The old man was very happy.

"Okay, stop praising me with the past!"

Hong Rizhan said.

"Sorry... sorry."

Xiao Xin: "Is grandpa really that powerful?"

Kazama: "I can't tell!"

Hong Xianwan nodded in agreement.

"Listen carefully, only the strongest monks in the sect can become the master of the sect."

Iruka said hurriedly with a cold sweat on his face after hearing his student's words.

If the master of the sect thinks that he didn't teach well, it will be over.

Lolo: "Okay, then I want to become the fifth generation master of the sect, because I am very strong and handsome."

"Not good enough based on my current results." Iruka.

Lolo looked disappointed, and other students also laughed.

"Haha, you are so reliable. Unlike me, you are all very young.

Some of you may become the leader of the sect.

You only have one life. You don't have to force yourself to choose a path you don't like.

Live and die the way you like.


All the little brats stared at Hong Rizhan, more seriously than in class.

"No matter which path you choose, you must protect the people who are important to you."

Xiaomei: "Important people?"

"People who you recognize, trust, and love from the bottom of your heart. Do you have such people?"

Xiaomei: "Yeah, mom and dad,

Also, my annoying brother, and my dog ​​Tiezhu."

"My most important thing is my friends."

"Me too."

"Does the sect leader have important people?"

Hong Rizhan: "Of course."

"Who is it? Who is it?"

"My grandson sitting over there, Hong Xianwan."

Hong Xianwan grinned happily.

"And everyone in this sect." Hong Rizhan said, looking at the fourth generation of the sect master Yan, thinking: "You thought so at the beginning, right?"

Hong Xianwan and other children listened very seriously, with admiration in their eyes.

[These children are so cute! Much cuter than Naruto's class. ]

[The children's dreams are so simple! ]

[That's right, the only thing I want to protect is the wallet in my pocket! ]

[Well! I didn't expect Hong Rizhan to be a master of ideological courses! ]

[It's more than enough to fool some children! ]

[Gold medal teacher, no wonder he can teach three outstanding monks, although some people have gone astray! ]



The camera came to a spacious, dripping room.

There was water under his feet that submerged his ankles.

"This feeling is, that magic power."

Naruto walked in the space, and a familiar magic power entered his perception.

A bright door appeared in the distance, and when he passed through it.

Suddenly he appeared in a taller, open area.

"This is..."

Looking at the dozens of meters high door in front of him, which was similar to a prison cell.

There was also a seal on the door.

Naruto's eyelids suddenly jumped.

"It's so big, what is this?"

What appeared in front of him was a huge beast, exuding an ominous breath.

"Boy, come closer."

Naruto slowly approached and took a look.


The huge claws seemed to be stretched out, and Naruto fell to the ground in fear.

"Although I want to eat you, I can't open the door, damn seal."

Nine-tail narrowed his eyes.

"You are... Nine-tail." Naruto recognized the beast.

"Is that so? The red mana is the mana of this guy."

"I didn't expect you to come to me on your own initiative. What's the matter?" Nine-tail spoke politely in a fierce tone.

"Hey, stupid fox, since you are living in my body,

you have to lend me your magic power as rent." Naruto said.

Kyuubi also laughed when he heard it: "No matter what, if you die, I will die. You are really brave to threaten me.

Okay, as a reward for coming here, I will give it to you."

Countless red demonic powers extended from the door and entangled Naruto.


In the abyss.

Naruto suddenly opened his eyes.

"That's the feeling."

Bite his finger, quickly seal while descending, and press down.

Spirit summoning!

The red and blue magic power formed a huge wave.

A giant light red toad was summoned by Naruto, with a pipe in his mouth.

"Well done."

Ren Piaomiao seemed to be able to see Naruto below, and a smile appeared on his face.

"Where is this?"

Toad Wentai supported the cliffs on both sides with his limbs, with questions in his mind.


Naruto lay on its head,

He breathed a sigh of relief.

Then he had the mind to watch the situation: "Great, it's really huge."

When he saw it clearly, the excitement on his face was overflowing.

"Is this the toad?"

He climbed to the toad's ear and looked at his huge hand.

Then he came to the back: "Great, there is no tail, yo.

This time it's not a tadpole, nor a tadpole with hind legs, nor a giant monster tadpole the size of a fist with a tail."

His mouth was grinning to the back of his head.

Ren Piaomiao watched quietly: "This time he finally condensed the magic power of the Nine-Tailed Fox himself,

Even so, it is still not stable enough,

Is it because he used too much magic power?

And he summoned that guy out."

"Do you know whose head you are shouting at?

You are at the head of my toad boss Wen Tai, you idiot, be quiet."

Wen Tai raised his head, roared, and the wind he exhaled flew Naruto out.

Naruto followed the pipe in his mouth and finally grabbed the pipe at the end and stopped.

"What's wrong with this guy? He feels so powerful." Naruto used his hands and feet to prevent himself from falling.

"I haven't breathed the air of this world for a long time.

Some strange brat climbed on my head.

Hey, Ren Piaomiao, where is Ren Piaomiao? What are you going to do by summoning me?"

Wen Tai swung his pipe and roared.

Ren Piaomiao heard the sound above and hid behind a tree.

"It's bad. I can't deal with Toad Wen Tai either."

"Ren Piaomiao, come out quickly, you idiot." The voice of the toad was still coming from below.

"And if he finds out, things will become more troublesome.

Hide quickly."

Ren Piaomiao will not go out. He is not a fool.


"Hey, kid."


"Where is Ren Piaomiao?"

"Eh? Ren Piaomiao? Who is that?"

"A lecherous old man who calls himself the Toad Immortal, where did he go, huh?"

" scary." Naruto dropped his pipe near Wen Tai's nose again.

He was terrified to see Wen Tai.

"Tell me quickly, if you answer me honestly, I can take you in as my younger brother."

Wen Tai said domineeringly.

"Boss...Boss, the lecherous immortal is on the cliff, Toad Boss."

Naruto took advantage of the situation and betrayed Ren Piaomiao.

"Up there?"

"Um, can I ask you a question?"

"What question?"

"What do you want to ask the lecherous immortal?"

"That's what I want to ask, what does that lecherous old man want me to do?

What on earth does he want to do by calling me out in a place like this?" He looked at the scene around him.

"But...but, I was the one who summoned the Toad Boss with the psychic technique.

Because I fell off a cliff, I want you to do me a favor."

Naruto scratched his head, his face flushed, a little embarrassed.

[Is this sharp claw the Nine-tailed Heavenly Fox? ]

[Looks fierce, but seems to be quite polite? ]

[Just a few words gave me power, really easy to talk to! ]

[Toad Wentai? This name reminds me of the man who won the Southeast Asian Free Fighting Championship in 1974! ]

[But the tone of his speech is a bit ruffian! ]

[A toad, even the top masters can't deal with it?

Is this how the holy land monster can survive in a continent full of cultivators? ]

[This Ren Piaomiao's reputation for lust has spread from the human world to the monster world! ]

[Toad, human? ]

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