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"This is the first time I've seen Dahuang not being aggressive towards outsiders, and even actively getting close to an outsider. It's really strange."

Zhang Shanhe silently put down the bamboo stick in his hand and couldn't help muttering.

Shen Suyun glanced at him: "What's so strange about this? It shows that Dahuang is spiritual. He can see that Jiang Ning is a new member of our family."

"Can this be seen?" Zhang Shanhe was stunned for a moment.

"Otherwise? Your daughter walked behind specifically to accompany Jiang Ning. Her intention is obvious enough."

Ever since Zhang Mengqing called Jiang Ning to his home for dinner, Shen Suyun had never pushed for marriage again.

Even sleeping at night is peaceful, I don't toss and turn and sigh like before.

Because she could see that the two young people had a vague tendency to negotiate.

First, we made an appointment to go on a self-driving trip together, and then we drove a family of four to the countryside. How would ordinary friends do this?

Would it be an ordinary friend who has reached this point?

Shen Suyun did not object to Jiang Ning's close contact with her eldest daughter, and even encouraged them to become friends.

So when Zhang Mengqing deliberately slowed down and walked at the back of the line with Jiang Ning, she just pretended not to see it.

At the same time, he would silently hold the little daughter's hand and speed up the pace, leaving the two people behind him far away.

Let the young people handle their own affairs. It is better for people of the older generation not to meddle in their own affairs.

At this moment, Zhang Shanhe had mixed feelings in his heart.

The eldest daughter has a good impression of Jiang Ning. The younger daughter affectionately calls Jiang Ning brother, and the wife also regards Jiang Ning as a new member of the family.

Even Dahuang, who looked after the home and nursery, circled around Jiang Ning, looking like a dog licking his tail, his tail almost wagging to the sky.

It seems that the whole world is hoping that Jiang Ning can become his son-in-law.

Once upon a time, Zhang Shanhe also thought that it would be great if Jiang Ning was his son-in-law.

Now everything is moving in the direction he originally envisioned, but he can't be happy at all.

This is like "if I have one hundred thousand yuan" and "I really have one hundred thousand yuan", which are two completely different concepts.

If I had one hundred thousand yuan, I would lend it all to you without hesitation. After all, everyone is so familiar with it.

But if I really have 100,000 yuan and you come to me to borrow money, then I have to think about it carefully. After all, we don’t know each other that well.

Marriage is a big event and the only opportunity to choose your own family.

As a father, Zhang Shanhe must strictly control his future son-in-law.

Lao Zhang selects a son-in-law for his daughter in his lifetime.

Don’t choose expensive ones, just choose the right ones.

But before he takes action, Jiang Ning should first get rid of the old man and the old lady.

Zhang Mengqing also knew that Jiang Ning would be very stressed when meeting his grandparents, so he comforted him before entering the house: "Don't be nervous when you see my grandparents later."

"They may ask you many, many questions, but the old man has no ill intentions and just wants to get to know you better. You just need to answer truthfully."

"Of course, I will also be there to help you talk, come on!"

It was obviously Jiang Ning meeting his grandparents, but Zhang Mengqing seemed even more nervous.

Because she really hopes that Jiang Ning's performance can be recognized and liked by her grandparents.

"Okay, leader, please rest assured and promise to complete the task." Jiang Ning nodded confidently.

He is good at making old people happy. It is much easier than correcting English test papers.

After that, Jiang Ning followed Zhang Mengqing into the small bungalow one after another, and saw Mr. Zhang Yushu and Mrs. Tang Hongcui in the living room.

It's been a while since I last saw him. The old man is recovering well. Now his face is full of spring breeze, and he doesn't look like he just had surgery.

"Hello, grandparents."

At this time, Jiang Ning greeted politely.

After the words fell, Zhang Yushu was obviously stunned for a moment. He didn't expect to meet Jiang Ning again so soon.

Immediately afterwards, the old man pretended not to recognize Jiang Ning and turned to look at Zhang Shanhe: "Who is this young man?"

The old man's acting skills are good, it would be a pity not to be an old actor.

Zhang Shanhe, who was sitting on the sofa, explained: "Dad, Jiang Ning is my former student and Meng Qing's current friend."

"He drove us back today."

"Oh, so that's it." Zhang Yushu suddenly realized.

"Xiao Jiang, you've had a hard time driving on the road. Come and sit down and drink tea together."

"Okay, I'm indeed a little thirsty." Jiang Ning didn't notice anyone else, sitting on the sofa openly.

Zhang Mengqing sat next to Jiang Ning, her hands resting on her knees nervously, waiting for her grandparents to hurl questions like a hail of bullets.

However, what she didn't expect was that her grandparents didn't ask a single question today.

They talked about family matters, such as whose child got into college, whose family built a new house, and whose family found wild honey in the mountains...

They talked about everything except Jiang Ning, as if they were deliberately avoiding the topic of him.

What Teacher Zhang didn't know was that the old lady had actually found Jiang Ning many days ago and asked all the questions she wanted to ask.

It can be said that the old couple now have more information than Zhang Mengqing.


"My dear, I think Xiao Jiang has a special relationship with our eldest granddaughter."

Zhang Yushu mentioned it casually while washing tea cups in the kitchen.

Grandma Tang, who was standing by to help, paused: "Even you can see it, which means the two children should be dating."

"I was wondering why Xiao Jiang came to the hospital every day during the hospitalization, bringing meals and playing chess with me. It turns out that the reason is here." Zhang Yushu realized it later.

"Why, Xiao Jiang took care of you earnestly during that time, and now you suspect he has ulterior motives?" Grandma Tang was unhappy.

The old lady treated Jiang Ning as her own son and could not bear to hear Grandpa Zhang's harsh words.

Zhang Yushu quickly changed his words: "How could it be, I have never thought about it that way, I even hope that Xiao Jiang will be my grandson-in-law."

Grandma Tang's expression eased a little: "Then let's keep Xiao Jiang at home for lunch today."

"What to eat?" Zhang Yushu muttered.

"Let him stay here overnight and celebrate the Mid-Autumn Festival with us."

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