The two of them were in a state of panic, and the two of them were in a state of panic.

Since the night of the genocide, Naruto felt that Yuwenzuo was different from before.

His face became more arrogant, and he did not respond to his classmates' inquiries and requests.

Except for meal time and class time, he spent the rest of his time training and getting stronger.

Naruto tried to interact with Yuwenzuo in his own way.

Although there was not much effect, the two of them unexpectedly formed a different bond.

Or it could be said that Naruto was tying others.

In Chen Shisan's writing, Naruto, who had always verbally dreamed of becoming a fire master, often slept in class.

Only in the battle class and practical class did he show strong interest.

He believed that only by becoming stronger could he become a fire master, and he had been working hard to do so.

Six years have passed in a flash.

Time has flowed under Chen Shisan's pen.

Naruto, Yuwen Zuo and other little brats are getting older.

The images on the screen are also changing little by little, which makes the audience stunned.

[With this shaping technique, you can become a professional character sculptor! ]

[How did he do it? In such a short time, he made so many characters so clearly? ]

[I just came back from other contestants. Most of their characters are like stick figures! ]

[The better contestant No. 1 is also a general task character, which is not as clear as Chen Shisan's. ]

Not only ordinary audiences, but also the judges on the jury were surprised.

Although brain imaging technology is already very mature.

But to temporarily create such a clear character by imagination, this imagination is not ordinary.

In the creation room, Chen Shisan picked up the food brought by the staff and ate it fiercely.

Using the brain really consumes energy, which makes Chen Shisan, who has a poor appetite, have a big appetite.

Fortunately, the competition organizers have measures to prepare meals for the contestants.

As long as you are hungry, you can ask the staff to bring the food to eat.

Seeing Chen Shisan with a big appetite, the audience did not urge him.

Every time there is a creative competition, there are contestants who will be hungry easily.

It is because they use the brain too much and consume too much energy.

After eating, Chen Shisan took a break and continued to write.

Graduation from the Monk Academy: You need to release the Three Body Technique completely under the teacher's supervision to meet the graduation requirements.

[Oh, Three Body Technique, is it a kind of spell? ]

[It should be, I don’t know what effect it has. Students must learn it before they can graduate. It should be a very important spell! ]

Additional settings: Three Body Technique

Transformation Technique: The art of transformation is a spell that temporarily transforms objects with magic power. It can be transformed into any desired object according to one’s own ideas, a seal.

Clone spell: The basic spell of all incarnation spells, which can create a controllable clone, which is not a physical entity, but a holographic projection created by magic power, three seals.

Substitute spell: Prepare a substitute in advance, and after casting the spell, you can exchange with the substitute, the distance is very close, five seals.


Zi: Thumbs overlap, right thumb on top

Chou: Right hand horizontal, left hand vertical

Yin: Both thumbs should be straightened

Mao: Except for the pinky finger of the right hand, the other four fingers are lightly clenched

Chen: Thumbs overlap, left thumb on top

Si: Five fingers interlocked

Wu: Both elbows are extended, and the index fingers of both hands are opposite to form a triangle

Wei: Thumbs extend upward and overlap, left thumb on top

Shen: Pinky and thumb are parallel

You: Pay attention to the angle of the thumb and the front and back of the fingers of both hands, don't confuse them

Xu: Right fist placed in the palm of the left hand

Hai: This posture requires good wrist flexibility

The necessary way of using magic power for all spells is the technique used before launching the spell. When a monk launches a spell, he will first make a seal.

The seal needs to be made with a calm mind to ensure the correctness of the seal,

and skilled techniques are required to transform the refined magic power into "art" and release it.

Basically, most seals need to be made with both hands, but there are exceptions;

There are many seals in the screen. As a senior otaku, Chen Shisan remembers them very clearly, so the audience can see them clearly.


[Oh my god, are you sure this is a script that you came up with on the spur of the moment? It can't be a script that was prepared in advance and you just recited it again now. ]

Amazing, no need to say more.

[Genius, it's really a genius. Could it be that Chen Shisan has practiced immortality, so he knows so many hand gestures? ]

[I tried it, and I felt my hand cramped! ]

[This is too difficult. They also need to convert their mana into "jutsu" and release it, which means they have one more step than us. ]

[Just making a gesture is difficult for me! ]

[He is trying to teach me how to cultivate immortality, but who am I? I don't give a shit about him. ]

"Next, we will review the transformation jutsu before the exam. You all line up in front of me."

Teacher Iruka picked up the notebook and was pulling the students to review for the exam.

Sakura Nono was the first to go on stage. After making a final seal, she turned into the teacher on the opposite side.

The audience was itching to watch.

Then it was Yuwen Zuo's turn, and he also easily turned into Iruka.

"Next, the fifth Naruto."

Soon, it was Naruto's turn to go on stage.

He came to Iruka with a smile.

Behind him, Higashikata was looking at him with a blushing face, whispering softly: "Naruto, keep working hard!"

Naruto stood in front of Iruka with a confident look on his face.

With both hands in the ‘end’ seal, the whole body was filled with mana.



In the picture, a girl with yellow hair and twin ponytails appeared in front of everyone, naked.

There was only a circle of smoke around her body, surrounding her body and blocking her sensitive parts.

Naruto transformed into a girl with twin ponytails, and made a strange cry from her mouth.

Hmm! Hum!

He blew a kiss to teacher Iruka.

Iruka, who was very lustful, was stunned and petrified when he saw Naruto at this time.

His eyes were about to pop out of his sockets, and his mouth was wide open.

Even though he was a Qingxu monk, his nose was bleeding under this wave of attacks, and he was defeated by the transformation technique!

“Ahahaha, how about it, this is the ‘seduction technique’.” Naruto laughed heartily and pointed at Iruka with a proud face.

Iruka stuffed two tissues into his nose to stop the nosebleed.

Hearing Naruto's words, veins popped up on his face, and he roared, "You big idiot, don't create boring spells casually!"

Note: Seduction Technique is a variant of transformation technique that transforms into the opposite sex, which is specially used to restrain old perverts and beginners. It was created and developed by Naruto, the founder of seduction technique.

[Okay, okay, you are testing cadres like this, right! ]

[I can only say that you are worthy of being the protagonist, you are really talented! ]

[Ahem, I have an immature idea. ]

[Coincidentally, I have five immature ideas. ]

[Transformation Technique is just the most basic spell in Chen Shisan's world. Just looking at Transformation Technique, I feel that it is no worse than the advanced spells created by other players! ]

[Since Transformation Technique has been introduced, the next is Substitute Technique and Clone Technique. With the foreshadowing of Transformation Technique, I am looking forward to it more and more! ]

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