The young man was born in a poor family and was born in a poor family.

Lu Ran's younger brother is named Lu Yuan, a sophomore at Xingming High School.

He used to play basketball on the school basketball team. He has a stable mid-range shot and a big heart to handle key balls. His academic performance is at the middle level.

The coach said that as long as Lu Yuan plays normally, he will have no problem getting into a regular college in the future.

It's a pity that a sudden car accident happened last summer vacation, which made all this disappear.

Lu Yuan's legs were seriously injured. Not to mention playing basketball, even normal standing and walking are problems. He can only sit in a wheelchair and barely move around at home.

The car accident brought him a huge blow, and since then his personality has changed drastically.

He became taciturn and depressed.

In addition, he locked himself in the room all day and didn't communicate with anyone.

In desperation, the family could only process Lu Yuan's suspension from school.

At the same time, they were worried about his mental illness, so they specially raised a little corgi to accompany him.

"Lu Yuan, come out for dinner."

Lu Ran walked to the door of his brother's room and knocked gently.

No one responded inside, only the sound of playing games.

"Brothers, let's go!"

"Don't waste time."

Lu Yuan spent most of his time playing games in the room, because only the virtual network could make him forget the pain and sadness for a short time.


Not long after, the door lock was unlocked.

Then, a short-legged corgi ran out with a cheerful step and circled around Lu Ran.

Behind the small gas tank, a boy in a wheelchair followed silently.

He was wearing a set of black pajamas and his hair was messy like a primitive man.

Since he suspended his studies, Lu Yuan has never dressed himself up again. He chose to break the jar and even his hair was cut short by his sister and mother at home.

"Let me help you."

Seeing his brother struggling to push the wheelchair, Lu Ran took the initiative to step forward.

However, Lu Yuan just glanced at his sister and said expressionlessly: "I can do it myself."

He is a very face-conscious person. He would rather swell up his face than accept help from others, even if that person is his own sister.

In his eyes, the so-called help is just a kind of charity, and he does not need charity from others.

Lu Ran looked at his brother's back gradually going away, sighed heavily, and felt mixed emotions.

"Eat, eat, Dad made three dishes and a soup for you today, come and try it and see how it tastes!"

Lu Ran's father happily brought the dishes to the table.

As the backbone of this family, he must not show a sad face and sigh in front of his family.

So most of the time, he will show a positive and optimistic attitude.

However, his white hair and increasingly haggard face showed that this man often tossed and turned at night and couldn't sleep.

In this family, each member had his own concerns.

Soon, the family of four sat together for dinner.

The three dishes and one soup made by Lu's father were: scrambled eggs with tomatoes, spicy and sour potato shreds, stir-fried green beans with oil residue, and loofah and poached egg soup.

There was no big fish or meat, but some economical and affordable home-cooked dishes.

There was no way, the family had to save money to treat Lu Yuan's illness, so they could only tighten their belts to live.

At this moment, the table was quiet and no one spoke.

Although everyone sat together, their minds were elsewhere.

The father felt that the dining atmosphere was too depressing, so he picked up the remote control and turned on the TV.

You don't have to watch TV, just make some noise to make the house less lifeless.

"Brother Sha Yi, don't run away. Let's sit down and have a good talk!"

"Zhisheng, tell me the truth. Are you an undercover agent?"

"Oh, I'm not. Hey, brother Sha Yi, don't run away!"

A variety show was playing on TV, and celebrities were chasing each other and tearing off their name tags.

Dad Lu was stunned for a moment and quickly changed the program.

Because since Lu Yuan's car accident, everyone tacitly avoided topics such as "running" and "high jump".

Even when watching TV, they avoided those programs about chasing and fighting to avoid affecting Lu Yuan's mood.

Let's watch a movie. It's safer to watch a movie.

Dad Lu thought secretly in his heart and changed the program to the movie channel.

"There must be someone who will take the first place. Why can't that person be me?"

"Listen carefully, tonight I will be in this bottom corner and shoot a three-pointer to kill you and your team."

At this time

The movie channel is playing a movie about basketball.

Dad Lu couldn't hold it anymore. His son was on the school basketball team before. Now playing a basketball movie is just a joke.

He wanted to play a TV show to liven up the atmosphere, but now it seems that it's better not to play it.

The middle-aged man hurriedly turned off the TV and quietly observed Lu Yuan's expression.

Lu Yuan's face was as gloomy as water, and he couldn't see whether he was sad or happy. He ate the white rice in the bowl by himself.

"I'm full."

Not long after, he put down his bowl and chopsticks, turned his wheelchair and went back to his room.

After closing the door, Lu Yuan stared at the sky outside the window in a daze.

In fact, he hated the look of pity and worry, as if it was reminding him all the time that he was a person with physical defects.

Lu Yuan wanted to tell his parents and sister to treat him as a normal person, and not to protect him so carefully. He was not that fragile.

But many times when the words came to his lips, he didn't know how to say them.

Lu Yuan was not unable to look his family in the face, but he was unable to look himself in the face.


After Lu Yuan returned to his room, the dining table fell into a long silence.

After a long time, Lu's father spoke: "Xiao Ran, you should pack up the things in the bedroom tonight and pack the things you want to take away."

"Your mother and I have sold this house, and we will move everything out tomorrow."

In order to raise money for Lu Yuan's surgery, the Lu family has fallen to the point of selling everything they have.

"Okay." Lu Ran nodded, showing understanding.

She did not ask how much the house was sold for, but asked: "How much is left for my brother's surgery?"

After the words fell, the middle-aged couple looked at each other: "About one third..."

They did not give an approximate number because they did not want their daughter to worry.

"That's also very soon. If this is a marathon, we are very close to the finish line." Lu Ran smiled and comforted.

"I believe that as long as we grit our teeth and hold on, we will definitely reach the finish line."

"Xiao Ran, leave the surgery fee to mom and dad, and what you need to do now is to complete your studies."

Mother didn't want Lu Ran to bear too much pressure, so she asked her to focus on her studies.

Lu Ran shook her head: "Mom, you and my dad work from dawn to dusk every day, and even after get off work, my dad has to go out to drive Didi at night, often coming back at two or three in the morning, and the whole person has lost more than 20 pounds."

"Although you have never mentioned these things, I know them all."

"As a member of this family, how can I sit back and do nothing?"

"I have already applied for the leave of absence procedures, and I will find a way to help you share the pressure."

"Leave of absence procedures?"

For a moment, Lu Ran's parents looked at each other.

"No, you should go back to school quickly, and you don't have to worry about things at home." Lu's father said with a serious face.

"It's too late! I've already submitted the application for leave of absence, and the school has already approved it."

Lu Ran guessed that her parents would react so strongly, so she acted first and asked for permission later.

She paused, then continued, "Besides, it's a leave of absence, not a dropout. Once I have enough money for the surgery, I can still go back to school."

"But..." The mother was still a little hesitant.

Lu Ran interrupted directly, "Okay, dear mom and dad, I'm not a child anymore."

"Every decision I make is carefully considered, you have to believe me!"

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