The solar system has returned to silence. Clooney and Cops have each lost a main fleet. Nubi has no intention of leaving. His father still needs him to meet him.

"I suggest that Bluestar leave the solar system coordinates and continue to escape."

The war has ended, and the Talmud Civilization's aggression fleet has been wiped out by unknown forces. For more than three years, Blue Star seems like a dream in a trance, as if nothing happened.

"Talmud civilization has lost a fleet. They will never let it go. They will definitely continue to send fleets to invade the solar system. If Bluestar continues to stay in the solar system, it will definitely become the primary target of Talmud civilization."

Hobis brought the rest of the fleet to Blue Star, and the first one was still sitting in the pavilion of the Mid-Levels Academy with him.

In the early spring, a light rain started to fall. Looking out from the pavilion, the misty rain was hazy, and small water droplets fell from the eaves of the pavilion, splashing the spring in the courtyard.

"Leaving this time, I don't know when I will be able to come back."

The first one took a sip of hot tea. Although it was spring, it was hard to dispel the lingering power of this cold winter.

"When you are strong, you will naturally be able to come back."

Hobbes said that strength is the only truth in this universe.

"We should leave too. Although we do not deal with the Talmud civilization, we usually do not fight each other. This time, the Talmud civilization must have its eyes on us. Clooney will also change in the galaxy in the future. It's hard to walk."

Hobbis got up and was about to leave. The above order was urgent. If such a decision was made, there must be measures to deal with it.

"If the Clooney Civilization encounters difficulties in the future, our Blue Star will definitely help."

The first person looked at the back of Hobbis leaving and said.

Hobbies paused and said without looking back,

"You too."

Then the figure disappeared in the misty forest path.

"Start the fourth project."

The amiable look of the first person disappeared at some point, and was replaced by a perseverance that did not know how many hardships he had experienced.

"Can't do that."

The man in black appeared in the pavilion and finally spoke, his voice seemed to be mechanically synthesized, like a robot.

"I have to do this for the sake of China."

The first one said in a deep voice, his tone was beyond doubt.

"You have to know the consequences of doing this. A negligence in this project will lead to irreparable consequences. At that time, you will be the sinner of China and the sinner of Blue Star."

The voice of the black-clothed robot became a little emotional, and even the expression was a little angry, and the feeling of anger was almost beyond words.

"Everyone will stab you in the spine and scold you for being light all your life!"

The last sentence was almost shouted out, but the expression of the first person became calm, and in the end there was no expression at all.

"I know, so I want to do it even more."

The black-clothed robot angrily left the Mid-Levels Academy. This time everyone saw him, but no one was curious about his identity, and the way was unobstructed.

After another few months, the 'Kyushu' finally returned.

"Want to take a look at the solar system again?" Gu Suping looked at Lin Feng and said, the closer they got to home, the more heavy their hearts became. They didn't know what the solar system looked like after the battle, and they didn't know what Blue Star was. look like.

Or devastated, or war raging?

"Take a look."

Lin Feng said slowly, the 'Jiuzhou' began to move in the direction of the solar system.

The white light of the sun is still dazzling, and the major planets are safe and sound. Except for the blue star, which is not here, it seems that everything is fine and nothing has happened.

"go home."

Everyone looked surprised. No matter how they looked at it, they didn't want to experience the meaning of fighting. When they fought with Copps, there were also ruins of warships everywhere, but there was nothing.

But Lin Feng was not curious about this, and everyone set foot on the way home.

Kurt was picked up by Nubi in the middle of the journey. At the same time, Kurt also owed Lin Feng a kindness, but this kindness was useless now.

Hoff and the others also left halfway, and the two sides agreed to meet again soon.

After three years, Lin Feng finally set foot on the familiar land. The air here is still very fresh, the sky is still very clear, and the fireworks on earth are still very lively.

"came back?"

The first person came to the landing base to pick up Lin Feng in person. Of course, everyone was not surprised by this. After all, Lin Feng's treatment was already very high.

"First, we're done."

Lin Feng's first sentence when he saw the first person was like this. The first person looked at Lin Feng seriously. He hadn't seen him for three years. Lin Feng's appearance has not changed much, but his temperament has become more mature and stable, but his eyes are still the same. Buried his own blood.

"You come with me."

The first person did not talk to Lin Feng too much, but quietly said to Lin Feng. The first person walked to the side of an inconspicuous car. Lin Feng was a little strange, but he still followed.

Are everyone still busy packing their own things? When they regained their senses, they found that the first and Lin Feng, who were still talking over there, had left at some point.

"First of all, is there something important you want to tell me?"

Sitting in the car, Lin Feng asked curiously. Usually, there are guards driving the car, but this time, he was the first to drive in person. This is also thanks to Lin Feng's potion, otherwise the first one would not have come by himself. drive.

"Do you know about Project Four?"

The first one stared intently at the road ahead. This is a road that is not displayed on the navigation. There are warning signs on the side of the road that prohibit entry, and there will be a warning sign almost every ten meters.

But along the way, I didn't see any soldiers patrolling here. The last time I went to the Mid-Levels Academy, the five-step, one-card, ten-step, one-level road was completely different.

"Project No. 4? I heard Yang Guolao mention it before, but out of confidentiality, Yang Guolao didn't tell me the specifics."

Suddenly hearing the first person mention this, Lin Feng couldn't remember it for a while. It was all several years ago, and he didn't know anything and didn't remember it at all.

"It's not classified now, I'll tell you something about it before I get to Project 4 base."

The first one looked ahead and then spoke, without giving Lin Feng a chance to answer,

"Project No. 4 is not a purely experimental project in a strict sense. As early as 1975, when my country's first satellite probe was in deep space, it received a message from an unknown civilization. .

This civilization calls itself a hunter civilization, and it comes from the Hunter Interstellar Organization, which is a group of civilization organizations mainly based on wandering civilizations.

But presumably this hunter civilization isn't even in the Virgo Supercluster, and we don't know why we're able to receive information from civilizations outside the Virgo Supercluster. "

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