The students were so embarrassed, but they were so embarrassed.

Ah... this...

Chen Chu still couldn't believe it, so he just scanned them one by one.

The average student in the class had more than 20 bad habits, and their learning efficiency was about -130%, with the highest learning efficiency being -78%!

Oh my god! This class is not worth teaching!

The system evaluation is divided into nine levels: SSS, SS, S, A, B, C, D, E, and F, but the overall evaluation of the class can't even reach the worst F.

No wonder the system rewards are so generous, this class 7 is simply hopeless.

The self-confidence that Chen Chu had accumulated with great difficulty collapsed in an instant.

"No, no, after all, I am a people's teacher, I can't give up easily."

Let's not talk about whether to reward or not.

Chen Chu's awareness is not very high, but since he has chosen the profession of people's teacher, the bottom line is to be responsible for the students.

Chen Chu doesn't want the students he teaches to be useless scum after entering the society.

After finally cheering up, Chen Chu felt that these little guys could still be saved.

After the roll call, while the teacher's domineering effect has not yet worn off, Chen Chu asked everyone to study on their own.

One by one, they reluctantly took out their textbooks and started reading.

Learning elf, it's decided to be you!

With a thought, Chen Chu immediately summoned the learning elf, and what came into view was a flying white fur ball, which began to wander around the classroom.

Chen Chu observed silently with expectation. When the learning elf had been wandering around for about ten minutes, he saw the elf suddenly stop on the top of a student's head, and then a faint white light appeared on the surface of the student's body.

Fanatical state?

Chen Chu immediately used the teacher's eye.

[Name]: Luo Hao

[Gender]: Male

[Age]: 15

[Status]: Dislike of learning, awe (lasting 1 hour), fanaticism (lasting ten minutes)

[Bad habits]: ... negligible

[Talent]: None

[Learning efficiency]: 47%

[Overall evaluation]: F

Luo Hao was originally flipping through the Chinese textbook boredly, and suddenly felt that the article was well written for some reason, and he unconsciously read it carefully.

At this time, the system prompt sounded in Chen Chu's mind.

[Get 1 teaching point from Luo Hao]

[Get 2 teaching points from Luo Hao]

The frenzy lasted for ten minutes, and Chen Chu also got 18 teaching points from Luo Hao. The learning elf seemed to have rested enough and started to wander around the class again.

Luo Hao's state returned to normal. He flipped over the article he had just read carefully in the next second.

"You can't get fat in one breath."

Chen Chu shook his head slightly and soon put his mind on the lottery.

He can now draw a total of 11 prizes. As long as his luck is good enough, it is not impossible to get an SSS mythical item!

[Drawing... Thank you for your patronage]

[Drawing... Thank you for your patronage]

[Drawing... Congratulations on getting the item globe]


Chen Chu quickly checked the item attributes.

[Globe]: Quality E, when placed in the classroom, it increases the learning efficiency of all students in the classroom by 10%, and can be composed of E-level learning sets, which can be upgraded.

All increased by 10%! ?

This is only an E-level item. If there is an SSS mythical one, it will be a big success! ?

Chen Chu continued to draw.

[Drawing... Congratulations on winning the item "Disciples' Rules Mural"]

[Disciples' Rules Mural]: Quality D. When placed in the classroom, there is a 3% chance that students in the classroom will gain a special status. It can be used to form a D-level learning set and can be upgraded.

Another one!

Chen Chu's eyes lit up. D-level items have already appeared, which means that his luck is not too bad.

Try your best and turn a bicycle into a motorcycle!

[Drawing... Thank you for your patronage]

[Drawing... Thank you for your patronage]


[Drawing... Congratulations on winning the skill imitation]

Chen Chu was startled and hurried to check the detailed information.

[Imitation]: Special skill. After releasing, you can enter the imitation state and imitate any character to gain all their abilities. It lasts for one hour and cools down for 24 hours. It can be upgraded.

Oh my god! Isn't this a magical skill?

You can imitate whoever you want within an hour, and you can also obtain all the abilities of the person you imitate!

Now, isn't it easy and pleasant to deal with these little guys?

Chen Chu suddenly felt that he could defeat the system again after making a lot of money in this lottery.

However, the abnormality of Class 7 attracted a lot of attention.

As usual, Class 7 has never been quiet in class, but today it was strangely quiet.

Is this still the Class 7 that is known as the Shura Field of Teachers and the Amusement Park of Bad Students?

A teacher pretended to pass by and took a look, and immediately looked like he had seen a ghost.

The little guys in Class 7 were actually sitting in their seats and reading books! ?

This is... outrageous!

If he hadn't seen it with his own eyes, he wouldn't believe it even if he was beaten to death!

Not long after, the bell rang.

Chen Chu returned to the office with ease, but as soon as he entered, he felt that the atmosphere was particularly weird.

Everyone was secretly staring at him.

Chen Chu didn't know what was going on, so he simply pretended not to see it and returned to his seat to think deeply.

Because of the system, his future is now tied to the little guys in Class 7.

Teaching points are the top priority, but the premise is that these little guys can study in class honestly.

Teacher's domineering is useful, but it is not a long-term solution. Moreover, because it consumes too much physical energy, using it once a day is the limit for Chen Chu.

After thinking about it, the most effective way is to attack their hearts.

"Well, there will be physical education class later. Play with these little guys and try the effect of imitation skills."

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