The students were very busy, and the students were busy.

There are more than 1,800 students in Jiang Wan's first year of high school. Even if each class has 60 students, there are 30 classes.

At this moment, the playground and basketball court of Xingming Middle School, as long as there is a little space, are strongly occupied by 30 square formations.

Jiang Wan's class was assigned to the first company of the third battalion, and the instructor in charge of them was a short-haired, tall female instructor.

Zhang Mengqing first took the students to the playground, and then had a brief exchange with the instructor, and soon left.

The next is the happy time of the instructor and the students.

To be honest, when they learned that the instructor was a girl, many people in the class secretly breathed a sigh of relief.

Because girls have relatively better tempers, they are definitely not the kind of devil instructors who are harsh and like to torture people.

In this way, the seven-day military training should be easy to pass, right?

Just as everyone was celebrating, the female instructor put her hands behind her back and slowly walked in front of everyone.

"I heard that your class 16 is the top class, and everyone is a top student."

Her voice was not loud, but it was powerful. The powerful aura emanating from her body immediately quieted the noisy team.

"I don't care how good your grades are, or whether you are a top student or not, you have to follow my rules here."

"From now on, if anyone whispers or laughs during military training, as long as I find out, he will do 50 push-ups immediately. Do you understand?"

Listening to the stern tone of the female instructor, everyone realized that not all girls are easy to talk to, so they cooperated honestly: "I understand."

The female instructor frowned and said in an unhappy voice: "Did you not eat? The old lady selling popsicles at the school gate is louder than you! Do it again!"

"I understand!"

This time their voices were louder than before, and even so loud that they attracted the attention of other classes.

The top students in Class 16 usually attract attention from the outside world with their excellent academic performance, but this is the first time they attract attention with their loud voices.

Jiang Wan thought that military training was quite novel and not as painful as she imagined.

Of course, her thoughts only lasted for a short while and soon disappeared.

As time went by, the sun rose completely in the sky, and everyone stood in the sun.

The military training uniforms issued by the school were not breathable, and they were stuffy and hot to wear.

Even though Jiang Wan had applied sunscreen in advance, he could still clearly feel the heat wave coming at this moment.

The air was still filled with the smell of rubber track. The smell was not bad, but it was definitely not much better.

This was only the first morning of military training, and Jiang Wan had already begun to quietly make a wish, hoping that he would close his eyes and open them again, and the seven-day military training would end here.

But the reality was that the days were like years, and the morning was long as if a lifetime had passed.

"Put your hands close to the seam of your pants and lean forward slightly."

"Don't move around, or you will report it!"

The stern voice of the female instructor sounded in the team from time to time.

Because it was the first day of military training, the instructors did not teach too much, and basically asked the students to stand at attention.

After finally making it to the break time, everyone ran to the water dispenser to get water.

In just a blink of an eye, the originally full bottle of water was immediately reduced by more than half.

Although everyone was not active in military training, they were active in drinking water.

Especially in such hot weather, just standing there can make you sweat, and you can't do without water.

"Classmate, aren't you going to get some water?" Jiang Wan came back from getting water and noticed that the girl next to him was sitting quietly on the grass, with no intention of drinking water.

"It's okay, let everyone take it first, I'm not very thirsty." The girl shook her head gently and glanced at the crowded water dispenser.

She looked like she was about to break, because social phobia really couldn't adapt to such crowded occasions. Even if she wanted to drink water, she had to wait until there was no one at the water dispenser before going over.

"Not very thirsty, but thirsty, right? You must replenish water in time, otherwise you will easily get heatstroke."

Jiang Wan saw that her deskmate was socially anxious, so she took the initiative to reach out: "Come on, give me the cup, I'll help you get water!"

"Ah, I'd better not bother you, thank you for your kindness." The girl answered hurriedly, she was a little uncomfortable with Jiang Wan's enthusiasm.

Jiang Wan thought her deskmate's blushing face was quite cute. There is a saying that "i people are e people's toys", and she finally understood the meaning of this sentence today.

"It's okay,

Just finished the water in my cup, I plan to get water again, and I'll help you with it." Jiang Wan gave a reason that was easy for the girl to accept.

After all, helping to get water specifically and getting water by the way are two completely different concepts.

After the words fell, the girl hesitated for a moment, and finally handed the cup to Jiang Wan.

"Thank you for your hard work, Jiang Wan. I'll treat you to ice cream at noon."

"It's just a little effort, girl, you don't have to be polite~"

Soon, Jiang Wan returned with a full load and returned one of the cups to his deskmate.

The bottled water was exposed to the sun, and the water was a little warm. It was not delicious, and even after drinking it, I still felt dry in my mouth, but it was better to drink it than not.

Jiang Wan sat on the grass with his deskmate, fanning himself with his hat, and the two chatted casually.

"Deskmate, you haven't told me your name yet." Jiang Wan sat on the grass, hugging his knees with both hands.

"My name is Zhang Jinqing. ”

“Your name is very similar to Teacher Zhang’s.” Jiang Wan couldn’t help but sigh.

The head teacher is Zhang Mengqing, and her deskmate is Zhang Jinqing. The two names are only one letter different.

It’s fate, wonderful.

Then, Jiang Wan seemed to suddenly realize something, and widened his eyes in surprise: "Could it be that you are..."

Zhang Jinqing whispered: "Teacher Zhang is my sister."

“Jiang Wan, why are you suddenly laughing so happily?”

“Ah? Is it so obvious?” Jiang Wan came back to her senses and asked back.

How could she not be happy?

Sister Zhang Mengqing is her head teacher, and sister Zhang Jinqing is her deskmate.

It belongs to the right time, right place and right people, all three of these are occupied!

This means that the success rate of my brother and Teacher Zhang together has greatly increased!

Jiang Wan’s mood at this moment is hard to describe, and can only be summarized in four words, this is stable!

“Teacher Zhang is here, Teacher Zhang is here to see us! ”

“Look, Teacher Zhang is holding a lot of things. Did she send us supplies because we are so tired during the military training?”

Just as Jiang Wan was daydreaming, the crowd’s discussion interrupted her thoughts.

Zhang Mengqing came back again, holding a lot of Snow King packaging bags in her hands.

“Everyone has worked hard during the military training. Does anyone want to drink iced lemonade?”

Teacher Zhang walked to the front of the team and asked with a smile.

As soon as the words fell, the whole class 16 was boiling.


And it’s iced!

This is simply Guojiao!

The boys in the back row jumped up and down with joy. Even Sun Wukong who just jumped out of the stone would not be as happy as them.

“Teacher Zhang, from today on, you are my goddess!”

“Woo woo woo goddess Zhang, you are so good to us! !”

“What? The government’s relief grain has come down? ! Quick, help me up, I can still be wild! "

Looking at the academic masters rushing forward, Zhang Mengqing began to maintain order: "Line up and come one by one, everyone will have one."

The school will not treat every student to Snow King lemonade. It is obvious that Zhang Mengqing paid for it out of her own pocket.

The surrounding classes cast envious and jealous eyes. Their head teacher did not even buy lemonade. After handing them over to the instructor, he never showed up again.

Sure enough, in terms of treatment, you still have to look at the head teacher of other classes.

"Instructor, it's really hard for you to train these children." Zhang Mengqing picked up a glass of lemonade and handed it to the female instructor.

She even bought the instructor's drink, which was very thoughtful.

"Teacher Zhang is polite. These are all my job responsibilities. "The female instructor was not polite and took the lemonade readily.

She also took advantage of this group of students and drank a glass of iced drink for free.

It's true that drinking a glass of iced lemonade during military training is really refreshing and refreshing.

The 20-minute break time passed quickly, and a new round of standing posture training would begin next.

Zhang Mengqing knew that staying here would only hinder the instructor's work, so she prepared to leave.

Before leaving, she told the students of Class 16: "You should cooperate with the instructor's training well. If you perform well, I will treat you to watermelon in the afternoon."

No one doubted the truth of this sentence, because the lemonade has come, so how far can the watermelon be?

So, the mental outlook of Class 16 was completely renewed, and everyone looked high-spirited.

Work hard in military training to eat watermelon!

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