The old man planted two loquat trees in the yard a few years ago, and now they are tall and majestic.

Zhang Mengqing brought a wooden chair and sat under the big tree to enjoy the cool, while the local dog Dahuang lay at her feet and dozed.

A black butterfly flew over not far away and slowly landed on Dahuang's wet nose.

The dog just opened his eyes and looked at it, then drooped his eyelids again, motionless.

"You, why do you always like to doze off like Jiang Ning? No wonder you two can play together."

Zhang Mengqing lowered her head and glanced at Dahuang, and couldn't help but think of Jiang Ning.

Because she occasionally makes video calls to Jiang Ning at night to talk about cats and work, and Jiang Ning always falls asleep while they are talking.

In Zhang Mengqing's eyes, Jiang Ning is the king of sleep.

He is still talking to people in the last second, and can fall asleep in the next second.

But sometimes she is quite envious of Jiang Ning's sleep quality, and he does not have the trouble of insomnia.

"Da Huang, you said they have been out for an afternoon, why haven't they come back yet?"

On the surface, Zhang Mengqing is sitting in the yard to enjoy the cool and play with the dog.

But in fact, her eyes have been looking in the direction where Jiang Ning and Lao Zhang left.

There is an idiom called "looking forward to it", which fits her current state.

Zhang Mengqing doesn't understand why she hopes Jiang Ning will come back soon.

Perhaps she is looking forward to what kind of evaluation Jiang Ning will give after tasting the mooncakes she made by herself.

"Xiao Jiang, I'm not bragging to you. I didn't even use half of my usual fishing skills today."

"When there is a chance another day, I will show you my skills..."

At this time, Zhang Shanhe's voice came from a distance.

The loud voice of Lao Zhang vividly illustrates what it means to only hear the voice but not see the person.

Zhang Mengqing is too familiar with her father's voice. After all, she grew up listening to this voice.

Hearing the movement, Teacher Xiao Zhang quickly retracted her gaze, then took out her mobile phone from her pocket and watched short videos.

She was clearly looking forward to Jiang Ning coming back early, but at this moment she pretended not to care.

Pretending not to care is the strongest possessiveness.

"Mengqing, why are you here alone? Where are your mother and sister?"

Zhang Shanhe walked into the courtyard, put down the fishing rod and bucket, and wiped the sweat from his forehead.

"My mother is sleeping upstairs, and my sister is talking to her classmates on the phone." Zhang Mengqing put down the phone and answered.

Mother Shen Suyun was not interested in the intelligence of the military office at the entrance of the village, nor did she like to visit other people's homes, so she went back to her room to rest after dinner.

Zhang Jinqing was doing homework in the living room when she suddenly received a video call from Jiang Wan.

It turned out that Jiang Wan went to participate in the comic exhibition, and excitedly shared the lively scene with Xiaoshekong.

"You worked hard fishing this afternoon, I'll go and bring out the herbal tea."

While Jiang Ning and Zhang Shanhe stood there to take a breath, Zhang Mengqing turned back to the living room to pour tea.

Grandma Tang would brew a pot of herbal tea every day. Although the taste of herbal tea was a little bitter, it could relieve heat and thirst, and it was most suitable for drinking when she came back from work.

At the moment, Jiang Ning and Zhang Shanhe had just come back from fishing and were in a state of dry mouth.

The two of them didn't care about the bitterness of the herbal tea at all, and they drank a pot of tea, and finally came back alive.

Zhang Mengqing wanted to ask Jiang Ning if he was tired from fishing, but when she thought of Zhang who was also there, she didn't say it.

"You two had a great harvest this afternoon."

At this time, Grandma Tang came out of the kitchen. She saw the big fish in the bucket and was so happy that she couldn't close her mouth.

She thought Zhang Shanhe would catch nothing again today, but she didn't expect so many unexpected harvests.

"It seems that our family can have a full fish banquet tonight."

In a flash, the old lady had already thought about what dishes to make with these fish.

"But I can't handle so many fish by myself, Shanhe, come and help."

The old lady asked Zhang Shanhe for help by name.

Jiang Ning and Zhang Mengqing, two young people, were sitting in the yard, and you, a middle-aged and elderly person, were sandwiched in the middle. What kind of light bulb are you?

You are not as conscious as an old lady like her.

"I know, I'll come right away."

Zhang Shanhe patted the dust off his butt and walked towards the kitchen with the bucket.

No matter how old he is, he still has to obey his mother.

For a moment, only Jiang Ning and Zhang Mengqing were left in the courtyard.

Without the light bulb of Old Zhang, the two young people obviously felt a lot more relaxed.


Are you tired from fishing every day?" Zhang Mengqing asked casually.

Jiang Ning answered truthfully: "A little bit, mainly because my legs are sore from climbing mountains."

He was used to living in the city, and he was not used to the steep and difficult mountain roads.

"Then stretch your legs over here." Zhang Mengqing suddenly said.


Jiang Ning was stunned on the spot, and he seriously suspected that he had heard it wrong.

Did Teacher Zhang just ask him to stretch his legs over?

"To help you relax your calves, don't forget it."

Looking at Jiang Ning's surprised expression, Zhang Mengqing's eyes dodged and he felt his face getting hot.

"How can I be embarrassed about this."

Jiang Ning said sorry, but his body honestly raised his legs.

"It may be a little painful, just bear it. Tell me if you really can't hold on." Zhang Mengqing gave a kind reminder.

"It's okay, I can hold on. "

Jiang Ning thought that Teacher Zhang looked quiet and weak, so how painful it would be to ask her to help relax his calf.

But the next second, Jiang Ning knew he was wrong.

He felt a sharp pain in his calf, and the pain seemed to tear his whole body apart.

Zhang Mengqing used the bamboo stick as a fascia knife and scraped Jiang Ning's calf again and again.

Zhang Mengqing himself did not have much strength, but the situation was different when he borrowed props.

"Your calf muscles are too tight. If you don't relax them in time, they will be more sore the next day."

"And you have to drive a long distance tomorrow, so it is very important to relax your calf."

Zhang Mengqing said confidently.

"Jiang Ning, how do you feel now?"

Jiang Ning clenched his teeth and squeezed out a smile: "God doctor, my legs are not sore at all now."

It is indeed not sore, because there is only pain.

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