The students were busy, but the school was busy.

Jiang Ning knew that Xingming High School would have a month-long vacation after the exam in the afternoon, so he came to the school gate early to pick up his sister from school.

However, he sat in the car and waited for a long time until all the students at the school gate had left, but he didn't see his sister Jiang Wan come out.

Jiang Ning felt strange, so he took the initiative to go into the school to find someone.

Then he saw Zhang Jinqing and Jiang Wan, two little girls, standing on the chairs and tiptoeing, trying to wipe the wall tiles.

"Brother, you came at the right time, come and help us wipe the wall!"

Jiang Wan was not polite to his brother, and immediately asked him to work.

Jiang Ning was 1.78 meters tall, much taller than the two little potatoes.

He can reach places that Jiang Wan and Zhang Jinqing can reach. He can reach places that they can't reach.

The problem that made the two little girls helpless was solved by Jiang Ning.

"After finishing the work, is there anything else you can help with?"

Seeing that there were not enough people in the class, Jiang Ning took the initiative to join the general cleaning team. After all, it was better to finish early and rest early.

"We have to mop the floor again, and wipe the blackboard with a wet rag again." Zhang Jinqing replied weakly.

Jiang Ning nodded and said without thinking: "Okay, leave the mopping work to me, and you go to wipe the blackboard."

"Or, I'll mop the floor." Zhang Jinqing said what he thought.

Because Jiang Ning only came to help temporarily, he was not even a student of Class 16, and it was really embarrassing to let him do dirty and tiring work.

"Xiao Zhang, do you know what it means to favor boys over girls?" Jiang Ning suddenly asked.

Favoring boys over girls?

Zhang Jinqing blinked in confusion. In her impression, favoring boys over girls was a deeply prejudiced term and was not a good word.

And how could it be related to spring cleaning?

"Favoring boys over girls means that boys do heavy work and girls do light work." Jiang Ning explained solemnly.

Zhang Jinqing realized later that favoring boys over girls could be interpreted in this way...

The originally gray word had a completely different meaning under Jiang Ning's alternative interpretation.

Zhang Jinqing, who was not good at communication and even worse at speaking, felt the charm of language at this moment.

"Okay, leave the task of mopping the floor to me, and you will be responsible for some simple cleaning work."

Jiang Ning picked up the mop and strode to the sink.

"Let's compete now to see who finishes the work first! The loser will have milk tea!"

Looking at Jiang Ning's back as he left, Zhang Jinqing felt mixed emotions.

At this moment, she really hoped that Jiang Ning could become her brother-in-law.

Come on, big brother who mops the floor!

Even Jiang Ning himself did not expect that he only came to help clean up, but he unexpectedly won the favor and recognition of his future sister-in-law.


Half an hour later, the general cleaning of Class 16 was successfully completed.

Jiang Ning took out his mobile phone, took a group photo of the classmates who really cleaned up, and sent it to the class group.

And added a copy: Commemorating the first general cleaning of Class 16.

It should have been a group photo of 30 people, but there were only more than ten people in the photo, and he did not say who was specifically pointed out.

"Jiang Wan's parents, why don't I see my Zi Han in this photo? He told me that the school is doing a general cleaning and he will be home later today."

"My Dahua also said that he would do a general cleaning, but I didn't see him in this photo."

For a while, several people in the parent group @ Jiang Ning.

"Two parents, Gong Zi Han and Cao Dahua are indeed members of this general cleaning, but they left very early, so they are not in the photo." Jiang Ning typed a reply.

Zi Han's mother: "The brat must have gone to the Internet cafe to surf the Internet secretly again!"

Dahua's mother: "I guess so! He will have a hard time when he comes home!"

Zi Han's mother: "Yes, they must learn a lesson!"

Seeing the two parents burning with anger, Jiang Ning hurriedly persuaded them to stop fighting: "Both mothers must be calm. Caning is no longer advocated now!"

"You can try to dip the belt in iodine and disinfect while beating."


"Why do I suddenly feel a little panic in my heart, as if a pair of eyes are staring at me?"

In the black Internet cafe near Xingming High School, Gong Zi Han had a solemn face and his eyelids were twitching.

Cao Dahua next to him glanced at his screen and said comfortingly: "Don't panic, it must be the opponent's jungler who is squatting on you in the grass."

"But it's not a big problem, because your Hua is here!"

"Look at my eyes later, I will come to the middle lane to help you counter-squat

One wave, we developed so well, I can't imagine how we lost in a two-on-two situation. "

"Damn, I've already destroyed the opponent's mid and jungle, why are you AFK under the tower, Zihan?"

Cao Dahua turned his head to look at Gong Zihan beside him, but found that his best friend had taken off his headphones and looked at the middle-aged woman behind him with a look of horror.

"Gong Zihan, is this what you call a spring cleaning at school? "

The middle-aged woman spoke with a blank expression and gritted teeth.

It can be seen that she was holding back her emotions, because the look in her eyes that wanted to stab someone could not be hidden.

At this moment, Cao Dahua, as an outsider, felt an overwhelming sense of oppression.

Because when his parents called his full name with a sullen face, it already meant that something was wrong.

He turned his head to the other side in panic, not daring to see how miserable his best friend's end was.

As expected, Gong Zihan left with his mother in disgrace.

Before leaving, he said to Cao Dahua: "Brother Hua, I have something to do and I have to leave first. This time it depends on you. I will advance to the next round."

Gong Zihan's expression of facing death with a sense of solemnity was quite tragic.

Cao Dahua thought that Zihan's e-sports spirit was really commendable. He was still thinking about the next round at this critical moment.

"Go with peace of mind. I'm here! "

Cao Dahua nodded solemnly. Gong Zihan was not the only one who had the spirit of e-sports.

At this time, Zihan's mother glanced at Cao Dahua and said silently: "Young man, is your name Cao Dahua?"

"Don't blame auntie for not reminding you. Your mother is also looking for you everywhere. It will probably find you here soon."

After the words fell, Cao Dahua logged off the computer at the speed of light: "I'm sorry, brother, your Hua is gone!"

If you lose the promotion match, you can play again.

But if he is caught by his family, he will have to watch a one-minute commercial to revive.

Cao Dahua still knows what is important.

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