After deciding to travel to Erhai Lake during the short holiday, Jiang Ning focused on his novels in the following days. As a full-time author, novels are his livelihood, and he has to deal with them every day. He must arrange the work at hand in advance so that he can concentrate on traveling during the holidays. At present, the love novel written by Jiang Ning has exceeded the one million word mark. All the plots that should be written have been written, and it is almost time to enter the final stage. He spent a week filling in all the holes he had dug before, and then used 10,000 words to explain in detail the wedding of the hero and heroine and the plot after marriage. Finally, he wrote a 2,000-word ending speech. As the three words [This book is finished] were typed out, Jiang Ning looked at the computer screen with deep emotion.

It took a total of eight months to write this novel from the beginning to the end.

It can be said that Jiang Ning watched this book grow up slowly from nothing to something.

This book is like his child, coming into this world with full sincerity.

Although the performance of the novel is not satisfactory, he has met many lovely and interesting readers in the process, which is enough.

"Frog fun, the novel I like is suddenly finished after raising it."

"It's rare for the author to stand up, and my sister-in-law is finally not suffering anymore."

"The pure love warrior left with satisfaction."

"Congratulations on the end! 2023.9.22"

As Jiang Ning uploaded all the chapters, the originally deserted comment area suddenly became very lively.

In addition to some familiar readers, there are many unfamiliar IDs, even high-imitation authors, popping up in the comment area like mushrooms after rain.

It turns out that everyone followed the book silently before, and only left a comment when it was finished to prove that they had been there.

"Will the author open a new book?"

At this time, a comment caught Jiang Ning's attention.

A new book must be opened, but not now.

Let's wait until the short holiday is over before considering opening a new book.

As for the subject of the new book, it should still be a love story.

After all, he has experience in writing millions of words on this type of subject, so there is no need to change the track and start from scratch.

The only question Jiang Ning is considering is whether to write about his story with Teacher Xiao Zhang in the next book?

It is said that art comes from life. If he writes about his own personal experience, the authenticity alone will be maxed out.

Very good!

It's decided!

The next book will be an autobiography!

This is a ten-thousand-word love letter he wrote to Zhang Mengqing.


Just as Jiang Ning finished the novel, Xingming High School's September teaching plan also officially came to an end.

Next is a three-day monthly exam.

The rhythm of life in high school is like this, with a small test every three days and a big test every five days. Every day, I am either doing the test paper or on the way to do the test paper.

Because this is the first monthly test for the first year of high school, everyone takes the test in their own class.

Only after the end of this test will the examination room be divided according to the test scores.

"During the test, it is forbidden to look around and whisper."

"After getting the test paper, first check whether there are any missing or missing prints on the front and back."

The math teacher stood on the podium of Class 16 and announced the rules of the examination room in a strict manner.

In fact, he was still relieved about the children in Class 16.

After all, everyone present is a top student with a sense of pride. The test results depend on their own real materials and will never cheat.

The first test in the morning was Chinese. After Jiang Wan got the test paper, she first turned to the back and checked the composition topic.

The composition topic of this monthly exam is "Wind, Flowers, Snow and Moon", and the style is not limited, except for poetry.

While everyone was still examining the stem of the first question, she had already started writing the composition.

It was a novel.

She must inherit her brother's will!

During the exam, most of the exam rooms were silent, with only the sound of writing and turning papers.

Of course, some exam rooms did not follow the rules so well.

In a parallel class, a boy looked up and observed the teacher on the podium.

Then he coughed deliberately, attracting the attention of another boy in front of him on the left.

The two have been best friends since junior high school. Now they are admitted to Xingming High School together and arranged in the same class through connections.

But they did not study hard, but took the wrong path.

Before, during the summer vacation, the two practiced Morse code like crazy, such as

It can finally be used today.

Dadada, Dadada...

The two of them pressed the pen caps one after another to make a rhythmic sound.

(Do you know how to answer the fifth question?)

(I don't know how to answer the seventh question either.)

(I don't understand it at all. What about the eighth question?)


(What did you do during the summer vacation?)

(What do you think?)

The invigilator sitting on the podium heard the noise and raised his head, then knocked on the thermos cup.

(Ask me, I know all these questions)

The two people who originally planned to cheat were stunned in place. They didn't expect that the invigilator also knew Morse code.

Then, the invigilator showed a kind smile.

(You two, come to the office with me after the exam)


The two and a half hours of Chinese exam ended quickly. The invigilator was responsible for sorting out the test papers and then sending them to the Chinese marking group.

Zhang Mengqing sat at her workstation and started marking the papers with a red fountain pen in her hand.

She is responsible for grading Chinese test papers for five classes. Hundreds of test papers are piled together, and the workload is much harder than normal classes.

In the process of grading, composition should be the most time-consuming and laborious part.

First, check whether the 800-word requirement is met, and then carefully break down the structure of the article, whether the center is clear, and whether the argument is clear.

In addition, the handwriting of the candidates is good or bad, which makes it more difficult to grade the composition.

But even so, the test papers still need to be graded.

In this regard, Zhang Mengqing has prepared for a protracted war. She even specially prepared eye drops to relieve eye fatigue.

One test paper, two test papers, three test papers...

As time went by, Zhang Mengqing gradually got into the groove, and grading test papers became more and more handy. On average, she could grade a test paper in twenty seconds.

"Is this a novel?"

About twenty minutes later, she paused with the pen in her hand and stared at the test paper in front of her.

This was the first time Zhang Mengqing saw someone write a novel in a Chinese test paper. Judging from the handwriting, it should be written by a girl.

She read the content of the novel carefully, hesitated for a moment, and gave the composition 47 points.

In the full score of 60 points, 47 points is considered above average.

In addition to being pleasing to the eye and closely following the theme, this novel is more importantly different from other argumentative essays.

It feels like eating a bowl of noodles occasionally when you are tired of rice.

Zhang Mengqing suddenly became curious about the student who wrote this novel.

She turned the test paper to the front and saw the two words "Jiang Wan" on the name line.

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