The two of them did not have any adrenaline rush during the exploration because it was a slightly scary entry-level chamber.

Most of the time, the depressing closed environment and the terrifying background music made people uneasy, which is the so-called scaring themselves.

During the exploration, there will be NPCs dressed as dummies standing in the corner of the room, and when the players come over to look for clues, they will suddenly grab their hands.

As long as the players break free quickly, run out and close the door, there will be no problem, and the NPC will not chase them out.

However, some players will deliberately use this game rule to have fun, open the door and jump back and forth.

I came here, I went back~

Hey, I came here again, I went back again~

Generally at this time, the voice of the store owner will come from the speaker on the wall: "This player, please don't tease our NPC lady."

If the player listens to the advice, everything will proceed as usual.

But if the player does not follow the rules, the store owner will automatically upgrade the difficulty of the secret room.

At this time, all the psychiatric wards are opened at the same time, and the NPCs rush in, truly mixing with the players.

I don't know whether the players are happy or not, but the NPCs are very happy anyway.

If you don't understand the truth, I also know a little bit of boxing.

Great Dragon! Daluo spell! Tornado destroys the parking lot!

Jiang Ning and Zhang Mengqing are both novice players who do their tasks seriously. They will not jump out of the rules of the game, let alone tease NPCs.

About half an hour later, the two successfully passed the secret room.

Seeing the light in front getting closer and closer, Jiang Ning let go of Zhang Mengqing's hand without a sound.

When asked if Jiang Ning wanted to continue holding hands with Teacher Zhang, the answer was of course he did.

But he couldn't do that, because liking is unbridled, while love is restraint.

Holding hands for half an hour in the secret room is already a good progress. If you continue to push it, it will seem disrespectful to girls, which is actually a very bad behavior.

Jiang Ning still understands that you can't eat hot tofu in a hurry.

As soon as he let go of her hand, Zhang Mengqing's facial expression changed slightly.

After all, the two of them had held hands for half an hour, how could they not notice that their hands were suddenly empty.

She subconsciously looked at Jiang Ning's profile, but quickly retracted her gaze and pretended nothing happened.

"This secret room escape gives me a good feeling overall. I can call Xiao Wan and Jin Qing to join us later. Then we can play a four-person script. What do you think?" Jiang Ning expressed his opinion.

With Jiang Wan's carefree personality, she must like to play games like secret room adventure. It's definitely right to ask her to join.

Zhang Jinqing is too introverted. Young people can't stay at home all the time. They need to go out and get some fresh air occasionally.

Zhang Mengqing nodded in approval: "I think it's okay. Let's set it for the holiday at the end of this month."

The Mid-Autumn Festival in 2023 is on September 29, which is close to the National Day holiday in October. Family and country collide.

By then, Xingming High School will have a nine-day holiday. Not to mention playing an escape room, even if you go out for a self-driving tour, there will be more than enough time.

Wait... self-driving tour? !

Jiang Ning suddenly had an idea in his mind. Should he take advantage of this short holiday to organize a self-driving tour with Zhang Mengqing?

If it's just two people going out for a trip, Teacher Zhang may not agree, but what if we bring Jiang Wan and Zhang Jinqing's two sisters?

There's a way! Very much!

But this matter must be considered carefully and can't be sloppy.

After that, Jiang Ning took Zhang Mengqing for a walk near the city center, and the two passed by a cat cafe.

Just looking at the flowers and banners placed in front of the store, it should have just opened not long ago.

"Jiang Ning, do you want to go into the cat cafe to have a look?" At this time, Zhang Mengqing asked.

Cat cafes are simply paradise for cat owners. Because here you can pet all kinds of docile kittens.

Jiang Ning looked at the kittens walking around in the cat cafe, and immediately recalled the last time he went home with the smell of September on his body, but Tangyuan smelled the smell of other kittens on him, and he was jealous and angry, and he was more girly than a girl...

"Do you two want to go into our store? Petting cats is free for the new store opening!"

At this time, the hospitable cat cafe owner came out to promote the new store activities.


If you say so, then I won't be sleepy!

"Let's go, Teacher Zhang, let's go in and have a look.

"Jiang Ning took the initiative to greet him.

He thought that in fact, angry kittens can be coaxed as long as you are willing to spend time on them.

At worst, he can take a bath after returning home to prevent Tangyuan from smelling the smell of other kittens on him.

Led by the owner of the cat cafe, Jiang Ning and Zhang Mengqing walked into the store.

As soon as the two entered the door, the kittens gathered from all directions and meowed at them.

"Jiang Ning, are they hungry?" Zhang Mengqing asked in a low voice.

She recalled that when she first met Jiu Yue, the little guy also meowed like this.

"Do you want to feed the kittens? Our store provides cat cans and cat strips." Seeing that there was business coming, the cat cafe owner rubbed his hands happily.

"Cat cans are 10 yuan each, cat strips are 5 yuan each, and scan codes and cash are supported. "

Okay, okay, Jiang Ning finally understood the meaning of the saying 'free things are often the most expensive'.

Isn't this the same routine as before, where meals were free and mineral water was sold for 30 yuan?

It can't be said to be similar, it's exactly the same.

The cat cafe owner's idea is very simple. Customers can come to the cat cafe to pet cats for free, but the kittens are acting cute in various ways. Can you really resist spending money on them?

Maybe Jiang Ning can turn a blind eye, but Zhang Mengqing definitely won't.

After all, she would rather starve herself than give dinner to stray cats.

"I'll buy two cat strips and a can of cat food. "Teacher Zhang took out twenty yuan in cash from her wallet and handed it to the owner of the cat cafe.

When the employees in the cat cafe saw Zhang Mengqing had food in her hand, they immediately surrounded her and used all their best skills.

Some kittens rubbed her trouser legs back and forth, some kittens lay directly on the ground with their bellies exposed, and some kittens simply jumped directly on her legs.

For a while, Zhang Mengqing became the most popular customer.

Seeing the kittens crying for food, she immediately opened the snacks in her hand and fed each kitten some, with the main point of being fair.

After she distributed the snacks, the employees of the cat cafe dispersed and began to look for the next customer.

Only a fat orange cat was left lying on Zhang Mengqing's legs, dozing off leisurely.

"Jiang Ning, these kittens are so stable in their emotions, you can hold them in any way you want." Zhang Mengqing stroked the fur on the back of the orange cat and expressed her feelings.

"Have you ever seen an emotionally unstable kitten? "

Jiang Ning thought for a moment and replied, "When I was a kid, I saw a black cat knock off a mouse's ear. It was a big deal and was even on TV."

Zhang Mengqing was shocked at first. She didn't expect there would be such a fierce kitten.

But she felt something was wrong. After thinking carefully, it turned out that Jiang Ning was talking about the black cat sheriff.

"Jiang Ning, you bad guy."

Zhang Mengqing's desire to bite Jiang Ning deepened again.

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