The young master was born in a young age.

Ouyang Jifeng: Fire Sect's preparatory true disciple, examiner of the outer sect competition, former sect master's direct member of the Anbu, with severe dark circles under his eyes, pale face and frequent coughing, good at swordsmanship, and also the Taoist partner of Anbu member Yue Xiyan.

Magic: Shadow clone, invisibility, three-day moon dance...

Personality: fair and just, able to make appropriate judgments, and can remain calm in any situation.

When writing this paragraph, Chen Shisan also attached Yue Xiyan's appearance intimately.

She was a purple-haired girl wearing a red and black tights, with complex patterns embroidered on the hem, as beautiful as a blooming rose.

"Hey, isn't this our examiner?"

Maji said sarcastically.

Ji Feng looked solemn.

"What are you doing here alone?"

"Hey! It seems that we have no choice but to fight."

After Ji Feng made a seal, he held a long sword and quickly approached Maji.

"Three-day Moon Dance."

Whoosh! Hey!

He disappeared in front of Maji in the blink of an eye, and reappeared under the full moon.


A sword slashed on Maji's shoulder, and blood splashed on his face.

"The sword cannot be pulled out."

When Ji Feng wanted to draw his sword and continue to attack, he found that the sword body did not move at all.

"This is the Three-day Moon Dance of the Fire Sect. You have mastered this trick at such a young age.

The Fire Sect is really talented and has good swordsmanship.

But it is natural that you can block this sword.

But no one can stop the wind blade."

Maji grabbed his knife and sent a gust of wind from his right hand to wrap Ji Feng.

After a twist.

Switched to another scene.

[This... I thought I could fight for two moves, but it was over in just one round! ]

[The gap in cultivation level is too big! ]

[Even the so-called invisibility technique was not used, alas! ]

[No wonder he looked like he had kidney deficiency, it turns out he has a Taoist partner! ]

[Poor his Taoist partner, he will be a widow! ]

[Tsk, that depends on whether the girl named Yue Xiyan has the idea of ​​being a widow. ]

[Look at the photo, it's a purple girl! She doesn't even need to dress up and dye her hair to go to a certain singer's concert. ]

[I don't even want to steal his Taoist partner, he's so young, alas! ]

By the clear river, several girls are playing in the water.

An old man squatted in the grass, staring with his eyes wide open, as if he had entered heaven.

Mingzi emerged from behind him and covered his eyes.

In a coquettish tone: "If you don't come to me soon, I will be angry.

If you accompany me to practice, I will serve you well, thank you so much."

"Finally appeared, I'm waiting for you."

Ren Piaomiao's nose was already bubbling, feeling Mingzi's hands covering his eyes.

Just when Mingzi let go of her hands and he was about to see the famous painting, he was disappointed.

Naruto had already unlocked the transformation technique.

"You actually teased me."

Ren Piaomiao's veins popped out.

"We are the same."

"Damn it." He saw that the beauties over there had already left.

"Okay, I'm going to teach you my special moves."

"Do you really want to teach me?"


"Remember what I said yesterday, that you have two kinds of mana in your body?"

"What did you say yesterday?"

"It's the blue and red mana you mentioned."

"Ah, is there anything wrong with that?"

"When I feel the power overflowing, it's red mana."

"Yeah, that's the feeling."

"Then try to condense the red mana now."

"Okay, in that case, I'll give it a try."

Naruto carefully felt the mana in his body and made hand seals to refine the mana.

"How is it, is there any movement?"

"Sure enough, it's still the normal mana."

Naruto said.

"You really have no talent." Ren Piaomiao said sarcastically.

Naruto complained: "Damn, don't say sarcastic words, and I don't know much about those two kinds of mana!"

"Stop talking nonsense, continue."

Naruto could only continue the experiment.

Ren Piaomiao looked at him and thought: "I don't understand it myself. Naruto himself doesn't know that the red mana is the power of the Nine-Tails.

Then let's speculate based on what he described.

The danger and strong anger he was in are the key to the generation of the Nine-Tails' mana."

"No, no, I can only condense the usual mana.

What is the relationship between that lustful immortal, that red mana and the trick you want to teach me?"

"Listen carefully, kid,

The trick I teach you is based on your current

In terms of mana, it is far from enough.

So you need to awaken the other huge mana sleeping in your body,

You must use this energy. "The middle finger flicked Naruto's forehead.

"But why does the lustful immortal know that there is another kind of mana in my body?"

Ren Piaomiao smiled: "Good question, because I am an immortal."

"That's not an answer!" Naruto sighed.

"In short, those huge mana that you have will become your strongest magic weapon."

"The strongest magic weapon?"

Ren Piaomiao pinched Naruto's face like kneading dough: "If you can't make good use of it, you will really be hungry with a gold brick.

There is no need to practice the same as everyone else.

No matter who you are, you have your own strengths and weaknesses, and you have your own style.

In the past, the training was to maintain and release a certain amount of mana.

In other words, it was all training to suppress and control mana.

But your physical strength is better than others.

You have two kinds of mana, so you should release mana as much as possible,

use mana and enhance mana for training,

In that case, you will have more and more spells and tricks to use. ”

“For example, what tricks?” Naruto asked ignorantly.

“For example, the summoning technique I am going to teach you now.”

“Summoning technique?”

“Yes, use blood to sign a contract with any creature,

One of the spells in the different space that summons them at any time.”

Naruto’s face was like a blooming flower: “It seems very powerful, teach me quickly.”

“First, you need to use up all the mana you usually use.”

“Leave it to me.” "

Naruto quickly used his shadow clone.

Looking at Naruto's clone technique, Ren Piaomiao also became interested.

"In order to use up all the mana as quickly as possible, I have a good idea."


Countless Naruto appeared.

"Hehe, there are a lot more of them."

Naruto smiled and said to his clone: ​​"Listen, let's start the duel.

The one who stays at the end is the strongest, and it will decide who is the real me."


The clones cheered.

"I see, you can think of it."

Then they spent their time in the chattering battle of Naruto.

Naruto's clones were scattered one by one.

"What a boring scene. ”

Ren Piaomiao thought it would be better if Naruto could turn into Naruto before fighting.

[Are you going to train Naruto to be a character who can use his ultimate skill as a basic attack?]

[It sounds like that, reminds me of a guy who uses a black knife.]

[What kind of ultimate skill is summoning? The summoned monster must be powerful!]

[That’s right, look at Duanmuxi’s dog, it’s blind and needs people to cooperate!]

[And Kai’s turtle, I don’t even know what it’s for?]

[It seems that the magic of different space is powerful. Could Chen Shisan be influenced by the so-called time is respected and space is king on the Internet?]

[Concept skills are the real god, just like Li’s bare-handed catching of a blade.]

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