"Mom and Dad are preparing dinner, all our favorite dishes! By the way, when will you be back?" Jiang Wan sent a confused Tom Cat emoticon. Jiang Ning: "I'll go back tomorrow morning."

Jiang Wan: "Oh, okay. Wait, tomorrow morning?!"

"You mean you're not coming back today?"

Jiang Ning: "Yes, the Mid-Autumn Festival in previous years is the same process, there's really nothing new. Let's celebrate a different Mid-Autumn Festival this year."

"Tell my parents not to prepare dinner. I've booked a seat for them at a western restaurant. They can just go there for dinner in the evening."

"In addition, I bought two movie tickets for my parents."

"After they finish dinner, they can watch a movie starring Su Daqiang. It's about the love of middle-aged and elderly people. It's said to be quite good."

Because Jiang Ning is not going home for Mid-Autumn Festival today, he wants his family to celebrate the festival outside.

It must be interesting to let his parents regain the feeling of love in the past during the warm festival of Mid-Autumn Festival.

"What about me? What about me?" Jiang Wan asked.

My brother arranged so well for his parents, it shouldn't be bad for her, right?

Jiang Ning: "I checked and there is a comic exhibition at the sports center today. I will send you the location later."

"Then I will transfer 300 yuan to you. You can use this money to go out and play, or you can use it to charge games."

"But there is a prerequisite, that is, you must be home at 9 o'clock in the evening. Do you hear me?"

Jiang Wan cheered and jumped for joy: "Brother, you look so handsome when you transfer money!"

"I wish you have fun at Teacher Zhang's hometown. I won't be a light bulb to disturb you. See you tomorrow!"

The chat between the brother and sister ended here. Jiang Wan sat up straight on the sofa, humming a cheerful anime theme song.

Although the 300 yuan pocket money was not much, it was the happiest Mid-Autumn Festival she had ever had.

"Dear parents, my brother said he will be back tomorrow."

Jiang Wan ran to the kitchen and acted as a messenger.

"What? Back tomorrow?"

Song Yujin, who was preparing the dishes, suddenly paused.

"Does that mean he won't celebrate the Mid-Autumn Festival with us today?"

"Jiang Xiangjun, did you see that your son stays out all day and now he doesn't even come home."

"He doesn't discuss anything with us, and he's acting first and asking for permission later."

"Maybe one day I'll suddenly bring you a grandchild."

"That's just what you want, and you've always wanted to be a grandmother." Jiang Xiangjun next to him joked with a smile.

Feeling his wife's death gaze, Old Jiang immediately frowned: "The brat is really outrageous. I'll call and ask what's going on."

"Deal with it! This matter must be dealt with seriously!"

"You can't call!" Jiang Wan hurriedly stopped him when she saw this.

"My brother is busy warming up his relationship right now. If he suddenly calls, wouldn't it be bad?"

"Heating up his relationship?"

Song Yujin and Jiang Xiangjun were stunned for a moment, and spoke at the same time.

Song Yujin asked hesitantly: "You mean... the girl who has a crush on your brother wants him to stay there for the Mid-Autumn Festival?"

"Yeah, that's right!"

After getting Jiang Wan's affirmation, Song Yujin no longer looked angry, and even seemed a little happy.

"Oh, if you had said earlier that he was spending the Mid-Autumn Festival at that girl's house, then nothing would have happened."

"Mom, are you not angry anymore?" Jiang Wan asked curiously.

"Why should I be angry? I'm not even happy yet."

Song Yujin smiled brightly, and was completely different from before.

"That girl wants your brother to stay for the holiday, which means that she and her family have recognized your brother."

"This is a good thing!"

Now, Song Yujin, in a good mood, prepared the food more seriously.

She planned to cook a good meal tonight to celebrate the good news.

Seeing Song Yujin continue to cut vegetables, Jiang Wan quickly said: "Oh, by the way, my brother also told you not to prepare meals tonight."

"Not preparing meals?" Song Yujin looked surprised.

"Why, he didn't come back for dinner, but he actually wanted to let the three of us go hungry?"

"No, he booked seats for you two at a western restaurant and bought movie tickets." Jiang Wan explained.

"Western restaurant? Movie tickets?"

"Why spend that money? It's fine for us to celebrate the holiday at home. Ask your brother to return all those fancy things."

Many years ago, Song Yujin was also an innocent and beautiful girl.

It was just the daily necessities of life that made her grow from a girl to a woman. She had to be thrifty and think twice before doing anything.

In Song Yujin's eyes, eating a western meal and watching a movie, the money spent on daily expenses could buy countless clothes and cook countless meals.

If young people were going out to play, there would be nothing to say.

But she and Lao Jiang are both old, why eat western food and watch movies.

It's better to refund.

"My brother has already booked seats in the restaurant and the cinema in advance, and there is no way to refund."

"If you don't go, the money will be wasted."

Jiang Wan's little head shook like a rattle, and she spoke in a serious manner.

She also hoped that her parents could relive the beauty of their love period.

"Can't withdraw? Why do I remember..."

Song Yujin wanted to say something, but her husband interrupted her: "Whether we can withdraw or not, let's go to eat Western food and watch a movie tonight."

"After all, this is the child's intention, we can't be parents who spoil the fun."

Jiang Xiangjun thinks this year's Mid-Autumn Festival is quite interesting, completely different from the past, so why not try it boldly.

"Okay, but the problem is that if we go out to eat, what about our daughter?"

After the words fell, Song Yujin and Jiang Xiangjun looked at Jiang Wan in unison.

"It's okay, you go and play your own games, I'll just do whatever I want."

Jiang Wan didn't worry about her dinner at all, after all, Jiang Ning had just given her 300 yuan in pocket money.

If it was just to solve a dinner, she could only say that she had never fought such a rich battle!

Although Jiang Ning's family didn't get together to celebrate this Mid-Autumn Festival, everyone had a great time.

Jiang Ning spent the holiday with Zhang Mengqing, his parents ate Western food and watched a movie, and his sister attended a comic exhibition.

Even the kitten Tangyuan at home received a box of cat food. He held his head high and his tail up to patrol his territory.

"Old Jiang, come and help me choose which skirt I should wear when I go out."

Song Yujin took out two skirts from the closet, one of which was black and looked mature and steady, and the other was matcha color that was fresh and not old.

Jiang Xiangjun thought both were good, but he would definitely be scolded for not paying attention if he said that, so he stared at the two skirts for a long time.

"The one on the left." He raised his hand and pointed at the black skirt on the left.

"Okay, then I'll wear the one on the right today."

Jiang Xiangjun: ? ? ?

So, the meaning of asking him to help choose is to do the elimination method?


Old Jiang suddenly smiled with relief.


Let's talk about Jiang Ning.

After he arranged the affairs at home, he told Zhang Mengqing and others about his stay.

Teacher Zhang was naturally very happy, because this was the first time she and Jiang Ning had a real holiday.

Zhang Shanhe was also happy because he didn't have to go fishing alone, he had a little follower around him.

"Jiangning, I'm going to go fishing at the reservoir to add food to dinner today. Do you want to go with me?"

Zhang Shanhe likes fishing very much, but fishing outside is charged by the hour.

Sometimes he spent money but didn't catch a single fish.

It would be a lie to say that he didn't feel bad.

Now that fishing is free in the countryside, he must have a good time.

"Okay, Uncle Zhang." Jiangning nodded and agreed.

He is using Lao Zhang's tricks to deal with Lao Zhang.

When facing the future father-in-law, you must cater to his preferences.

Even if Jiangning is not very interested in fishing, as long as Zhang Shanhe speaks, he will definitely accompany him.

So the "Lao Zhang Xiao Jiang" combination was born.

Zhang Shanhe walked in front with the fishing rod given by Jiangning, and greeted the villagers on the road happily.

Jiang Ning followed behind with a landing net and a large bag of miscellaneous fishing tools.

He didn't know the villagers, so he could only smile and nod as a response, so as to make them familiar.

At least when he comes to this village again in the future, everyone will say to him: "Oh, this person is from Zhang Shanhe's family."

Zhang Mengqing originally wanted to go fishing with them, but the mountain road was not easy to walk, and the sun was so strong today.

Zhang Shanhe, who loved his daughter, naturally let her stay at home and only took Jiang Ning out.

Zhang Mengqing stood at the door of the house, watching the figures of Old Zhang and Jiang Ning gradually disappear into the horizon.

"Grandma, Grandpa said you used to be a chef in a restaurant, so can you make moon cakes?"

Zhang Mengqing found Grandma Tang, who was sitting in the yard, holding a palm-leaf fan to cool off.

"Of course I can." The old lady nodded with a smile.

"We didn't have the conditions we have now, so we made mooncakes by ourselves."

"Then grandma, can you teach me how to make mooncakes?" Zhang Mengqing looked expectant.

The old lady asked with a smile: "Do you want to make mooncakes for Xiao Jiang?"

Zhang Mengqing's face flushed with shame, as if her thoughts were seen through.


Her voice was very small, and was blown far away by the wind.

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