After drinking for an hour, Jiang Ning was in a bad mood.

Zhang Mengqing doesn't drink, so she has no idea of ​​drinking for an hour, but she knows that Jiang Ning is not in a good state now.

She can smell the strong smell of alcohol on him through the phone screen.


Zhang Mengqing hesitated to speak. She had a lot to share with Jiang Ning.

But seeing Jiang Ning's drunken face and ears, she realized that it was not appropriate to say these things now.

She told Jiang Ning to have a good rest, and then hung up the phone in a hurry.

Jiang Ning looked at the slowly darkening phone screen and fell into deep thought. He would not touch alcohol if he could in the future.

Not only does drinking hurt the body, but the most important thing is that he heard sadness and unhappiness in Zhang Mengqing's tone.

"I'm sorry."

Jiang Ning thought for a moment and sent a message to Zhang Mengqing.

Ding Dong.

Zhang Mengqing immediately replied: "I'll beat you up if you drink too much next time!"

The text was followed by an emoticon pack, a kitten hitting another kitten, with the text "I'll give you a punch", which looked cute and fierce.

"Okay, I won't drink too much again." Jiang Ning promised repeatedly.

He put his phone back on the bedside table and began to close his eyes and rest.

The whole room was quiet, the afterglow of the sunset silently wandered along the desk through the gaps in the screen window, and only the floor fan was humming.

About an hour later, Jiang Ning's phone rang again.

Zhang Mengqing's voice came from the other end of the phone: "Jiang Ning, I'm outside your community, is it convenient to come out?"

"You're outside my community?"

Jiang Ning sat up directly from the bed with a carp jump, and the whole person instantly sobered up a lot.

Zhang Mengqing is the class teacher, and it is not surprising that he knows the home address of the students' parents.

What really surprised Jiang Ning was that Teacher Zhang actually took the initiative to find his home.

"Yes, I made you a hangover soup. Drink it before going to sleep. You won't feel uncomfortable the next day when you sober up." Zhang Mengqing continued.

Jiang Ning then realized that Zhang Mengqing had just hung up the phone in a hurry to make him a hangover soup.

He quickly put on his shoes and walked out of the bedroom: "Then find a place to sit for a while, I'll be down now."

When passing the hall, Jiang Ning subconsciously looked at his parents on the sofa.

Comrade Lao Jiang was sleeping soundly on the sofa. He always said that he couldn't sleep because of insomnia, but his snoring was deafening.

Song Yujin, who was sitting next to him, turned a blind eye to the snoring. Sure enough, the strong never complain about the environment.

At this moment, she was wearing a mask on her face and holding her mobile phone to watch a short drama.

The short drama market is now crazy. Many middle-aged women and even grandmothers like to watch two episodes of short dramas with heroines when they are free on weekdays.

However, for them, they usually only catch up on the free content, and say goodbye to the paid content immediately.

No coins are charged, the main point is a companion.

"Mom, I'm going out for a while." Jiang Ning said hello to his mother.

Song Yujin put down the skit in her hand and said, "You have to go out so late, can't you wait until tomorrow to do it?"

Seeing Jiang Ning drunk, she was really worried about going out.

"The girl knew that I drank too much, so she made me a hangover soup and sent it to the outside of the community." Jiang Ning explained why he had to go out.

"Then you go quickly, don't let the little girl wait too long."

When she heard that it was the girl her son liked, Song Yujin's attitude changed immediately, and she gave the green light directly.

The mother paused, then added: "The little girl came all the way to bring you hangover soup, so you should also show some appreciation."

"Invite her to our house to drink water and eat watermelon, after all, the weather is so hot."

Jiang Ning thought that, judging from Teacher Zhang's conservative personality, it is unlikely that she would be willing to come to our house as a guest, especially when both parents are at home.

However, Jiang Ning still nodded to his mother: "I'll ask her after we meet."

"Go ahead, I'll put the watermelon in the refrigerator first, and you can eat it when you come back later."

Song Yujin walked to the kitchen in slippers and picked a big and round watermelon and put it in the refrigerator.


"I can't fly out of the colorful world."

"It turns out that I am a drunk butterfly."

When Jiang Ning rushed to the outside of the community, a group of uncles and aunts were dancing in the square, and Zhang Mengqing was sitting quietly on the bench holding a silver insulated box.

"Teacher Zhang, I'm sorry to have kept you waiting for so long." Jiang Ning walked slowly to the kitchen.

Zhang Mengqing sat down next to her.

Zhang Mengqing shook her head: "It's okay, it's fun to sit here and watch these grandparents dance."

While talking, she unscrewed the thermos box and handed it to Jiang Ning: "The hangover soup will only be effective when it's hot. Drink it quickly and drink it all."

"So much."

Jiang Ning looked at the full wine-red hot soup in the thermos box and felt a lot of pressure.

It's really not an easy thing to drink it all in one breath.

"Now I know more. If I had known this would happen, why did I do it in the first place? Who told you to drink so much?" Zhang Mengqing's tone was full of dissatisfaction.

Jiang Ning explained: "I want to practice my drinking capacity in advance. If Uncle Zhang is in a good mood one day and asks me to drink two glasses, I won't fall down after one glass."

The reason why he drank too much tonight, in addition to comforting the bad mood of Old Jiang, is to practice his drinking capacity.

Knowing that Zhang Shanhe likes to drink, he has to cater to his preferences.

Maybe one day when he gets drunk enough, Lao Zhang will change his words and call him his son-in-law.

Zhang Mengqing was stunned when she finished speaking.

I didn't expect Jiang Ning to drink so much to make Lao Zhang happy in the future.

Was it to get the approval of her family?

Zhang Mengqing didn't drink, but she could clearly feel her heartbeat speeding up at this moment.

She didn't know what kind of future Jiang Ning wanted, but one thing was certain.

Jiang Ning's future plan included her.

"Actually, you don't have to practice drinking. If my dad insists on dragging you to drink, I will protect you."

Zhang Mengqing answered word by word with great seriousness.

It is said that a daughter is a father's little cotton-padded jacket, but now it seems that Teacher Zhang's cotton-padded jacket is a little leaky.

Because she is on Jiang Ning's side, not Lao Zhang.

"Protect me?"

Jiang Ning drank too much and his mind was a little confused. He didn't know if he was a gigolo.

No wonder so many people like sister-brother relationships. Who wouldn't like a sister who is gentle and caring?

"Hurry up and drink the soup, or it will get cold." Zhang Mengqing's voice interrupted Jiang Ning's thoughts.

"Oh, okay."

Jiang Ning held the thermos box with both hands and drank the hangover soup in big gulps.

The main ingredients of this bowl of hangover soup are ginger and honey. It tastes a bit spicy, but it is relatively easy to drink overall.

"Teacher Zhang, thank you for your hangover soup. I feel much better now."

Jiang Ning put down the thermos box and took a deep breath. He was exhausted after drinking this big pot of hangover soup.

His body has changed from being drowsy before to being full.

"Then you should go back and rest quickly. I'm leaving too." Zhang Mengqing took the thermos box from Jiang Ning and prepared to leave.

Jiang Ning was stunned for a moment: "You're leaving so soon? Do you want to come to my house for a drink of water and a piece of watermelon?"

Teacher Zhang has already arrived at the door of the house. It would be a shame not to invite her up to sit down.

Zhang Mengqing did not answer directly, but took out her mobile phone to show Jiang Ning the content on it.

That was a voice message sent by Shen Suyun ten minutes ago.

"Daughter, it's almost half past nine. When will you be back?"

"Don't play outside too late. Mom and Dad are worried about you, okay?"

After the two voice messages were played, Zhang Mengqing put the phone in her pocket: "It's getting late now. I'd better visit you another day."

Zhang Mengqing's family has very strict house rules. If you play outside, you must be home before ten o'clock in the evening.

"Okay, then I'll take you home." Jiang Ning said that he could understand.

Zhang Mengqing shook her head: "I can take a taxi back by myself. You just stay at home and rest. Be obedient."

She couldn't bear to see Jiang Ning running around drunk.

"It's so late, I'm worried about you taking a car alone, so I'll take you home."

Jiang Ning insisted on her own way.

"Besides, the evening self-study class of the first grade will end soon, and I have to pick up my sister after school. We can go together."

Usually, Jiang Ning drove to pick up Jiang Wan after the evening self-study, but he couldn't drive today because he was drunk, so he had to take a car.


Zhang Mengqing couldn't persuade Jiang Ning, so she could only nod and agree.

At this moment, she felt an indescribable warmth in her heart.

Maybe Jiang Ning insisted on taking her home even if he was drunk.

Is this feeling of being valued and protected a sense of security?

"Let's go, let's go, the taxi is coming."

Jiang Ning stopped a taxi on the side of the road and motioned Zhang Mengqing to follow.

"Here we go."

Zhang Meng responded softly and followed Jiang Ning into the back seat of the car.

The taxi started slowly and headed towards Xingming High School.


Zhang Mengqing opened the car window, and the cool evening breeze blew into the car, ruffling her long hair and the bow ribbon on her clothes.

The street lights on both sides of the street quickly retreated, and the number of vehicles around gradually increased.

The city was full of light and color, and they shuttled through the summer night with changing light and shadow.

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