I Asked You To Repair The Car: You Actually Built A Mecha

Chapter 115 Forming A Security Alliance

"There is news from Clooney that the Copps Chamber of Commerce has organized an invasion fleet to attack Blue Star."

The atmosphere in the Great Hall was a bit depressing. I didn't think that this day would come so early. Before the fleet of the Talmud civilization arrived, Copps called first.

"The good news is that Clooney has organized three fleets to set off towards Blue Star. From the point of time, it is estimated that Clooney will arrive earlier than the invasion fleet of the Science Chamber of Commerce, and we can also do a good job of defense."

The first one sits in the middle of the conference table, with five national elders on the left, three commanders and two people who have never met on the right, and government personnel and military personnel from all over the country.

No one spoke, and this time the enemy was beyond their imagination.

"The first point is to devote all resources to the development of aerospace aircraft carriers and aerospace fighters, and we must ensure that we have the strength to fight back before the enemy's attack."

The whole hall was silent, but all nodded in unison. The first method is very correct. We must first build the sword and hold it in our hands, so that we can be more secure.

"Second point, to transform mechas, fighter jets and other equipment that can enter space, we must maximize our combat effectiveness. The aviation department, the army, navy and air forces, and the Huaguo Academy of Sciences are all involved in this operation."

"Yes! Guaranteed to complete the mission."

The commander of the three armed forces stood up first to answer, his voice was sonorous and powerful, and there was no timidity at all. This was equivalent to a military order. The Minister of Aviation and the President of the Academy of Sciences also stood up to respond to the first order.

"The third point is that Blue Star is the foundation of our existence. In any case, this battle cannot affect Blue Star. Even if you take a gun and stab it with a pen, you can't let them fight."

The first person looked around the lower side, the whole person was not angry, and the voice was more majestic than before.

"Guaranteed to complete the mission."

No one was timid, they knew that they were facing an unknown and extremely terrifying enemy, but at this time their legs were standing straight and their waists were straight, and nothing could knock them down.

"So fast?"

Lin Feng listened to the news that Gu Suping brought him, and couldn't help but smile bitterly, two months, how could this be possible.

"The aerospace fighter has been developed and is being tested. If there is no problem, it should be mass-produced in two days."

In two months, even if the construction of the whole country starts, it will not be able to build a few aerospace fighters.

"Carry out the technology of your aerospace fighter and the technology of the aerospace aircraft carrier for a while, and send it to the first person together."

Lin Feng shook his head, he didn't want to cupped hands with such a good technology, but there was no other way, a Chinese nation was still too small after all.

"Are you going to send this technology out?"

Gu Suping couldn't believe it, this was all Lin Feng's hard work, and of course he also had his own, but if it was given away in vain, it would be better to kick the Leshan Giant Buddha away and do it yourself.

"I don't want to, but there is no way. It's too slow to rely on us alone. We are linked to Blue Star."

Lin Feng's eyes were a little confused, but he knew they couldn't just fall here.

"Cronney will help us, we don't have to worry too much."

Gu Suping felt a hint of frustration coming from Lin Feng, and he didn't know what to say, so he had to comfort him.

"It's not a long-term solution after all."

Gu Suping opened his mouth, but he didn't refute this sentence. He honestly took the materials on Lin Feng's table and left the control room.

"This is?"

The first person looked at Gu Suping and handed two documents to himself, with some doubts. "Lin Feng said to share the technology of this aerospace carrier and the technology of aerospace fighters."

Gu Suping said truthfully, it was inevitable that he felt a little unhappy in his heart, so I won't talk about the aerospace carrier. This is Lin Feng's own technology, but the aerospace fighter contains the hard work of hundreds of people, so it's just a gift, alas.

Gu Suping sighed and looked at the leader who said nothing, and left the leader's study.

The first person's eyes kept flickering, looking a little cloudy and uncertain, and he didn't know what he was thinking about.

"Come here, send these things to the United States, the Great Bear Country, Prussia... these countries, ask them if they want it, and call me if they want it."

It's a pity to give it away for nothing, it's better to get something affordable.

Big Bear Country.

"Dear Mr. Tan, I don't know what I need to see in person?"

The Great Emperor looked at Tan Dongfang with soft eyes. Yesterday, he got the news that a diplomat from China came to visit in person. He thought it was a small matter. People go down to receive.

But Tan Dongfang said that this matter needs to be discussed with him personally, and this is the first person who ordered it. As soon as the Great Emperor heard it, what the good brothers wanted to talk about must be important, so he came in person.

"Please take a look at this thing."

Tan Dongfang took out three documents from the documents he had with him and handed them to the guards, who then sent them to the Great Emperor.

"what is this?"

The Great Emperor's eyes were a little puzzled, but he still opened a document to read.

"Design drawings and design theory of aerospace aircraft carriers?"

Dadi was a little stunned when he looked at these things. He didn't believe his own eyes at this time. Can this kind of thing be taken out casually?

"Mr. Tan, is this...?"

The Great Emperor is still somewhat unbelievable.

"Aircraft carrier, hasn't the Great Emperor seen it?"

Tan Dongfang took a sip of vodka and wait... is this vodka? Tan Dongfang looked at the guard once again and gestured for the water glass in front of him. The guard looked at it, wasn't this the vodka used to warm up the Great Emperor!

"Mr. Tan, I need to confirm the authenticity of this technology."

The Great Emperor looked at Tan Dongfang apologetically. Although he believed in his Chinese friends, this kind of thing beyond his cognition still needed some special treatment.

"Please, but in the meantime, the Great Emperor can take a look at the third-party documents."

Tan Dongfang didn't care, it seemed normal to him.

"Okay, Security Alliance Membership Agreement?"

The Great Emperor thought it was some kind of technology, but it doesn't seem to be, but there are already two good technologies, so this one is nothing.

"Joining the security alliance headed by China, China will provide two technologies for aerospace aircraft carriers and aerospace fighters for free."

"As a member of the security alliance, China can help member countries form the Blue Star Defense Force."

"In the security alliance meeting, the decision made by China must not be violated. To withdraw from the security alliance, it is necessary to turn over any weapons and technology theories provided by China, including weapons and products developed through technology theory."

Such a scene is now being played out in the meetings of the presidents of many countries.

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