The Liu family.

"Yuchen, Yuchen?"

"It's almost ten o'clock now. You didn't go out to hang out with others late at night, did you?"

Luo Fang, who had just returned home, called out several times but didn't hear Liu Yuchen's response. She felt helpless and went upstairs to take a look at Liu Yuchen's room. Sure enough, he was not in the room, but the light was still on.

"Strange, where did he go?"

Luo Fang was wondering, and suddenly heard a noise coming from the direction of the garage. He hurried to the direction of the garage and saw that the light in the garage was still on.

"Liu Yuchen?"

Luo Fang shouted quickly.


But Liu Yuchen's voice came from the warehouse behind the garage.

Luo Fang breathed a sigh of relief and hurried to the warehouse to see Liu Yuchen holding a screwdriver in his left hand, dismantling a broken TV. Beside Liu Yuchen, many unused electrical appliances had been dismantled, and various electronic components were piled together.

Luo Fang looked at Liu Yuchen, who was dirty all over, and was stunned: "You, what are you doing? Demolishing the house?"

"No! I just took these appliances down to take a look since they are not used anyway."

"Do you really think that our family has too much money to spend?" Luo Fang glared at him unhappily: "Many of these appliances can still be used! And these are all left by your father. When he comes back and sees you dismantling all these things, let's see if he will punish you!"

"Of course not, my father loves me so much!" Liu Yuchen said with a grin.

"Then can you put it back together after you take it apart?"

Liu Yuchen chuckled: "I forgot how to put it back together."

Luo Fang rolled her eyes: "You are not a child anymore, really, go take a shower!"

"Oh..." Liu Yuchen responded, and quickly took out a cardboard box, put all the electronic components into the cardboard box, and was about to leave with it. Luo Fang quickly stopped him: "No, what are you doing with these things?"

"I'm doing some research!"

Liu Yuchen left with the cardboard box, which made Luo Fang a little stunned for a while.

No, what's going on?

When did my daughter become interested in these things?

About half an hour later, Liu Qingsong returned home, and as soon as he entered the door, he saw Luo Fang sitting on the sofa with a strange look on her face.

"What's wrong? Why aren't you sleeping so late at night?"

Luo Fang said seriously: "Come here, I have something to tell you!"

Liu Qingsong asked puzzledly as soon as he sat down: "What's the matter?"

"Your daughter dismantled all the electrical appliances left in your warehouse."

"Oh...ah!" Liu Qingsong was stunned: "She just dismantled these things?"

"She said she wanted to study them." Luo Fang winked at Liu Qingsong: "Then she took a bunch of circuit boards back to her room."

"Hey?" Liu Qingsong scratched his head: "Is it true?"

"If you don't believe it, go to the warehouse and take a look yourself." Luo Fang rolled her eyes unhappily: "The dismantled parts are all over the floor !

Liu Qingsong was immediately in tears and laughter: "So, is this considered genetic inheritance? But... the delay of this inheritance is too high, right? I didn't see her interested in these things when she was a child! Why did she suddenly get interested in them when she was in high school?"

"No, no! I don't want my daughter to become an electronic engineer and stay away from home all day!" Luo Fang immediately looked unwilling: "I just hope she can learn to dance and become a dancer in the future!"

"It's not that you can do it just by hoping she will, she must have talent!" Liu Qingsong scratched his head: "No, I have to go see what my daughter is doing!"

Liu Qingsong hurried upstairs, came to Liu Yuchen's room and knocked on the door.

"Who is it?"


After a while, the door opened.

"Dad, you're just in time!" Liu Yuchen pulled Liu Qingsong into the room as soon as he opened the door, pointing to a pile of electronic components in the box and said, "Dad, I just happen to have a lot of things I don't understand, so you can tell me about them!"

"How many of my appliances have you dismantled?" Liu Qingsong took a look at the box full of electronic components and was stunned: "Hey, no, where did you dismantle this?"

"Oh, let me think..." Liu Yuchen looked at the pile of electronic components in Liu Qingsong's hand and blinked: "It seems to be your computer!"

"I said why it looks so much like a hard drive chip... huh!???" Liu Qingsong's face suddenly changed

Bai, I hurried out and ran to the study. When I opened the door, I saw that the computer was already piled with various parts.

The entire computer case had been emptied, the motherboard, graphics card, CPU were all disassembled, and even the power box was removed.

"Dad..." Outside the door, Liu Yuchen carefully poked her head out and said coquettishly: "I'm sorry, I didn't control my hands for a moment and disassembled your computer. You will definitely not be angry with your lovely daughter, right?"

Liu Qingsong held up the shell of a mobile hard disk with trembling hands: "Liu Yuchen, you can disassemble other things, but why do you disassemble my hard disk? There are design drawings in it that I have worked hard to make these days!"

"Really, really, it should be able to be put back together, right?"

"You have removed all the parts of my hard disk and removed the chip..."

Liu Yuchen stuck out her tongue: "Does that mean it can't be put back together? Sorry, Dad, please don't be angry..."

"I'm not angry, I'm not angry..."

Liu Qingsong smiled but didn't smile, and subconsciously touched the belt around his waist.

"Ahem, Dad, it's getting late, I'm going to bed first!"

Liu Yuchen immediately had a bad feeling and ran away. When he returned to the room, he slammed the door shut.

I, what a sin!

Liu Qingsong looked at the pile of parts on the table and wanted to cry but had no tears.

"How the hell did you disassemble it?"

"Why did you disassemble the motherboard into three parts?"

At this moment, Luo Fang came up and was stunned when she saw the mess on the table: "No, what's going on?"

Liu Qingsong gritted his teeth and said: "Shouldn't I ask your lovely daughter about this?"

"Is it that serious? Just buy another one!"

"The design I just made is stored in this hard drive. He removed my hard drive and removed the chips. The data inside must be destroyed!" Liu Qingsong was so angry that his face turned pale: "I spent almost a year and a half on this design!"

Luo Fang glared. She also knew that this design was related to Liu Qingsong's future. She asked anxiously: "Don't you have a backup?"

Liu Qingsong's voice was trembling: "What do you think?"

"Don't be angry, don't be angry!" Luo Fang took a deep breath: "I'll go back to the room to get a hanger now!"


Luo Fang knew that Liu Qingsong would definitely not be willing to hit his daughter.

When he turned around, he saw Liu Qingsong pulling his belt.

"Let's go together!"


But in the end, he still couldn't bear to attack Liu Yuchen.

Mainly because Liu Yuchen saw his parents rushing towards him aggressively, and immediately put on an attitude of admitting his mistakes, with tears falling.

"I know I was wrong, I'm sorry!"

Children who know how to act like a spoiled child always get candy, not to mention that she is his own precious daughter. Seeing her crying, the burning anger in his heart suddenly subsided.

"Liu Yuchen, you think you are sick, right? Why are you so naive? You can just dismantle those electrical appliances, why did you dismantle your father's computer?"

Liu Yuchen's face was aggrieved: "I, I'm just a little curious, my hands are itching..."

"How old are you? Fifteen! Do you think you are still a child?" Luo Fang glared at Liu Yuchen fiercely and scolded: "How come you are so old, but you are still so ignorant?"

"I'm sorry."

Liu Qingsong didn't know what to say for a while. He wanted to scold but couldn't bear to scold, and he couldn't bring himself to hit him.

"Forget it..." After a long while, Liu Qingsong sighed and warned: "Liu Yuchen, if you dare to dismantle my computer again next time, even if you are my biological daughter, you can see whether I will beat you or not!"

Liu Yuchen quickly promised: "There will definitely not be a next time!"

Liu Qingsong snorted and went upstairs by himself.

"I don't know what to say to you. Do you know how important the design is to your dad?" Luo Fang was so angry that her chest was heaving: "Your dad will have to hand in the design in a few days. By then, he won't be able to keep his job! Our whole family will have to starve!"

Liu Yuchen realized the seriousness of the problem: "Ah...ah!? Is it that serious?"

"You just found out!" Luo Fang got even angrier and raised her hand to hit him. After thinking for a while, she took her hand back: "Go back to sleep quickly. Don't hang around in front of your dad these two days, or you'll give him a heart attack!"

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