The strength of the soldiers who have fully accepted the transformation of genetic medicine is not limited. Gu Suping himself has only reached the transformation stage of the seventh-order medicine, so how can he bear it.

"Forget it."

The soldier touched his head and said apologetically, which caused everyone to burst into laughter.

But this time, something different appeared on Gu Suping's back. It was a creature similar to a giant water bug lying on Gu Suping's back. This creature was about the size of a slap. From the deep pit, an unknown green liquid flows out.

"What is this?"

Lin Feng was a little curious and leaned up to take a look. The insect had two short whiskers on its head and was shaking slightly. At first glance, it was a little disgusting.

"Let's take it off and look at it again. What's the matter with looking at it on my back?"

Gu Suping stood there for a while, and found that there was no movement behind him. He turned his head and found that Lin Feng was watching, and he didn't help him take it down, so he suddenly shouted.

It was only then that Lin Feng remembered that this thing was still on Gu Suping's back, so he asked two professionals to remove the unknown bug on Gu Suping's back and put it in an airtight container.

The group continued to walk ahead, but as the distance gradually deepened, all kinds of overgrown plants began to block Lin Feng and the others, so Lin Feng and others had to split these plants and continue to move forward.

"Wait, there is movement."

The leader of the battle group who opened the way suddenly said, and habitually made a stop gesture, and the soldiers patrolling around quickly formed a circle to surround Lin Feng and the others.

"What's wrong?"

Lin Feng didn't see any strange clues, so he quietly asked Gu Suping, Gu Suping pointed to the ground without saying a word, Lin Feng's eyes moved down.

Some pebbles on the ground were trembling slightly. If you didn't look carefully, you wouldn't be able to tell, and the magnitude of the vibration was gradually increasing. There was a huge thing not far from them.

The crowd held their breaths and waited for a while before the leader of the battle group stood up.

"It's safe, that thing didn't come."

As for what that thing is, no one knows, but it must be very dangerous.

"The road conditions here are a bit complicated, and the mecha cannot be used unless a path is cut."

Lin Feng and the others were going to discuss letting mechas come in to escort them, but the mechas were too large and could hardly move in this lush jungle.

"Let's look further ahead, return later, and collect information before making a decision."

Lin Feng nodded and agreed with Gu Suping's statement, but at this moment, a violent vibration came from under his feet, and at the same time, there was the sound of branches and leaves being knocked apart.

"Ready to fight!"

The personnel of the battle team arranged Lin Feng and the others behind several thick tree trunks according to the principle of proximity, and a huge cyan figure walked in when Lin Feng and the others had just hid behind the tree trunk. It is a creature similar to Tyrannosaurus Rex, with two lantern-like eyes constantly turning, as if looking for a prey figure, it approached the nearby tree trunk and began to smell, trying to find some food information .

The huge head swept past the person behind the tree trunk, but the Tyrannosaurus Rex didn't seem to see them. The Tyrannosaurus Rex raised its head and turned twice unwillingly, and finally left here.

Just when everyone breathed a sigh of relief, the Tyrannosaurus Rex suddenly rushed back, and its huge body slammed into the trunk of the tree that had just passed by. The collision was startled, but he did not act rashly, but observed carefully.

But the Tyrannosaurus Rex had already discovered them, and lifted his foot and stepped on the position of the few people, and the few people behind the tree ran up.

"Fire cover!"

White laser beams shot out from the backs of the tree trunks, hitting the Tyrannosaurus Rex, but it had no effect. The particle rifle, which could even shoot through iron plates, could not even break the Tyrannosaurus Rex's skin.

"Captain, it's useless."

A member of the team shouted in the communication channel that the Tyrannosaurus rex didn't care about these white laser beams, and chased after a running person.

Lin Feng keenly found that this Tyrannosaurus rex had another layer of gray plating on its body, whether it would flow around a bit, and you could see it without looking carefully.

"It's a little weird."

But Lin Feng didn't think much about it, and cooperated with everyone to deal with this Tyrannosaurus Rex. The Tyrannosaurus Rex was too large, and it was easy to stand in a stalemate with it just by circling around the tree trunk.

"Go to the tree."

The captain of the battle group shouted, and everyone started to climb up the tree with the help of their own abilities. Soon everyone came to the tree, sitting on the huge branch on the trunk and watching the Tyrannosaurus Rex below there. Incompetent roar.

Tyrannosaurus rex in the canopy.

"It's the first time I've seen such a big branch."

Near the crown of the tree, a group of people walks on the branch that extends out. This branch can accommodate two people to pass side by side. Walking on it is the same as walking on a flat path.

"It's a rare sight indeed."

Such a feeling has never been experienced before. There is actually a passable path in the crown of the tree. Even trees such as the virgin forest on the Blue Star are rare.

"Go back along these trunks."

Taking into account the reason for the Tyrannosaurus rex, Lin Feng and the others decided not to continue to explore, and decided to return to the battleship to discuss.

The branches are intertwined with the branches, and there are several branches between each canopy. Even if there are some unevenness, it is relatively easy to walk. Everyone follows the branches on the canopy all the way to the forest. edge.

The 'Jiuzhou' was located in the distance, out of tune with the whole environment. There were some aerospace fighters and some mechs flying around, but most of them didn't come back, so Lin Feng had to issue a withdrawal order in advance.

"A total of 12 kinds of animals were found in this investigation, no flying or aquatic organisms, more than 30 kinds of plants, and five kinds of rare substances were found. In addition, the water on this planet contains a lot of liquid natural gas, which is not suitable for drinking. "

Lin Feng sat in the conference room and listened to the reports one by one. At present, the situation is not very good. There may be a large number of large carnivores on this planet, which is a huge threat to the survival of human beings. Besides, there is no drinking water.

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