President Shet is right. Since the Blue Star is destined to be destroyed, many people are destined to stay here, but human beings cannot be destroyed. In this case, why not choose a group of people as fire and let them leave the earth Woolen cloth?

These words of President Shet have caused the leaders of several other countries to think deeply. This is indeed a good method. In a sense, this matter is no longer considered a meeting for Blue Star, but everyone is doing it for their own interests. How to be able to save the discussion.

"Are you just abandoning the country and the people like this?"

The first person scolded them sharply, and their first thought at such a moment was to save their own lives.

"First gentleman, this is not what we think. After all, in the past four years, we have not been able to fully deal with the Talmud civilization. If so, why not consider the fire of mankind?"

President Shet said with a smile, without the slightest concern arising from the change in the face of the first place.

"Even so, you haven't created a thruster that can exceed the speed of light. All of this is in vain, and you will be inseparable from the solar system."

This is a fact, and it is undeniable that human beings currently do not have any ability to create thrusters that exceed the speed of light.


President Shet wanted to say something else. A person suddenly broke into the office of the first person. The first person looked a little unhappy, but when the man said a few words in his ear, the first person's expression changed immediately, and he was a little flustered at first. , and then hidden again.

"I just got the news that there is an uninvited guest in the Bohai area of ​​China, and I'm going to meet him."

The first one who glanced at the leaders of the countries who were still looking at them, then ended the video call and turned off the video call. The military department reported that a UFO had appeared in the Bohai Sea. The meaning of what the first person said, many leaders have also understood it, that is, there is a visit from outsiders.

Leaders of various countries were immediately excited and hurriedly sent equipment to test.

"Did they say where they came from?"

The first person asked, if it was the Talmud civilization, it would be troublesome. A few days ago, someone else destroyed a sentry tower, so I can't explain it. But on second thought, this is my chassis. We haven't said anything about installing the sentry tower here, and of course we don't dare to say anything.

"No, they said that they would not be willing to talk to us until you went there in person."

The guard on the side said that he was the one who suddenly broke into the study just now.

"Can communicate?"

The first one has some doubts, do aliens also speak?

"Being able to communicate, they seem to have a translator and learn our language in less than half a minute."

"So miraculous?"

The first one exclaimed that even today's artificial intelligence dare not say that it can learn a language in half a minute.

The Bohai Sea in Kyoto is very close, and it takes less than an hour to get here by plane. Fu Sheng dispatched an aircraft carrier and a dozen destroyers to surround the UFO. The first one got on the warship, only to see what this unidentified flying object looks like. The appearance is a tan triangle structure with several tentacles.

You heard that right, the tentacles, as if swaying in the air with the wind, this craft looks strange, as if stitched together, even with the overall tan appearance, the depth of color in each area are also not the same.

"First, this is the intercom, they are connected to this channel, you can talk to them through this."

Naturally, Fu Sheng was there in person. Aliens are a rare thing. The moment he heard the news, he flew here from South Blue by plane.

"I'm the number one of China, hello to you." The number one didn't know what to call them, so he simply didn't call them.

"Gu gu gu gu (We are the special advance team of the Clooney camp, and we have been ordered to visit.)"

The communication channel responded immediately, as if he had been standing beside the communicator.

"Excuse me, what is the purpose of your visit?"

The first person asked again, but I can't chat with them, so I can only get straight to the point.

"Goooooooo (help you guys.)"

Said again.

"Help us?"

The first one was a little puzzled, and then looked at the others, who were also puzzled as to why they came to help us.

"That's it, we have detected a large amount of helium-3 on your planet. This is a much-needed resource. I hope our help can be exchanged for these energy sources."

The commander on Clooney's side said,

"At the same time, we also belong to the hostile camp to the Talmud civilization. In a sense, we are also partners."

Although the language may not be the same, everyone knows that the enemy of the enemy is the friend.

"I can't make a decision on this. We need to discuss it. If it is convenient, can you discuss it with us?"

The visitor is a friend, but it remains to be seen. The first one really cannot decide whether the helium-3 on the moon can be promised to Clooney. This matter still needs to be discussed with other countries, but it should not be a big problem.

"Can't you decide these things? Aren't you the leader on this planet?"

Clooney said in surprise, the leader of a planet, can't even decide this trivial matter?

"Uh... It's like this, our Blue Star is made up of hundreds of countries,..."

The first wasted waste saliva and explained Blue Star's pattern to the Clooney advance team.

"Well, what a strange civilization."

Clooney naturally understood that Blue Star is jointly ruled by hundreds of civilizations, which is very strange. Generally speaking, a planet can only be ruled by one civilization, so that resources can be fully utilized. It is not surprising that a civilization has several galaxies, but it is strange that hundreds of civilizations have a planet.

The aircraft slowly flew above the deck of the aircraft carrier, and several clones jumped down, which made everyone curious again. They thought that a beam of light would appear, and then people landed from the beam.

"Hello, Chinese."

The leader is a man who looks like a brown iron shell, his face is also full of visors, and his eyes are glowing with yellow light. The same is true for the other people, but this is actually their body. They only have hearts that are not mechanical.

"Hello, Clones."

Shouyi smiled and stretched out his hand. This was Bluestar's handshake. The clones already knew about it, so they also stretched out their hands. The two gave a friendly handshake. The clones didn't feel anything, but the first one felt weird. Yes, because the hand wrapped in this iron armor turned out to be a little warm.

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