The new book is a big success, but the book is still a big success.

Jiang Ning never thought that there would be so many readers online urging him to update his book today, which would have been impossible in the past.

Could it be that this confession video was a disguised promotion for his new book?

Jiang Ning quickly logged onto the novel platform and found that all aspects of the data for his new book had skyrocketed.

Yes, a skyrocketing increase, a full tenfold increase, the increase was quite exaggerated.

So much so that his novel went directly from the 30th place on the new book list to the top three, at a speed comparable to riding a rocket.

In addition to the obvious increase in data, the comment area of ​​the novel was also quite active, with hundreds of book reviews in one night.

[From the confession video, the author's new book is well written, I hope he will continue to work hard]

[It was the confession video that brought us together]

[Author, is it you who gave flowers and confessed at the concert tonight? ]

Most of these extra book reviews are related to the concert, which also proves that Jiang Ning's guess is correct. He has benefited from the traffic of short videos.

No wonder so many people are keen on promoting books through short videos. Jiang Ning didn't understand it before, but now he understands it.

Beep beep!

At this moment, the penguin avatar in the lower right corner of the desktop jumped.

That was Jiang Ning's novel editor, whose online name was Huai Nian.

I heard that Huai Nian used to be the author of a two-character fan fiction, and later switched to editing.

The two people don't communicate very often. The last conversation was when Jiang Ning was preparing to start a new book and greeted Huai Nian in advance.

And today Huai Nian actually took the initiative to send a message to Jiang Ning, which was really the first time.

Because there are only two situations when the editor takes the initiative to send a message to the author.

One is that the novel content is in the black box, and the other is that the novel's performance is unexpectedly good.

Jiang Ning is not worried about the novel's performance, because he has always been honest and conscientious in writing books, and serious people write serious books!

Huai Nian: "I just looked at the data of your new book. The trend is very strong. There are not many new books in the same period that can compete with you. As long as you keep steady, you will definitely get results!"

"Update well during this period, update as much as possible, and never stop."

"The overwhelming wealth has come to you, and it depends on whether you can catch it next."

It can be seen that Jiang Ning's new book data is particularly good, and even the editor took the initiative to contact him, asking him to update well and stabilize the quality of the novel.

Jiang Ning: "Okay, I will definitely seize this opportunity and strive to get results."

He chatted with the editor for a few words, and then started to update the content of today's novel.

Jiang Ning has a total of 20,000 words in stock, and originally wanted to save 4,000 words a day and publish slowly.

However, the new book is in good momentum now, so he decided to release four more chapters on top of the two chapters.

The original limited manuscripts were in a hurry, which meant he had to stay up late to finish them.

Jiang Ning skillfully opened the word document, tapped on the keyboard, and typed what he wanted to write today.

Buzz, buzz, buzz.

At this moment, the screen of the mobile phone on the table suddenly lit up. It was a video call from Zhang Mengqing.

Jiang Ning immediately stopped his work and connected the video.

It is important to sprint for the new book, but it is equally important to accompany his girlfriend on the phone.

After all, a book cannot last a lifetime, but a girlfriend can.

"Jiang Ning, it's so late, why don't you rest?"

In the picture, Zhang Mengqing was wearing a gray silk nightgown, and her delicate and beautiful collarbone could be vaguely seen.

She took a shower and blew her hair dry, and called Jiang Ning as soon as possible.

So much so that she didn't have time to watch the confession video about the concert that Jiang Ning forwarded to her.

"I have to finish the manuscript these days, so I can't rest now."

Jiang Ning shook his head and told Zhang Mengqing the whole story.

Then he looked at the time and looked at Teacher Zhang on the screen: "You go to bed first, I will go to bed as soon as I finish writing these two chapters."

"No, I want to wait for you."

Zhang Mengqing shook his head and insisted.

"No need to wait for me, go to bed quickly, you still have classes tomorrow, be obedient."

Jiang Ning had a premonition that he would stay up late today, so he coaxed Teacher Zhang to rest first.

"But if I go to bed, won't you become a lonely person." Zhang Mengqing shook his head again.

"Everyone has rested at this time, but you still have to stay up late to work overtime. Just thinking about it is miserable."

"So I want to accompany you, so that you can

I won't feel lonely anymore."

Hearing Teacher Zhang's answer, Jiang Ning wanted to say that he was used to being a night owl, and staying up late to finish the manuscript was just a routine operation.

However, bad habits like staying up late must not be told to Zhang Mengqing, who is a teacher.

Jiang Ning couldn't persuade Zhang Mengqing, so he could only let her stay up late with him.

This was the first time that Jiang Ning felt that someone was accompanying him.

He was typing on the keyboard on this side of the screen, while Zhang Mengqing on the other side of the screen was sitting at the desk, carefully preparing materials for the parent-teacher meeting.

The two of them were doing their own things, and they only thought about When he misses the other person, he will pause for a moment and turn his head to look at the one he likes hidden on the screen.

Jiang Ning thought, in this silent night, it feels so good to have someone accompany him.

Especially when he is tired of typing, he will be full of energy immediately after taking a look at the beautiful teacher Zhang on the screen.

His note to Zhang Mengqing has changed from [want to be with her] to [work hard to make money and marry her]


I came back late, so this chapter is a little short, sorry sorry.

A belated blessing, wishing all the adults and children a happy Children's Day!

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