I'm willing!

I'm so willing!

Jiang Ning was worried about not having a way to buy a ticket, but Zhang Mengqing "accidentally" had an extra ticket. Isn't this a coincidence?

"Teacher Zhang, how much is the ticket? I'll transfer it to you now." Jiang Ning asked.

"It's not much, just come when the time comes."

Zhang Mengqing didn't mention the money. The ticket worth one thousand yuan was just a casual mention to her.

"Okay, then when you're on vacation, I'll treat you to two meals!"

Zhang Mengqing's words that it was not much made Jiang Ning mistakenly think that the ticket he bought was a stand ticket worth about three hundred yuan, so he didn't take the ticket money too seriously.

If he knew that Zhang Mengqing spent 2,000 yuan for these two tickets, he would definitely insist on transferring the money, or prepare a gift of the same price as a thank you.

The two chatted for a while, and Zhang Mengqing was ready to rest.

This time she really wanted to sleep, otherwise she might be late for work tomorrow.

As a high school teacher, especially a class teacher, she had to get up very early every day.

Jiang Ning had just exited the chat interface, and immediately received a message from Wang Jiayou: "Senior, did you get the tickets?"

"I heard that the tickets for this concert are particularly difficult to get, and many ticket offices are out of stock."

Jiang Ning: "I didn't get them either."

"But someone invited me to the concert."

Wang Jiayou: ? ? ! !

"Could it be that Teacher Zhang invited you to the concert?"

"How do you know?" Jiang Ning was stunned.

Wang Jiayou sent a cool emoticon: "Man's intuition."

"Besides, I have a feeling that Teacher Zhang has a crush on you! You two might have a chance!"

Jiang Ning: "It would be great if it was really like what you said, but the truth is that Teacher Zhang originally made an appointment with a friend to go to the concert.

"But later my friend couldn't go because of something, so he asked me if I wanted to go with him."

Wang Jiayou: "Oh, so that's how it is."

"Then I'm a little unsure about the current situation."

Jiang Ning: "There's nothing to guess. It's said that everything depends on human effort. Do what you can do well and leave the rest to fate."

"If it works, that would be the best. If the final result is not what we want, at least I have tried my best and won't have any regrets. "

Jiang Ning's words deeply touched Wang Jiayou's heart.

He thought, senior is worthy of being a senior, there is a power in his words.

When Mr. Jiang quit the literary world, I was strongly opposed...

No, Jiang Ning is still in the online literary circle, so there is no such thing as quitting the circle.

The correct statement should be: Quick update! Sleepless nights!

The speaker is unintentional, but the listener is intentional. Wang Jiayou is now very encouraged and full of fighting spirit.

He decided to learn from Jiang Ning and sound the clarion call for love!

"Are you there? "

Wang Jiayou found the high school girl he had a crush on and took the first step bravely.

[You are not her friend yet, please send a friend verification request first.]

The message failed to be sent, and a red exclamation mark popped up.

Wang Jiayou:???

I finally got brave once, but you made me lose so thoroughly?


At this time, Jiang Ning didn't know that Xiao Wang had turned into a red-nosed clown. He was lying on the bed, taking out his mobile phone to search for the method of making brown sugar glutinous rice cake.

This is exactly what he said before, 'Everything depends on human effort', starting with Zhang Mengqing's interests and hobbies.

However, to make Zhang Mengqing It is not a simple matter to make the brown sugar glutinous rice cake that I like to eat.

The real difficulty lies in restoring the sweet-scented osmanthus fragrance on the taste.

But how to restore the sweet-scented osmanthus fragrance?

Jiang Ning had no idea, so he could only buy a few bags of semi-finished products from the Internet and study them slowly after the goods arrived.

After doing all this, he closed his eyes and fell asleep peacefully.


At 6:30 in the morning, Jiang Ning's alarm clock rang on time.

If it were usual, he would definitely not get up so early, but because he had to send his sister to school, he couldn't sleep in.

"Xiao Wan, get up quickly, otherwise you will be late."

Jiang Ning came to the door of Jiang Wan's room and knocked gently on the door.

"Got it, get up right away! "

The younger sister responded from the room.

Not long after, the door opened and Jiang Wan came out in military training uniform.

She quickly ran to the sink and brushed her teeth and washed her face in front of the mirror.

After doing all this, Jiang Ning had already prepared breakfast in the kitchen.

Today's breakfast is boiled chicken

Eggs, steamed corn and steamed dumplings.

It's not that Jiang Ning can't do anything fancy, but the time is tight and the task is heavy, leaving Jiang Wan with little time to eat.

Breakfasts like corn and steamed dumplings are best eaten when you are on the road. They are simple and easy to carry. Even if you put them in your pocket, they won't be a problem. The most important thing is to keep you from getting hungry.

"Is everything ready? Let's get ready to go."

Jiang Ning watched his sister get ready and quickly put the breakfast into the packing bag.

"Let's go!" Jiang Wan bent down to change shoes.

It takes about half an hour to drive from Jiang Ning's home to school. We leave at 7 o'clock, arrive at school at 7:30, and the class bell rings at 7:50.

The time is very tight, leaving little Jiang with little time.

"Like yesterday, I put sunscreen and Zhengqi water in your schoolbag. Remember to use these things."

While waiting for the traffic light, Jiang Ning reminded worriedly.

After being exposed to the sun all day yesterday, many girls' skin was tanned several degrees, often with one skin color on their arms and another on their faces.

On the other hand, Jiang Wan's situation was much better, and she was not tanned particularly seriously. After the military training, it would be easy to get white again after a period of rest. This shows that applying sunscreen on the body is still effective.

Not to mention the Zhengqi water, it is a magic weapon to prevent heat stroke.

"And breakfast, remember to eat it while it's hot, it won't taste good if it's cold."

Jiang Ning handed the package containing breakfast to Jiang Wan.

"Brother, you gave me all the breakfast, what will you do?" Jiang Wan asked with a blink.

Jiang Ning smiled and said, "It's okay, as long as you are full, I can deal with it casually."

Deal with it casually...

Does it mean not eating breakfast?

Jiang Wan was touched and felt the deep love and care.

Although the two often quarreled, Jiang Ning would give any good things to his sister.

This is her real brother, who always holds her in his hands and takes care of her carefully.

Jiang Wan hesitated for a moment, and broke the corn into two pieces: "I'll give you half of my breakfast. You can't be hungry in the morning, it's not good for your health!"

"No, these are all for you to eat, no need to share with me." Jiang Ning shook his head.

"There is a Ken's Grandpa near your school, I'll go there for breakfast later."

Sister, you are in a hurry to go to school, but your brother is not in a hurry.

You can find a place to sit down and eat breakfast slowly.

Jiang Wan: 6

It seems that Jiang Ning's "just deal with it" means to go to Ken's Grandpa for breakfast.

It's all in vain!

Jiang Ning eats much better than her!

Jiang Wan suddenly felt that the corn and steamed dumplings in her hand were not fragrant.

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