The day before yesterday, the day before yesterday.

When Jiang Ning returned home with his sister, it was already ten o'clock in the evening.

He had been hanging out outside all day today, and hadn't even turned on the computer at home, let alone typed.

Fortunately, he had anticipated this situation in advance and had saved two chapters, otherwise he would have stopped updating tonight.

He went to the novel website and published today's chapter content. The whole process was smooth and seamless.

OK, today's update task was successfully completed.

However, this does not mean that all the work for today is over.

After all, I feel uneasy without saving manuscripts. What if there is no time to type again like today, wouldn't it be another stop?

I still have to prepare some manuscripts, so that I can be prepared.

Jiang Ning planned to take a short break and start typing in half an hour.

"Tangyuan, come here."

He took out a cat toy from the drawer and prepared to play with the kitten happily to deepen the father-daughter relationship.

"Gurgle Gurgle ∽"

Tangyuan heard the call and ran over with his short legs.

Its tail was erected, indicating that it was in a good mood.

As we all know, ragdolls are the cats that are most like dogs.

In their world, there is no bad guy, and there is no good cat.

Like the ragdoll raised by Jiang Ning, it has a typical puppy personality.

Usually it is very clingy. As long as you call its name, the little guy will run over immediately and is very happy to play with people.

But today, Tangyuan looks a little abnormal.

It first ran over happily, then moved its nose and carefully smelled the smell on Jiang Ning's body.

Then, the upright tail, which looked like a feather duster, suddenly fell down.

Tang Yuan meowed sadly, looked at Jiang Ning with disappointment, and then left without looking back.

"What's wrong? Are you like Jiang Wan, blaming me for not taking you to eat hot pot and being angry?"

Jiang Ning thought it was the smell of hot pot on his body that caused Tang Yuan's disgust.

No, he would go out to eat hot pot before, but Tang Yuan's reaction was normal every time he came back.

This shows that Tang Yuan didn't hate the smell of hot pot on him.

Could it be related to the stray cats he helped?

Then everything would make sense.

Jiang Ning rescued Jiu Yue, and the smell of Jiu Yue remained on his body during the process.

When he returned home, Tang Yuan, as a native, keenly smelled the smell of other kittens on him.

Then Tang Yuan got angry and left without looking back.

Jealousy makes cats unrecognizable.

"Little Fatty, listen to me, things are not what you think." Jiang Ning picked up Tang Yuan and explained earnestly.

He felt like a scumbag now, flirting with other cats outside, and then telling his wife "I don't have anything to do with it" when he got home.

Even the sentence structure of the explanation was a classic scumbag template.

Jiang Ning didn't expect that he would go further and further on the road of a scumbag one day.

But the problem is that he is still single and has never even been in a relationship.

Who can he go to for justice?

In the end, Jiang Ning fed Tangyuan cat strips, opened canned food, and helped comb his hair, and the little guy was no longer angry.

Curled up on Jiang Ning's legs, making gurgling sounds.

"Yuzi, is Jiuyue still well at your place?"

Jiang Ning took out his mobile phone and sent a message to Wang Jiayou.

Tangyuan's jealousy just now reminded him of the kitten left in the pet hospital.

Wang Jiayou quickly replied: "It barked for a while after you left, but now it's quiet and sleeping in the cage."

Then, Wang Jiayou sent a few more videos, all of which were pictures of Jiuyue quietly eating and drinking in the cage.

Jiang Ning forwarded these videos to Zhang Mengqing and left a message saying "The kitten is fine, don't worry."

Zhang Mengqing didn't respond, maybe she was asleep.

After all, she is a high school teacher and a class teacher. She has to get up early every day, unlike Jiang Ning, who is a night owl.

"Senior, Zhang Jie is coming to Xiangjiang for a concert. Do you want to go?"

At this time, Wang Jiayou sent another message.

He remembered that there were many classic old songs in Jiang Ning's playlist, and Zhang Jie's name appeared quite frequently. I think he should be interested in the concert, right?

Jiang Ning quickly replied: "I have an idea."

He really likes Zhang Jie's songs, from the beginning of "This is Love", to the later theme song of "Listen", and the recent "Pinocone"

Ni "Sleepless Night".

When Jiang Ning was in college, he had thought about going to Zhang Jie's concert to feel the atmosphere on the spot.

But at that time, he was short of money, and the concert was just a thought, and he had no ability to realize it.

Now he has the ability to make money, and it is time to make up for the concert tickets he owes.

Jiang Ning thinks this is a very meaningful thing.

One day after adulthood, generously treat your former self.

"When does Zhang Jie's concert start?" Jiang Ning sent a questioning expression.


Wang Jiayou reminded: "If you want to go, remember to grab tickets at 12 o'clock tonight."

"Okay, I'll set an alarm later to see if I can grab a ticket."

"Come on, Oli Ge!"

Jiang Ning took out his mobile phone, set an alarm for 23:55, and noted the three words "concert".

A pop-up message appeared on the mobile phone: [Alarm reminder after 1 hour and 35 minutes]

After that, Jiang Ning turned on the computer and started typing.

Because the plots of the past two days were outlined in detail, he wrote very quickly and smoothly.

The latest plot he wrote has developed to the point where the heroine takes the hero home to meet his parents.

The hero sat there feeling very uncomfortable, as if there was a thorn in his back and a fishbone stuck in his throat.

After all, if someone's cabbage is taken away, the father's face will not be very good.

When writing this plot, Jiang Ning suddenly paused, and a question suddenly popped up in his mind.

I don't know if Zhang Mengqing's family is easy to get along with. What kind of person is her father?

He won't be like the father-in-law in his book, running to the kitchen to sharpen knives for no reason, right?

Jiang Ning immediately retracted his thoughts and complained that he thought too much. He and Zhang Mengqing were not lovers, let alone the stage of discussing marriage.

Buzz, buzz, buzz.

At this time, the mobile phone on the table suddenly vibrated, interrupting Jiang Ning's thoughts.

It turned out that the alarm clock rang, and there were still five minutes before the concert ticket pre-sale.

Jiang Ning entered the ticket purchase software, and after filling in the ticket purchase information, he stared at the time.

As 23:59 jumped to 00:00, Jiang Ning quickly clicked to buy tickets.

However, the ticket purchase software at this moment loaded very slowly and was always unresponsive.

It is said that 300,000 people rushed to buy tickets at the same time, which directly crashed the ticket purchase software.

Jiang Ning was also helpless and could only take out his mobile phone to post on WeChat Moments for help.

"Almighty WeChat Moments, does anyone know a reliable ticketing company? If so, please recommend it to me. My child wants to buy tickets for Zhang Jie's concert."

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