The teacher said that the teacher's day gift given to Zhang Mengqing by the whole class of Class 16 was a red silk banner. When she opened it, she saw only a short number on it.


As we all know, in the minds of the post-00s, "6" is the highest evaluation of a person.

Let's just say that the value of the phrase "6 for you" is second only to Fenglangjuxu.

However, this compliment for a girl feels strange no matter how you look at it...

Zhang Mengqing looked down at the silk banner, then looked up at the students in the class, her beautiful big eyes full of surprise.

This was the first Teacher's Day gift she received since she became a teacher. It was really unique and memorable.

"You sent it to the wrong person. That banner is for the math teacher."

"Teacher Zhang, this banner is yours."

The girl who went on stage to present the banner was so nervous that she mixed up the two Teacher's Day gifts.

When she realized she made a mistake, she immediately went on stage with a red face and replaced the banner for Zhang Mengqing.

Zhang Mengqing opened the banner again, and the evaluation written on it was "the most beautiful female teacher".

Whether in the hearts of Class 16 or in the eyes of the outside world, Zhang Mengqing is the most beautiful female teacher in Xingming High School, and she is absolutely responsible for her appearance.

Giving her this banner is well deserved.

Zhang Mengqing lowered her head and looked carefully at the bright and dazzling banner in her hand. She didn't expect that she would be so highly evaluated by all the Class 16.

"Thank you for the Teacher's Day gift and for your recognition of my work."

Zhang Mengqing carefully put away the banner: "As a thank you, I will not assign Chinese homework today."

"Long live Teacher Zhang!"

"Wuhu, take off!"

When they heard that there was no Chinese homework today, the whole audience was boiling and cheered.

"Spread the word, Teacher Zhang said there will be no homework today."

"What? Teacher Zhang said that there will be no homework in the future?"

"I propose that Teacher Zhang be the headmaster of the grade. Who is in favor and who is against?"

Zhang Mengqing stood on the podium and witnessed how the rumor was born.

I clearly said that there would be no Chinese homework, but the rumor spread in the class turned into "Teacher Zhang said that there would be no homework for all subjects today."

Some people even said that there would be no homework in the future.

If she hadn't been there, she wouldn't dare to imagine how the rumor would spread.

But it can also be seen from this that students have an instinctive resistance to homework, and even the top students don't want to do homework.

Dong, Dong, Dong.

Zhang Meng lightly knocked on the podium, signaling the class to be quiet.

"After class, I will go to other subject teachers to plead for you and strive for Class 16 to have no homework today."

"But before that, we must first teach this class well."

Then, Zhang Mengqing picked up the chalk, turned around and wrote the three words "prose poem" on the blackboard.

Her chalk writing is also beautiful and neat, and it looks pleasing to the eye. She is worthy of being a talented woman who has won the calligraphy competition award.

"Next, let's officially start the class. The text we are going to learn today is "Rain Alley."

"If you read it carefully, you will find that Rain Alley is a very beautiful prose poem..."

Zhang Mengqing is a considerate and intimate elder sister, and also a high school teacher with professional qualities.

When she enters the working state, she will be focused and concentrate on the class.

Influenced by her, the students in Class 16 also quickly entered the learning state.


Forty-five minutes passed quickly, and as the bell rang, Zhang Mengqing put away her lesson plan and left the classroom.

She did not forget the prior agreement. After arriving at the office, she tried to discuss with the subject teachers to cancel the after-school homework for Class 16 today.

Without any resistance, all the subject teachers agreed.

Because today is Teacher's Day, the school will give each teacher a shopping card, plus there is a half-day holiday in the afternoon.

So the teachers are in a good mood, and canceling one day's homework is just a small matter.

After that, Zhang Mengqing sat back at her workstation.

Her workstation is very simple. In addition to the neatly arranged textbooks and lesson plans, there is only a thermos cup and a pot of green plants.

Zhang Mengqing pulled out the chair under the desk and was about to sit down, and unexpectedly found a large gift box with a red bow ribbon on the chair.

There was also a sticky note on it: Teacher Xiao Zhang received it.

"Teacher Liang, you

Do you know who put this gift box here? "

Zhang Mengqing did not open the gift box immediately, but turned to look at the colleagues around her.

For gift boxes of unknown origin, it is better to be cautious.

Teacher Liang stopped the work in his hands and thought carefully: "Just now you went to class, and your boyfriend came to our office with this gift box."

My boyfriend?

Jiang Ning?

Zhang Mengqing suddenly froze in place.

If it were before, when others talked about her boyfriend, her first reaction must be that she had no boyfriend.

But now, her first reaction was Jiang Ning.

Zhang Mengqing didn't know why she subconsciously thought of Jiang Ning.

Is it because she subconsciously assumed that Jiang Ning was her boyfriend?

No, no, she and Jiang Ning are not in a boyfriend-girlfriend relationship.

Jiang Ning didn't confess to her, so she didn't want to become someone's girlfriend in a muddle.

Unless Jiang Ning formally confessed to her.

Even if it was a formal confession, she would have to think about it carefully before she immediately Agree.

Yeah! That's it!

Thinking of this, Zhang Mengqing sat at her workstation and began to unpack the gift box.

When she opened it, she saw that it was covered with raffia, which symbolized a sense of ritual, and the gift on the top layer was a box of fresh fruits, mixed with nectarines and honey plums.

Is this to wish her many students all over the world?

Zhang Mengqing smiled knowingly and thought that the meaning of this gift was quite good.

She placed the fruits on the table and then began to take the second layer of gifts.

When she opened it, she saw that it contained hand cream and throat lozenges.

For female teachers, hand cream and throat lozenges are more important.

Because they lecture loudly in the classroom every day, their throats are easily injured over time.

And using The fine dust from chalk on fingers can also burn the skin, and in serious cases, it can even wear off fingerprints.

The second gift from Jiang Ning can help Zhang Mengqing relieve work pressure.

The third gift is a milky white scented candle.

When Zhang Mengqing saw this gift, the first thing that came to her mind was the popular ancient poem.

Untitled by Li Shangyin.

The silkworm dies before its silk is exhausted, and the candle burns to ashes before its tears dry.

These two lines of poetry are often used in modern times to describe the dedication of teachers.

But as a Chinese teacher, Zhang Mengqing knows very well that this poem is actually a love poem.

It tells the story of Li Shangyin confessing his love to his lover.


Jiang Ning knows that this is a Is it a love poem?

If he knew, was he using this poem to confess to her? ?

At this moment, Zhang Mengqing's brain went blank and crashed.

She just said that Jiang Ning had not confessed, but she didn't expect that the confession came so soon.

Then how should she respond?

Say I have been waiting for you for a long time?

But what if Jiang Ning didn't mean to confess at all?

Wouldn't that be very embarrassing...

I'd better pretend that I didn't know.


Pretend not to know that this is a love poem!

In just a few seconds, Zhang Mengqing's little head has already started ten thousand brainstorming.

"Teacher Zhang, you are really popular. You received so many gifts on Teacher's Day. ”

At this time, the female teacher who had just returned from get out of class and had not even had time to pick the bees cast an envious look.

She was sitting opposite Zhang Mengqing, and it was hard not to notice the gift on the table.

Zhang Mengqing put down her phone, thinking that there was only one silk banner given by the students of Class 16, and the rest of the gifts were from Jiang Ning.

So it does not prove that she is popular with the students.

However, to a certain extent, Jiang Ning is also her student.

Because she taught Jiang Ning to play Little Crocodile Loves to Take a Bath on the computer.

"Teacher Chen, didn't you also receive a Teacher's Day gift?"

At this time, Zhang Mengqing noticed that there was a gift box on Teacher Chen's desk.

"You are talking about this." Teacher Chen opened the gift box in front of everyone.

"The Teacher's Day gift given to me by the students is a hearing aid."

"Hearing aid? "Zhang Mengqing blinked in confusion.

Teacher Chen looks about 35 years old. How come she needs a hearing aid at such a young age?

"They said I couldn't hear the bell, so they gave me a hearing aid." Teacher Chen looked at her with a helpless look.

Zhang Mengqing also laughed. These kids were too naughty. They said in a roundabout way that Teacher Chen liked to stay late.

"Teacher Zhang, today is a holiday. I plan to organize an office dinner."

Teacher Chen took off the little bee on her body and expressed her thoughts.

"In addition to me, several other teachers in our office will also participate. Will you come with us?"

The school gave each teacher a holiday shopping card. Everyone took advantage of this

This opportunity is definitely to go out for a good meal.

"Okay." Zhang Mengqing hesitated for a moment, and finally nodded in agreement.

Including this time, Teacher Chen has invited her to the office party three times.

It is said that things never happen more than three times, and it would be impolite to refuse again this time.

We all get along in the same office, and we see each other every day, so the relationship cannot be too stiff.

Then, Zhang Mengqing took out her mobile phone and sent a message to Jiang Ning: "There will be an office dinner at noon today."

"Also, thank you for your Teacher's Day gift, I like it very much."

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