After a while, the two of them arrived at the fruit market.

Twenty minutes later, the two arrived at the fruit market smoothly.

There were all kinds of fruits here, piled on the ground as if they were free, and even the air was filled with the unique sweet smell of fruits.

Jiang Ning walked to the nearest shop, squatted down and patted the watermelon gently.

Generally speaking, the watermelon with a crisp sound is a good one, on the contrary, those watermelons with a dull sound must be not very good.

"Handsome boy, stop taking pictures. My watermelons are guaranteed to be ripe. I won't sell them to you greenhorns. Don't worry."

"The fruit shop owners around here all get their products from us."

The boss who was speaking looked a bit like the Fire Cloud Evil God in "Kung Fu". He was wearing a large white vest, crossed his legs, held a palm-leaf fan in one hand, and ate melon seeds leisurely.

Jiang Ning nodded at Zhang Mengqing to prove that the boss was not exaggerating.

Because he just picked a few watermelons and they sounded good.

After choosing the stall, the two squatted in front of the fruit stall and picked several watermelons one after another.

These watermelons are enough for Class 16 and the teachers who share the same office with Zhang Mengqing.

After that, the boss put all the watermelons in a sack and weighed them together. He looked down at the data displayed on the electronic scale: "A total of 63 yuan. Do you want to pay in cash or by scanning the code?"

Jiang Ning took out his mobile phone and was about to scan the code, but Zhang Mengqing quickly stopped him: "Let me do it. I have cash on me and I've been looking for an opportunity to spend it."

Now is the era of technology. Young people usually pay by scanning the code and rarely carry cash when they go out.

If they have cash on them, they will spend it first.

Of course, in addition to the reason of wanting to use the cash on them, Zhang Mengqing has her own principles.

It was obviously she who promised to treat the whole class of Class 16 to watermelons, so how could she let Jiang Ning pay for it.

While talking, Zhang Mengqing took out the change from her pocket and handed it to the owner of the fruit shop.

You get what you pay for. 63 yuan can't make any splash in the game, but you can buy a sack of heavy watermelons.

Jiang Ning took a lot of effort to carry the watermelons to the trunk.

"Jiang Ning, you've worked so hard."

"If you hadn't helped, I wouldn't know how to bring these watermelons back to school."

Zhang Mengqing handed over a pack of wet wipes and asked Jiang Ning to wipe the sweat off her forehead.

Like the socially anxious little stutterer Zhang Jinqing, Teacher Xiao Zhang also carries wet wipes with her. It seems that the two sisters are really of the same lineage.

"Teacher Xiao Zhang, don't be so polite. You pay and I work. We are all helping Class 16 to seek benefits." Jiang Ning responded jokingly.

In fact, what this sentence means is that buying watermelons is not just his work. Zhang Mengqing also paid a lot. Everyone worked hard.

Jiang Ning doesn't like to take credit for himself. He is not the kind of person who likes to show off.

Since two people have completed this task together, the honor should also be shared.

"Jiang Ning, the school requires that each class must have a parent representative. Are you interested in being the parent representative of Class 16?"

Zhang Mengqing has carefully observed Jiang Ning and found that Jiang Ning is humble and responsible, and is very suitable to be a parent representative.

"Parent representative? Is it the kind of person who calls on everyone in the parent group to actively cooperate with the school's work?" Jiang Ning laughed and teased.

The words are rough but the truth is true. The so-called parent representative is to help the school mobilize other parents.

"That's about it." Zhang Mengqing nodded.

"In addition, the parent representative needs to come to the school once a month to feedback the children's learning situation to the class teacher."

The so-called parent representative is actually a thankless job. There is no actual salary and you have to do this and that. Basically no one is willing to take this job.

Seeing Jiang Ning's embarrassment, Zhang Mengqing quickly added: "If you are busy with work and have no time, you can also extend it to come to school every two or three months."

She was obviously considering the problem from Jiang Ning's perspective, but she didn't expect Jiang Ning to be more embarrassed after hearing it.

He hesitated and said, "Teacher Zhang, one month is too long. Can you go to school once a week?"

Zhang Mengqing: ???

Now it's her turn to be confused.

It's the first time she has met a parent like Jiang Ning who likes to go to school.


"When you feel happy, you run around. When you feel tired, you relax. Just listen to what others say.

, make your own decision..."

"I don't want to have too many emotions, a glass of red wine with a movie, on weekend nights, turn off the phone, and nestle comfortably on the sofa..."

The car drove smoothly, no one spoke in the car, only the melodious music lingered in the ears of the two.

The name of this song is "Not That Simple", sung by Huang Xiaohu.

When the melody of this song sounded, a trace of surprise flashed in Zhang Mengqing's eyes. She didn't expect Jiang Ning to like listening to this song.

In fact, "Not That Simple" is the song that Zhang Mengqing has played the most in single loops on her mobile phone, no one else.

Through the lyrics of this song, she seemed to see a mature woman telling the story she had experienced.

It seems that Jiang Ning's preference for listening to songs is the same as hers. They all feel that the more they listen to old songs, the more charming they are...

The soft singing voice turned into a lullaby at this moment. Zhang Mengqing's eyelids began to fight uncontrollably, and sleepiness came like a tide.

"Teacher Zhang, I will take you directly to school. "

While waiting for the traffic light, Jiang Ning tried to start a conversation.

However, Zhang Mengqing, who was sitting in the passenger seat, did not respond. Jiang Ning turned around and found that Teacher Zhang had fallen asleep.

Her head was leaning against the car window, her breathing was even and steady, and the sunlight outside the car poured in, outlining her profile, as if covered with a faint halo.

Seeing this, Jiang Ning silently adjusted the air-conditioning gear from the previous three gears to the first gear.

Then, he lowered the car volume, trying not to disturb Zhang Mengqing's rest as much as possible.

When Zhang Mengqing opened her eyes again, she found that she was covered with a brown blanket.

The car had stopped in the school parking lot, and the whole car was quiet, without any sound.

At this moment, Jiang Ning was typing on his mobile phone. When he was out, the memo was his draft box.

He noticed that Zhang Mengqing had woken up, put down his mobile phone and said, "Teacher Zhang, we have arrived at school. ”

“I saw that you were too tired, so I wanted to let you sleep a little longer, so I didn’t wake you up.”

“Jiang Ning, I’m sorry to bother you again.” Zhang Mengqing looked apologetic.

She didn’t know how long she had slept, but she was sure that Jiang Ning had turned down the air conditioner and the car music during this time so that she could have a good rest.

Just now, there was a large paragraph of dense text on Jiang Ning’s mobile phone screen. Was he writing an article?

Zhang Mengqing was not sure. She just glanced at it casually, and then quickly retracted her gaze. She didn’t think about prying into Jiang Ning’s privacy.

“It’s okay. In school, you are the class teacher and I am the parent representative. Let’s help each other.” Jiang Ning waved his hand, telling Zhang Mengqing not to mind.

“Anyway, thank you very much. "

While talking, Zhang Mengqing took out her cell phone to check the time. It was already three o'clock, so she had to take the watermelons to the playground.

Jiang Ning understood what she meant, and hurriedly opened the trunk to help unload the goods.

One after another, the round watermelons were placed on the ground. They were about to be sent to the playground to save the hungry children.

"Okay, the watermelons have all been taken out, and you can close the trunk."

Zhang Mengqing piled the watermelons together and slowly put them into the sack.

Jiang Ning was about to close the trunk when he suddenly noticed that there were two watermelons in the corner.

He thought Zhang Mengqing had missed them, so he reminded her: "Teacher Zhang, there are still two watermelons here that haven't been loaded."

"Those two watermelons are for you. Thank you for accompanying me to the market to buy watermelons."

Zhang Mengqing felt that she had caused trouble for Jiang Ning, so she gave him two watermelons as compensation.

Jiang Ning was not polite and happily accepted the two watermelons.

These were not just two watermelons, but also a symbol of the closer relationship between the two.

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