After yesterday's house inspection incident, Zhang Mengqing's mother felt it was necessary to buy a set of special house inspection tools, so the couple went out to buy them after lunch.

And her younger sister Zhang Jinqing also stayed in the classroom to read and review, so the Zhang family was empty and silent at the moment.


Zhang Mengqing took out the key to open the door and walked in with Jiang Ning.


Jiuyue, who returned to the ground, called out softly, raised her little head and looked at the new environment curiously.

From today on, this is its new home.

For kittens, especially stray cats, it doesn't matter how big the new home is. As long as it can shelter from the wind and rain and have a bite to eat, it is already very happy.

"Jiang Ning, please sit down for a while. I'll go get some water."

Zhang Mengqing turned on the electric fan in the living room and walked into the kitchen.

After a while, she brought out a glass of water and a plate of sliced ​​watermelons from the kitchen.

Jiang Ning noticed that there was a clear dividing line in the middle of the plate of watermelons, so he asked curiously, "Teacher Zhang, aren't these all watermelons? Why do you use a 'Chu River and Han River' to separate them?"

"Because I picked out the sweetest flesh in the middle of the watermelon and gave it to you to eat." Zhang Mengqing replied.

The most essential and delicious part of a watermelon is the middle part, and she deliberately left that part for Jiang Ning.

Zhang Mengqing's personality is like this. When she feels moved, she will treat that person wholeheartedly.

"Nowadays, watermelons are very sweet, so there is no need to distinguish them specifically."

Jiang Ning took out a toothpick and deliberately messed up the watermelons on the plate.

Then, he picked up a piece of watermelon with a toothpick and handed it to Zhang Mengqing: "Teacher Zhang, you worked hard to cut the watermelon, so you eat it first."

"Delicious!" Zhang Mengqing was no longer polite and took the watermelon from Jiang Ning.

"Try it quickly, it's really sweet!"

"Then I won't be polite."

The two sat on the sofa, eating watermelon with the fan blowing, and it was not so hot.

"Jiang Ning, can you repair the computer?"

At this time, Zhang Mengqing suddenly asked as if she thought of something.

"I don't know what's wrong with my computer. It's been stuck recently."

"I can help you."

Although Jiang Ning is not a professional computer repairman, he is more than enough to help girls repair computers.

Zhang Mengqing's desktop computer is in the bedroom, and Jiang Ning followed her into the bedroom.

To be honest, this is the first time Jiang Ning has walked into a girl's room except for his sister.

Zhang Mengqing's room is very simple, with a bed, a bookcase, and a computer desk by the window.

Compared to Jiang Ning's messy doghouse-like house, everything in Teacher Zhang's room is neatly arranged.

The quilt on the bed is laid out like a hotel, and the books in the bookcase are also classified according to author information and color. There is a pink keyboard on the computer desk, and there is a crystal clear succulent pot next to it.

Jiang Ning came to the computer desktop, pulled out the ergonomic chair and sat down, while Zhang Mengqing moved a chair and sat next to him.

The computer started, and Jiang Ning saw three antivirus software, three computer monitoring, and four input methods on the desktop.

He seemed to have found the reason for the computer jam.

Jiang Ning first helped Zhang Mengqing uninstall all the useless rogue software, and then cleaned up the garbage and divided the disk...

In short, he did everything that could speed up the computer.

After that, Jiang Ning restarted the computer and could clearly feel that the computer was much smoother.

Both the boot speed and the fluency of opening web pages have been greatly improved.

"Amazing, it doesn't lag at all now." Zhang Mengqing exclaimed.

"Teacher Zhang, do you play games regularly?" Jiang Ning asked.

Zhang Mengqing's desktop computer is a bit old, at least five years old, in other words, it can't keep up with the version.

He was thinking about whether to add a memory stick to Zhang Mengqing's computer and replace it with a 4060 graphics card.

If Zhang Mengqing plays games, then these must be replaced.

"I play less, occasionally." Zhang Mengqing replied.

Jiang Ning asked again: "What do you play?"

If it is a 3A masterpiece, then Zhang Mengqing's computer will definitely not be able to run it, and the configuration must be changed.

"Little crocodile loves to take a bath, I'll open it for you to see!"

Zhang Mengqing took the mouse from Jiang Ning and skillfully opened 4399.

Looking at

Jiang Ning looked dazed at the web game on the screen. His worry seemed unnecessary.

As for the web game Zhang Mengqing was playing now, her computer could still play for another three to five years without any problems.

"Jiang Ning, can you play this game?"

Zhang Mengqing pointed to the game "Little Crocodile Loves Bathing" on the computer.

Jiang Ning thought that he had already finished this game when he was in elementary school.

But he still shook his head and said, "I don't know how to play it."

"Then I'll teach you how to play it!"

Zhang Mengqing looked eager to try. She was very happy to share the game "Little Crocodile Loves Bathing" with Jiang Ning.

"Okay, I'll be a student of Teacher Zhang today." Jiang Ning nodded and agreed.

Dong Dong Dong, Dong Dong Dong.

Just then, there was a knock on the door outside.

"Shanhe, Suyun. Mengqing, Jinqing."

"Is anyone home?"

Zhang Mengqing heard the voice and immediately stood up from the chair: "My grandparents are here."

"Grandparents?" Jiang Ning was stunned.

Zhang Mengqing hummed: "They usually live in the countryside and raise chickens and grow vegetables. Every once in a while, they bring some fresh vegetables to us to eat."

"Then, you stay in the room and don't go out."


Jiang Ning was dumbfounded. What was going on now?

He had planned to come up to drink a glass of water and improve his relationship with Teacher Zhang, but he ended up hiding in the room.

"I don't know how to explain it to you now, but I do this to avoid unnecessary trouble."

Looking at Zhang Mengqing's nervous expression, Jiang Ning could more or less realize that the situation was not good.


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