Bạn đang xem văn bản gốc chưa dịch, có thể kéo xuống cuối trang để chọn bản dịch.

After eating breakfast, Jiang Ning took Zhang Mengqing and her sisters back to the city.

Zhang Shanhe did not leave with him because he planned to stay in the country during this holiday and spend more time with the elderly man and his wife.

Although Shen Suyun said she disliked country life, she still stayed with Lao Zhang.

In her words, it was to supervise Zhang Shanhe not to drink alcohol.

In this way, there were five people when we drove in, and it became three when we left.

An hour and a half later, Jiang Ning parked the car downstairs in the family area with ease.

Immediately afterwards, he followed Sister Zhang Mengqing upstairs to get her luggage.

Teacher Xiao Zhang’s luggage had been packed a long time ago. It was an off-white suitcase and a handbag of the same color.

Zhang Jinqing was carrying a schoolbag on his back and pushing a suitcase in his hand.

If Jiang Ning remembered correctly, her sister Jiang Wan also seemed to have prepared a suitcase.

Okay, okay, seven days of self-driving travel, the three girls all prepared suitcases in unison.

On the other hand, Jiang Ning himself had only prepared two sets of changes of clothes for this self-driving trip.

I didn’t even prepare a schoolbag, just put it in a plastic bag and that was it.

Compared to the three delicate girls, Jiang Ning was as rough as a primitive man.


Just then, Kitty September walked out of the bedroom.

It looked at Zhang Mengqing with an aggrieved look, then raised its paws and scratched the suitcase.

September probably knew that Teacher Xiao Zhang was leaving with these things, so he wanted to open the suitcase and put himself in it.

The kitten doesn’t know anything about Golden Week self-driving travel. The kitten just wants to stay with you without being separated.

"What will happen to September after we leave?"

Sister Zhang Jinqing looked at Jiang Ning and Zhang Mengqing opposite.

According to the original plan, the sisters went on a trip and the kittens were left in the care of their parents.

But now Lao Zhang is staying in the countryside and has not come back, which also means that there is no one in the family to take care of September.

"I'll make arrangements."

Jiang Ning took out his mobile phone and called Wang Jiayou: "Yuzi, are you free during the next short vacation?"

Last time Wang Jiayou rode a small electric donkey and played bumper cars with his aunt, and he was hospitalized for a week.

Now that I'm discharged from the hospital, I'm full of energy and eating delicious food. It's a blessing in disguise.

"Senior, I have time, lots of time!"

Wang Jiayou's excited voice came from the other end of the phone.

He looked at the various travel updates in his circle of friends, and he almost couldn't say the word "envy".

Therefore, when Jiang Ning asked if he had time, he said without hesitation that he had time.

Wang Jiayou thought Jiang Ning was going to ask him to go on a trip, and he felt a little touched.

Be brothers! In my heart!

"It's good if you have time. Teacher Xiao Zhang and I are planning to go on a trip. I'll leave Tangyuan and Jiuyue with you for a week." Jiang Ning said slowly.

Although his parents were at home, he still planned to send the dumplings to Wang Jiayou for custody.

Firstly, I feel relieved, and secondly, I completely free up the world for my parents.

At the very least, they both have the next seven days to themselves.

"Ah hahaha, of course it's no problem. You can take them to the pet hospital. I'll ride there now."

Wang Jiayou's awkward but polite laughter came from the other end of the phone, so he thought too much.

"Okay, don't worry, I'll be there in about an hour." Jiang Ning agreed on the time and hung up the phone.

After that, he picked up a suitcase with each hand and went downstairs first.

The girl's box looks big, but it's not heavy to lift.

Zhang Jinqing hugged September and followed closely, while Xiao Zhang, who walked at the back, was responsible for closing the doors, windows, water and electricity, and locking the door.

After coming out of the family area, Jiang Ning drove towards home.

He sent a message to Jiang Wan in advance, so when the car arrived at the gate of the community, his sister had already been waiting on the roadside for a long time with glutinous rice balls in her arms and a suitcase in her hand.

"Long wait, classmate Xiaowan."

Jiang Ning parked the car on the side of the road, unbuckled his seat belt and got out, and helped Jiang Wan load his luggage into the trunk.

Jiang Wan pursed her lips: "Five years, do you know how I lived these five years?"

"Awan is already dead, you picked the idol!"

Jiang Ning looked at the quirky sister in front of him and suddenly had a bold idea.

Otherwise, Jiang Wan should stop studying broadcasting and hosting and become an actress instead, because she is full of drama.

"What a mess, you've been waiting for half a day at most

Hours is not even close to five years." Jiang Ning complained.

Jiang Wan corrected: "Wrong, it's one day and half an hour!"

"You didn't take me with you when you went out to play yesterday. Do you know what it means to spend a day like a year?"

Compared to the comic exhibition, Jiang Wan wanted to go to Zhang Jinqing's hometown more, to meet the grandparents of his deskmate and experience the simple folk customs.

"It's not that I didn't take you with me on purpose, but there's no room in the car." Jiang Ning explained the situation.

"How about this, you pick a sack with a nice color later."

"Then I'll put you in it and throw it in the trunk, and I promise that you won't be left behind in any activities in the future."

The sister, who was originally aggrieved, couldn't help laughing when she heard Jiang Ning's ridicule, and the corners of her mouth were harder to suppress than AK.

"Why am I in the trunk, instead of my brother writing books to make money and buying a new six-seater car in the future? "

Jiang Wan tilted his head, looking confused.

"Okay, if my next book becomes popular, I will definitely buy a new six-seater car." Jiang Ning nodded.

Jiang Wan patted his brother on the shoulder: "It's not if, it's definitely! Your next book will definitely be popular, I'm counting on you! "

Zhang Mengqing sat in the car, looking at the brother and sister on the roadside through the car's rearview mirror.

She thought Jiang Ning and Jiang Wan's way of getting along was quite interesting.

Although the brother and sister were nine years apart in age, they had no barriers in getting along, and were more like good friends.

During this process, Zhang Mengqing accidentally heard them say "the next book is popular."

This reminded her of a long paragraph of content that looked like an essay in Jiang Ning's mobile phone.

Is Jiang Ning writing a book?

Speaking of which, Zhang Mengqing has known Jiang Ning for so long, but she still doesn't know what Jiang Ning does for a living.

Jiang Ning didn't mention it, and she didn't ask.

If Jiang Ning is really writing a book, then Zhang Mengqing would like to see what book he has written.

After that, Jiang Wan got on the back seat of the car.

As soon as she sat down, Zhang Jinqing held her in her arms. Jiuyue immediately reacted, poked her head out, and sniffed everywhere.

Because Jiang Wan was also holding a kitten in her arms, this was the first time Tangyuan and Jiuyue met.

Jiang Wan was originally worried that Tangyuan and Jiuyue would fight.

After all, Jiuyue was a well-known big sister. As long as other cats appeared in her sight, she would definitely give them a big fight.

However, at this moment, Jiuyue just smelled the smell on Tangyuan and did not use her meow punch.

Tangyuan also smelled the smell on Jiuyue, and then meowed.

Jiuyue immediately responded, and the encrypted call of meowing sounded in the car.

Seeing the two kittens living in harmony, Jiang Wan smiled with relief.

Everything was developing in the direction she had imagined.

She played with Zhang Jinqing.

Jiuyue played with Tangyuan.

Of course, the elder brother played with Teacher Zhang.

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