I Asked You To Repair The Car: You Actually Built A Mecha

Chapter 123 It's Better To Give It A Go

The first person also said the same, is more than 4,000 people a lot for the entire country, not much. But to him, it seemed like an astronomical number.

"I will build a monument of heroes, people will always remember them, at least we will."

The first voice said in a low voice, he was suppressing his emotions, and it could be seen that he was not feeling well when he heard this,

"From today, a new era begins, and we all have to face this new era."

The first person hung up the phone and said no more about Lin Feng. He had more important things to do.

A new era has indeed begun. Our future will no longer be peaceful. What we have to face is not only work and study, but also from deep space. There are so many and powerful enemies.

Lin Feng looked at the screen that had become dark with mixed feelings. He always felt helpless in his heart, but he still needed to get up and face all this.

"What about Jupiter?"

Lin Feng and Gu Suping asked about Clooney's movements. They did not have the power to command Clooney, but they also needed to know the movements of friendly forces so that they could cooperate with their actions.

"Clonney intends to use two battleship groups to fully resist Copps' fleet, and send a number of small fleets to harass and destroy. If possible, they hope that we can also join the harassment operation."

Gu Suping said that the contact with Clooney has always been carried out by him, and Clooney's actions will reach him at the first time.

Lin Feng didn't speak, his brain seemed to simulate a battle situation, an intact battleship group plus a battleship group that lost more than half and an aerospace aircraft carrier, many small fleets harassed.

If he is Copps, the first goal is to fight in the middle battlefield, and winning the middle battlefield can cause most of the enemy's firepower.

As for the harassing squadrons, they divided some of their firepower, intercepted them at a distance, and sent aircraft and infiltrated troops to harass them. In this case, they might suffer a little loss in the early stage.

Once this part of the harassing small fleet is intercepted, then they can use all their firepower to deal with the middle battlefield and the battleship group of Clooney. In this case, we have neither a numerical advantage nor a firepower advantage. , it will only be a matter of time before Jupiter falls.

"This method doesn't work, my suggestion is to hide the fleet in Jupiter's atmosphere and leave the remaining full fleet to attract firepower, so that the enemy needs to be divided into at least two parts to deal with it, so that the pressure on us can be spread out Come on, it's not that hard to beat."

Lin Feng immediately shook his head and rejected Clooney's plan. He must be unable to hit the bomb, so he needs to defeat the enemy tactically.

"I'm going to speak to Clooney?"

Gu Suping thought for a moment, he felt that Lin Feng's method was much better than Clooney's. After the first battle, Gu Suping probably had a more comprehensive understanding of the strength of both sides.

The weapons and equipment of both sides are comparable, but the number of fleets is far superior to Cops. Clooney's tactic is to fight against each other, but it is definitely impossible to fight with fewer people and more people, not to mention the strength of both sides. almost.

Comparing the two, Lin Feng's method still has some possibilities.

"By the way, how many Titans are there in the mecha?"

Gu Suping had already left, and Lin Feng could only ask Lin Chen on the side.

"Three." Lin Chen said with an unnatural expression.

"Why are there only three left?"

Lin Feng's expression was a little stunned. Although the Titan-class mecha said that its firepower was not strong enough, it still had the strength to fight against some small and medium-sized warships, and its speed was flexible. Even large warships could not take it down.

"It was destroyed by Copps' fleet when it was left behind."

At that time, Lin Feng had already left the control room, but they were all staring at the screen of the battlefield. They saw with their own eyes that the broken mechas were attacked by thousands of Cops warships, and even the scum was not left behind. .


Lin Feng didn't know what to say. The three Titan-class mechs were like ants looking straight at an elephant when they faced Copps' fleet. What gave them the courage to stand tall in the face of thousands of warships, Lin Feng I know but don't know.

"It's all heroes."

With hot tears in his eyes, Lin Feng shook his head again. Now is not the time to be sad. The broken mechas are 'Diga', 'Gaia' and 'Dina'.

Heisei Sanji has become a thing of the past, Lin Feng vaguely remembers the joy when they were created, and the pride they all faced when facing the threat of the United States, and now they have turned into fly ash in this war.

"Send all the mechas to hide in Jupiter's atmosphere. The small mechas must be far away from the eye of the storm. Once they encounter Copps' fleet or aircraft, they will fight."

Lin Feng finally took on the responsibility of a captain at this moment. He must pay attention to the trend of the battlefield, make correct judgments at all times, and have a calm brain to command the overall situation.

"All aerospace fighters stay on the frontal battlefield, cooperate with the frontal troops of Clooney's fleet to harass and block, and do not need to join the frontal battlefield."

Lin Feng said this with consideration. Tens of thousands of airships and aircrafts of Clooney and Copps have been put into the battlefield at every turn. These hundreds of aerospace fighters are not even a splash. It is better to do something meaningful. .

"The 'Kyushu' must reach Jupiter's atmosphere before heading towards Jupiter."

Lin Feng's orders were given in an orderly manner. If Clooney didn't agree with his method, then Lin Feng could only attack Cops' fleet by himself.

But in this case, the 'Kyushu' is exposed directly behind the Cops fleet, and it may face a concentrated fire attack from the Cops fleet.

"The Mars fleet we are stationed in can go to the Jupiter defense line. Your method is not unreasonable. It is better for us to give it a shot."

Hobis also began to control the Clooney fleet. He just listened to Lin Feng's method. There is a good way, but this may also be exposed. Obviously, the two main battleships have withdrawn, why is there only one fleet left behind on Jupiter.

Cops is likely to suspect that there is a fleet hiding near Jupiter, and will definitely send a large number of scout Ospreys to find the location of other warships, and if there is an ambush, they can also escape.

"Leave a virtual image at the back to send Copps' probe. The Mars fleet is ambushed on the surface of Jupiter. When the frontal battle is fought, you can attack from behind."

Hobis' method was similar to what Lin Feng thought. He also considered pulling Mars' fleet over, but he dismissed it for the safety of Blue Star.

But let him think about it now, it really is the case, if the second line of defense is defeated, then even the full Clone fleet left behind on Mars will not be able to do anything.

Might as well give it a go!

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