey, this is the second time since January 1st." A voice like red wine sounded.

Standing next to Grey was a naturally curly blonde woman named Alison Catherine. Her eyes were big and bright, showing a soft amber color, delicate features, and an amazing figure.

"This time, just like the last time, no large-scale riot of heaven and earth energy was found at the place where the natural disaster occurred. According to the inference of those lunatics, this matter is very likely..."

"I don't care about this." Gray waved his hand and then asked: "How is your investigation of the information of the new participants of the Global Martial Arts Competition in Daxia?"

"Almost done." Alison Catherine's mind moved slightly, and her amber right eye suddenly projected a light screen, and clear photos emerged one by one.

"The main players participating in the global martial arts competition this time are most likely to be the third saint of the Starry Sky Martial Arts Hall, Xiang Yan, the Supreme Martial Arts Hall, Wu Wudi, and Zhang San of the Taiji Martial Arts Hall... Among them, the weakest one is in the middle stage of the Sea-breaking Realm."

"And there are a lot of places for warriors who may become reserve forces, including the ninth saint of the Starry Sky Martial Arts Hall, Yuwen Changkong... the Supreme Martial Arts Hall... Xu Changqing of the Tiangang Academy, and the latest top martial arts prodigy Shen Bailian."

"Hehe, there are really a lot of talents." Gray looked at the main players and more than a dozen reserve warriors on the light screen, clenched his fists, and a moment of gloom flashed in his eyes:

"Those insects only know how to covet pleasure. If Daxia united 40 to 50 percent in the face of natural disasters, Daxia would not be the only one in power!"

Alison Catherine stood aside, silent.

Gray could say such words, but she would never dare to say that, and she didn't even dare to agree.

Because the former has a strong talent for cultivation and unrivaled strength among his peers, Gray is also a strong contender for the captain position among the main players of this global martial arts competition.

Even if he exposes the truth, those people in the parliament will praise him for doing a good job.

For example, a month ago, Gray slaughtered hundreds of people in a rage during a speech, but he is still safe and sound now, without any substantial punishment.

Even the restriction of personal freedom does not exist.

"Or... open the door?" After a long silence, the figure sounded again.

"Open the door? Do you think there is any race in this universe that can compete with the people on the Earth Yuan Star now?" Gaia snorted coldly and continued to ask soul-searching questions.

Life is a miracle of the universe, and the probability of its appearance is extremely low, especially intelligent life.

But at the scale of billions of light years in the universe, this probability can be magnified hundreds, thousands, or even tens of thousands of times.

"I don't mean to open the Gangfeng layer above the Earth Yuan Star, but to let it go..." (End of this chapter)

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