The two of them were very busy, but they were still busy.

"Xiao Zhang, thank you for helping me wash my clothes."

Jiang Ning walked slowly behind Zhang Mengqing, holding grapes in his hand.

"You're welcome. I was just idle like you, so I just washed my clothes."

Zhang Mengqing answered without thinking, but why did this sentence sound familiar?

"Okay, you secretly imitated my words."

Jiang Ning came back to his senses. Zhang Mengqing was deliberately teasing him with his words.

Zhang Mengqing denied it with a proud face: "I didn't."

"Can a scholar's work be called stealing? I am just imitating your words openly."

As their relationship gradually heated up, Zhang Mengqing sometimes took the initiative to joke with Jiang Ning.

This mature and intellectual beauty teacher occasionally reveals the lively and lovely side of a little girl, but this side is only seen by Jiang Ning.

It is said that loving someone is like raising flowers, and the next sentence of this sentence is: Flowers that are watered with care will also bloom for you.

"Okay, okay, then do you dare to continue to imitate my speech? Not much, just three sentences will do." Jiang Ning immediately became interested and asked provocatively.

Zhang Meng snorted lightly and repeated without hesitation: "Then do you dare to continue to imitate my speech? Not much, just three sentences will do."

Oh, Teacher Zhang has an expression of letting the horse come over. This is officially accepting the challenge. She must be given a little color to see see.

Increase the difficulty!

Jiang Ning thought that he was the initiator of the "imitation speech" game, and he would not suffer any loss no matter how he played.

He thought for a moment, then said, "Jiang Ning is a handsome guy."

After he finished speaking, Zhang Mengqing pouted, muttered a shameless word, and then said, "Jiang Ning is a handsome guy."

Hearing Zhang Mengqing's praise, Jiang Ning was very happy even though he knew it was a game of imitating speech.

Having tasted the sweetness, he began to push his luck: "Zhang Mengqing is Jiang Ning's little fangirl."

I thought Zhang Mengqing would definitely not continue to imitate at this point, but she blurted out, "Zhang Mengqing is Jiang Ning's little fangirl."

Awesome, she can persist in imitating, it seems that she is going to use a big move.

"I like you." Jiang Ning said.

After she finished speaking, Zhang Mengqing was stunned, and then gently replied, "I like you too."

She thought the third sentence would be so difficult, but it turned out to be just like this? 10% off Aquarius?

In response, Zhang Mengqing commented that 'I like you' is not as difficult as 'Jiang Ning is a handsome guy'.

"The game is over, I won!"

Zhang Mengqing made a victory gesture.

"As the winner, can I make a request to you, the loser?" Zhang Mengqing blinked and looked at Jiang Ning expectantly.

Jiang Ning was stunned: "Ah? Is this one included in the content of the game?"

"It's just that I just joined, and I forgot to inform you." Zhang Mengqing explained seriously.

There is an unwritten rule in the love world, that is, when playing games with your girlfriend, the final right of interpretation belongs to your girlfriend.

Don't reason with your girlfriend, because they are the reason themselves.

"Okay, okay, then you can make a request to me now."

Jiang Ning laughed dumbly and followed Zhang Mengqing.

Zhang Mengqing thought about it, then shook his head: "I haven't thought about this request yet, I'll tell you when I think of it later."


Jiang Ning didn't expect that he owed Zhang Mengqing a wish without knowing it.

But he didn't lose anything, so he asked Zhang Mengqing to cooperate with the three sentences he wanted to hear.

Especially when Zhang Mengqing said, "I like you too," Jiang Ning felt that he had no regrets in his life.

If he had to say regret, it should be that Zhang Mengqing didn't eat the grapes he peeled himself.

"Zhang Mengqing, I peeled those grapes and put them on the table, why didn't you eat them?"

Jiang Ning looked at the grapes in the bowl, and then looked at Teacher Zhang in front of him.

Zhang Mengqing whispered, "Because I want to wait for you to finish your shower and eat together."

Jiang Ning guessed that this would be the case, and then said, "Now that I have finished my shower, we can eat grapes together."

Zhang Mengqing thought for a while and replied, "Then wait for me to finish washing this coat, it will be quick, just a few minutes!"

"I'll feed you."

Jiang Ning's words were not interrogative sentences, but declarative sentences.

It means that he didn't discuss it with Zhang Mengqing, but he had decided to do so.

Zhang Mengqing looked at the grapes that Jiang Ning fed to her mouth, and the movement of her hands paused for a moment.

She hesitated for a moment, then gently opened her red lips and bit the grapes.


Is it delicious?" Jiang Ning asked.

Zhang Mengqing nodded: "It's delicious."

She paused, and then said: "Jiang Ning, as the winner of the game, I have a request for you now."

"I want to eat another grape!"

After the words fell, Jiang Ning was stunned: "Are you sure you want to eat another grape?"

"Sure! Definitely and definitely!" Zhang Mengqing's tone was very firm.

"Okay." Jiang Ning fed the grapes in the bowl to Zhang Mengqing.

After that, Zhang Mengqing washed Jiang Ning's coat and hung it up.

The two were about to sit down and eat grapes when Zhang Mengqing's phone suddenly rang.

"My mother called me back." Zhang Mengqing picked up the phone and took a look.

Jiang Ning nodded to show his understanding: "Then you take the grapes back to eat."

"Okay. "

Zhang Mengqing didn't bother to be polite with Jiang Ning, and stood up and left with the grapes.

Before leaving, she stood at the door of the room and said, "Go to bed early, good night."

"Good night."

After saying goodbye to Zhang Mengqing, Jiang Ning fell asleep quickly in bed.

Early the next morning, he was awakened by Wang Jiayou's phone call.

"Senior, I'm awake, when are we going to Lu Ran's house?"

"No, it's obviously you who want to find Lu Ran, what does it have to do with me?" Jiang Ning was confused.

It shouldn't be.

One night has passed, and the junior brother is still drunk?

What nonsense are you talking about so early in the morning?

Wang Jiayou's awkward laughter came from the other end of the phone: "I don't dare to go alone. If you accompany me, you can help me build up my courage."

Jiang Ning: 6

"Senior, brother, godfather! You have to help me. I can't do it without you. "Wang Jiayou wailed.

Jiang Ning couldn't stand Wang Jiayou's pestering, and nodded helplessly and agreed: "Okay, you wait for me at the door of the hotel, I'll drive over to pick you up."

He picked up the car keys on the table and put them in his pocket. When he went downstairs, he sent a message to Zhang Mengqing: "I'm leaving."

Zhang Mengqing quickly replied: "Aren't you going to have breakfast at home?"

Jiang Ning: "No, Wang Jiayou, that idiot, asked me to accompany him to Lu Ran's house early in the morning. I asked him to treat me to breakfast on the way."

Zhang Mengqing: "Oh, okay. Drive slower."

Jiang Ning: "Well, why do you get up so early?"

Zhang Mengqing: "I get up so early every day."

Jiang Ning: "Then what do you do after you get up? It's still a long time before class."

Zhang Mengqing: "Lying in bed reading your novel, I've already read half of it."

"The plot is very interesting, but it's not enough. In the words of readers: small and cute. ”

Jiang Ning:......

Jiang Ning thought that he would be ridiculed by readers, but he didn’t expect to be ridiculed by Zhang Mengqing.

This wave, this wave is a public execution.

Jiang Ning’s hanging heart finally died.

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