The teacher said that the teacher was very busy.

Li Ke simply stopped teaching and handed all the students to Chen Chu, busy arranging for Chen Chu to participate in the employee basketball game.

Chen Chu continued to correct the movements of Zhou Feng and others.

[Get 5 teaching points from Zhou Feng]

[Get 7 teaching points from Yang Tianyu]

The system's prompt sound kept ringing, which made Chen Chu a little surprised.

This can also get teaching points! ?

He quickly looked at Zhou Feng with the teacher's eye.

[Name]: Zhou Feng

[Gender]: Male

[Age]: 15

[Status]: Hate studying, concentrate (special status, greatly improves learning efficiency, duration unknown)

[Bad habits]: ... negligible

[Talent]: E-level basketball

[Learning efficiency]: 133%

[Overall evaluation]: F

"Concentrated state?"

Chen Chu smiled suddenly, probably hitting the preferences of these little guys.

If I remember correctly, Zhou Feng's learning efficiency should be around -184% before.

It seems that learning efficiency is not static, and it will change according to mood and preferences.

If Zhou Feng and others go to the classroom to attend class now, their learning efficiency will definitely drop back immediately.

Taking advantage of the high enthusiasm of Zhou Feng and others and their high learning efficiency, Chen Chu also taught as carefully as possible and harvested teaching points crazily.

In a blink of an eye, the bell for the end of get out of class rang.

Although everyone looked unsatisfied, they went back to the classroom at Chen Chu's urging.

As they left, Chen Chu couldn't help laughing.

Including the more than 100 teaching points he had earned while teaching, he actually got more than 300 teaching points this time!

He had planned to use them directly for the lottery, but Chen Chu held back.

The lottery was too dependent on luck, and it was possible that all the teaching points would be thrown in and nothing would be gained.

Chen Chu quickly checked the two props in the inventory.

The globe and the mural of the Disciple Rules.

"System, what do you need to upgrade the globe?"

"100 teaching points and an E-level ornament of the same quality. The higher the quality of the ornament, the more teaching points and ornaments of the same quality are needed!"

"What about the set effect?"

"There are six E-level ornaments in total. Collecting all E-level ornaments can activate the set effect, which will increase the learning efficiency of all students by 50%."

Chen Chu nodded slightly. To upgrade the globe to D-level, 100 teaching points and another E-level ornament are required, while the Disciple Rules mural requires 1,000 teaching points and two D-level ornaments.

At present, the source of ornaments can only be obtained by lottery or sign-in. The system should open stores in the future.

"For the time being, use these two ornaments and put them in the classroom tomorrow to see the effect."

Chen Chu grinned, put his hands behind his back and walked towards the office happily.

However, as soon as he arrived at the door of the office, as soon as the imitation effect wore off, Chen Chu felt sore all over his body. He couldn't walk for a while, and his thighs hurt so much.

This scared Chen Chu.

"What, what's going on? Could it be that imitation has side effects!?"

The system explained: "The host lacks exercise, and uses imitation skills to perform high-intensity exercise, which will naturally cause severe soreness in the limbs. This is a normal phenomenon. It is recommended that the host exercise more."

Chen Chu didn't know whether to laugh or cry for a while.

"Why didn't you say it earlier!? I'm not mentally prepared at all!"

"The host didn't ask."


"Please remind me next time."


After a long time, Chen Chu endured the pain and entered the office.

As soon as he came in, many teachers' eyes gathered on Chen Chu.

Not long after Chen Chu sat down, Li Ke came back.

"Xiao Chen, it's done!" Li Ke raised a thermos cup and patted Chen Chu's shoulder with a smile: "Practice tonight!?"

The slap hurt so much that Chen Chu almost yelled.

"Li, Teacher Li, I have something to deal with tonight." Chen Chu gritted his teeth and forced a smile: "Tomorrow... No, the night after tomorrow, is it okay?"

"Okay, okay!" Li Ke didn't notice anything unusual and smiled: "Then I'll go to teach other classes!"


Chen Chu responded, and Li Ke turned and left, which made the other teachers in the office more curious, but they didn't dare to ask, after all, they were not familiar with Chen Chu.

In a blink of an eye, the afternoon class was finally over.

Everyone went to eat

Only Chen Chu was left in the office.

The old teachers couldn't help but talk about it when he left.

"Xiao Chen is pretty good! He has been reading materials in the office for the whole afternoon, and he didn't even touch his phone."

"Yeah! I came back from two classes, and he was still sitting there reading materials! He is really patient! No wonder he can control those little guys in Class 7 on the first day!"

"You are pretending, right? A new official has three fires when he takes office, and he still has to show his performance. What if he is inspected by his superiors?"

"You are judging others by your own meanness. You can't pretend even if you are asked to!"

"Anyway, I like Xiao Chen very much. He is responsible at a young age and has patience. In time, he will become a great man!"

"Tsk, don't draw conclusions so early. A journey of a thousand miles will tell a person's true character. You will know it after a long time."

"Listen to your sourness. You just can't stand others being better than you, right?"

"Come on, come on. What's there to argue about?"


Seeing that there was no one in the office, Chen Chu showed a look of pain on his face.

It's not that he didn't want to move, but he was so sore all over when he moved.

He had no choice but to stay like this for the whole afternoon.

He was so hungry at this moment, so he called Zhao Yizhou and asked him to bring food.

Not long after, Zhao Yizhou came in with a lunch box, looking surprised.

"Old Chen, I heard that you actually suppressed those little guys in Class 7! Awesome! How did you do it?"

Chen Chu frowned: "You are a teacher now, be careful when you speak, don't say "wow" all the time!"

"Hahaha, okay, okay!" Zhao Yizhou laughed and slapped Chen Chu on the back.

Chen Chu's face was suddenly squeezed in pain, and he couldn't help but squeeze out two words from his teeth.


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