I Asked You To Repair The Car: You Actually Built A Mecha

Chapter 137 Surprised To Discover The Orokin Temple

Gu Suping came to save the scene in time, but Gu Suping didn't know what happened, he just came to report.

"Yes, let's go."

Lin Feng quickly pulled Gu Suping to leave.

"Stop, it's not too late to give me what you have."

Jiang Luo still felt that Lin Feng had some problems. Looking at Lin Feng's hands behind her back, she left to determine the problem.


Lin Feng handed the virtual video screen in his hand to Gu Suping's hands without a trace, and then stretched out his hand and said.

"Take your hand out too."

Jiang Luo looked at Lin Feng with empty hands, and then turned to Gu Suping with both hands behind her back.

Gu Suping hurriedly sent the virtual screen to Lin Feng's back. Lin Feng held the virtual screen with both hands behind his back. Gu Suping stretched out his hands, also empty-handed.

"You guys are bugging me here."

Jiang Luo hit Lin Feng angrily and grabbed the virtual screen in Lin Feng's hand. Lin Feng was a little ashamed, but he didn't let go. Once he let go, he might not be safe at night.

But if he didn't let go, he might not be able to protect it now. Seeing that Jiang Luo's anger was about to fill up, Lin Feng quickly let go and ran into the distance.

Jiang Luo looked at Lin Feng who was running away for unknown reasons. If he didn't have those extra actions, he wouldn't have noticed this virtual screen.

Jiang Luo turned on the virtual screen, and immediately there was a sound of love between men and women. Jiang Luo hurriedly threw the unsightly picture into Gu Suping's hands.

"Lin Feng, stop for me."

Jiang Luo angrily ran after Lin Feng who was in the distance.

"I can't satisfy you, can I!"

Lin Feng listened to the voice behind, and secretly thought that it was over, this evening might really be in danger.

Roller 4 is a multi-star system composed of several blue giant stars. The main sequence star is called a Cepheus beta variable star, and the Prometheus they are looking for is the subordinate planet of this Cepheus beta variable star.

Lin Feng sat on the main seat and clutched his waist. Jiang Luo had just pinched him a few times. He had to say that the strength of his hands was indeed strong after drinking the genetic potion. Lin Feng was still in pain.

Jiang Luo stood behind him with his criminal evidence, and looked at Lin Feng with some good intentions, while Gu Suping looked at him apologetically.

"There is Prometheus."

Hoff pointed to the planet that was almost close at hand, and Lin Feng and the others could also clearly see the appearance of this planet.

The surface of the planet has been cracked, with hot magma flowing in the cracks, and there are several large craters visible to the naked eye. These large craters are not from the asteroid Tackle.

It's a legacy of the Clone Beat Up Cops founder's war, and the biggest of these craters is the Pacific Ocean.

Prometheus is much bigger than Blue Star, more than three times as big as Blue Star, and the cracks on the surface make it look like it is about to break.

"The battleship will stop outside the star. Let's take some people to extract antimatter on the planet."

The spacecraft flew around Prometheus, but did not find a suitable place to land, and the environment of the entire planet was poorly visible to the naked eye.

Several aerospace fighters and Copps' battleship left the 'Kyushu' and headed towards the surface of Prometheus.

"You can feel the heat even in armor."

The aerospace fighter plane landed on a slightly intact Ground, and Lin Feng and his party came out, and there were hot magma everywhere, like small streams. The extraction device is something like a syringe. Antimatter does not exist on the surface, but at the core of the planet. The probe of this extraction device can penetrate all the way to the center of the earth.

The extraction device started to run, and everyone was watching. Lin Feng looked around, and suddenly saw a golden peak in the distance, like a building.

"Hoff, what is that?"

Looking along Lin Feng's line of sight, I saw a towering mountain standing on the devastated Ground, but because of the planet, the surface of the mountain was also cracked, and one of the larger cracks revealed a touch of gold, like a is a spire.

"This structure seems to be the Orokin Temple!"

The clones were stronger than humans, and Hough recognized what it was at a glance.

"I didn't expect that there is also an Orokin Temple on this planet. It's an incredible civilization."

Hoff said with some emotion, but he didn't mean to go check it out.

"Aren't you going to have a look?"

Lin Feng said thoughtfully, how could he be able to hold back his curiosity when he heard the mystery of the Orokin Temple from Hobbes earlier.

"There is a mysterious virus in the Orokin Temple, and we are not enough to see it."

Hof shook his head. He had experienced the horror of Orokin Temple, and naturally he would not have any thoughts.

"That's right, but what about just taking a look outside?"

Lin Feng asked again, he was really curious.

"It shouldn't be a problem."

Hof could naturally guess what Lin Feng was thinking. When he first saw the Orokin Temple, he couldn't wait to go in and take a look.

The group set off towards the Orokin Temple in the distance, leaving some people to maintain the operation of the extraction device. The magma along the way was the biggest obstacle, but everyone was able to jump over with the blessing of the equipment.

"This Orokin Temple was built in the mountain, and it was only when the mountain was damaged that it was revealed."

Lin Feng and the others soon came to the white-gold building on the mountain.

"It looks like you can go in here."

Gu Suping pointed to a crack that looked like a thin line of sky. The crack was pitch black and nothing could be seen.

A few people discussed and decided to go in and have a look. The crack looks tall from the outside, but it feels a little narrow inside. It can only accommodate two people walking together. The space above is gradually decreasing, and it is almost almost at the back. Hit people's heads.

The image is very narrow at the beginning, only able to understand people, and after walking dozens of steps, suddenly enlightened.

The few people in front stopped in time, only to find that there was no way, and there was a cliff about tens of meters high in front of it.

Both sides are extended, like a long river, with no source and no end in sight.

"That's the Orokin Temple."

Hoff pointed to the nearly ten-story high white-gold door opposite, with shy and incomprehensible words and some strange patterns on the door.

"With such a high gate, are Orokin's people all giants?"

Gu Suping thought that Hobis was already tall enough, but he didn't expect this Orokin to be even more outrageous. The door is estimated to be more than 30 meters high.

"I don't know, but it shouldn't be. Such a structure should be just a pattern of architecture."

Hoff shook his head, if the Orokin were giants, then the throne inside could not even sit on a finger.

"No, this door has been opened before."

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