The old man was so tired that he had to wait for the next lesson.

"Get the clue [formula]"

Chen Chu held a notebook in his hand, and it was full of dense chemical formulas.


"Fuck you!"

I'm a Chinese teacher, a part-time geography teacher, and I also studied liberal arts!

Now I have completely forgotten the periodic table, how can I understand the chemical formula on it! ?

Chen Chu's mouth twitched, but he had almost used up all the teaching points now, and he couldn't afford the teacher's sweet power.

After hesitating for a long time, Chen Chu trembled with his hands and picked up the chemistry textbook he had found.

If a mortal is forced into a corner, what can't he do! ?

In addition to solving chemical formulas...

"This is more painful than killing me!"

Chen Chu had just read one unit, and his head was about to explode.

He chose to study liberal arts because he was not good at science.

Chen Chu never passed the three subjects of chemistry, physics, and biology.

Chen Chu just felt a headache.

The clue was the chemical formula, and he didn't know what the hell was written on it.

"Anyway, Qi Chao made so many chemical formulas, he must have come up with something!"

"The question is, what is he going to come up with?"

"I'm not sure what it is, and the direction is also uncertain."

After a while, Chen Chu decided to change his mind.


At present, Chen Chu can temporarily rule out that the suicide of Class 7 has nothing to do with Tian Xiao, because it doesn't make sense logically.

So the only suspects are Li Qian and Qi Chao.

Li Qian is just a student, how can she be so capable?

Although it is a bit taken for granted, Chen Chu still decided to rule out Li Qian first.

That leaves Qi Chao.

Suppose Qi Chao was the mastermind behind the mass suicide of Class 7.

Thinking about it this way, his train of thought suddenly became clear.

The chemical formula in front of him was probably the culprit that caused the mass suicide of Class 7.

The first thought in Chen Chu's mind was the hallucinogenic gas, which caused Class 7 to have hallucinations after inhaling it, and they all jumped off the building.

This explanation made sense, but there was a doubt.

Qi Chao had already escaped legal sanctions, so why did he target Class 7! ?

Maybe Class 7 had some evidence, and someone even saw Qi Chao coming down from the building at that time, so Qi Chao killed people to silence them and destroyed the evidence.

And Li Qian was an accomplice and an accomplice.

However, Chen Chu still felt that this explanation could not convince him. He always felt that something was wrong, but he couldn't figure it out for a while.

Suddenly, the system prompt sounded.

"Five clues have been collected. Congratulations to the host for completing the third stage of the dungeon and surviving. The current system evaluation is S+!"

"The host is close to the truth and cannot exit the dungeon. The system automatically enters the final stage!"

"The House of Truth has appeared in the small garden on the roof of the school. Put the collected clues into the House of Truth to restore the truth!"

When the system's prompt sound ended, Chen Chu felt a chill on his back for no reason.


Accompanied by a sound of metal collision, fire splashed!

Chen Chu flew out and hit the wall with a bang.

"Teacher Chen, that knife didn't kill you just now. What a pity!"

As soon as Chen Chu got up from the ground, a figure came in front of him.

With the faint light, Chen Chu could see the figure in front of him clearly.

Qi Chao!

Qi Chao smiled particularly creepily, pretending to raise the long knife in his hand and slash at Chen Chu again.


Fire splashed everywhere, and Chen Chu was thrown out again.

Qi Chao's strength in his hand was terrifying.

Fortunately, Chen Chu did not relax his vigilance from the beginning, and used the Vajra Talisman just now.

Otherwise, he would have become a dead soul under Qi Chao's knife.

Seeing Qi Chao swaying in front of him again, Chen Chu hurriedly stretched out his hand and said: "Wait, wait, Teacher Qi, let's talk it over, don't use the knife!"

Qi Chao actually paused and smiled grimly: "That's right, after all, as a teacher, it's not good to use a knife!"

Good guy! You boss is so reasonable! ?

However, the next second, the big knife in Qi Chao's hand suddenly shook, and it turned into a glass rod more than one meter long.

"As a chemistry teacher, it's reasonable for me to carry a glass rod with me, right?"

Reasonable, your uncle!

Chen Chu immediately used the magic talisman, and his figure disappeared from the spot in a flash.

With a muffled sound, Qi Chao used

The glass rod hit the wall hard, and a hole was smashed directly.

Seeing that Chen Chu had slipped away, Qi Chao took out the glass rod calmly and disappeared from the spot.

With the blessing of the magic talisman, Chen Chu couldn't help but feel as light as a swallow.

Time seemed to have stopped!

It felt like the scene of The Flash.

Anyway, with the blessing of the Vajra Talisman, Chen Chu jumped directly from the chemical laboratory on the sixth floor without saying a word.

However, just as he was about to land, Qi Chao's voice rang in his ears.

"Teacher Chen, don't run!"

Fuck! You can catch up with this! ?

This difficulty is too abnormal!

In a trance, Chen Chu was hit by a stick and fell hard to the ground.

"Teacher Chen, I'm so bored alone, why don't you die here to accompany me?"

"What the hell!"

Chen Chu cursed and was about to turn around and run, when Qi Chao appeared in front of him again and threw another stick at him.

This made Chen Chu very depressed. If he continued like this, he would die at the hands of Qi Chao sooner or later when the time came!

Invisibility Talisman!

Chen Chu didn't care about that anymore and used the Invisibility Talisman immediately.

Qi Chao, who had just caught up, saw Chen Chu suddenly disappear in front of him, and his movements froze. He frowned and looked around, as if he had completely lost Chen Chu's breath.

At this moment, Chen Chu didn't dare to run around, for fear of making a noise, and just stood there without making any movement.

"Teacher Chen, don't hide, come out! You will definitely die!"

Qi Chao looked around and shouted.

Chen Chu rolled his eyes.

"Forget it, even if you don't come out, I know you're going to the rooftop garden, so I'll stay there!"

Qi Chao's figure flashed and disappeared.

Chen Chu: ? ? ? ?

Fuck you...

How can this be possible! ?

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