The memories ended, but Sara was still shouting.

"Confirm your value, come out and fight with hatred and murderous intent, Yuwen Zuo."

Under the constant shouting, different words pierced Yuwen Zuo's heart.

He stood up from behind the tree and quickly made a seal.

"Why did he let me survive and live alone?"


"No, I know the reason. That guy let me survive because he wanted me to bear the guilt of the whole clan being killed and living alone.

Itachi chose me so that I could become the avenger who killed him."



Lightning gathered in the palm of his hand, and the cry of a thousand birds sounded.

Sha Luo naturally felt the fluctuation, slowly turned his head and faced his direction.

"Come on, let me enjoy it."

Looking at the lightning behind the tree, Sha Luo laughed wildly.

"I will finish you with one blow." Yuwen Zuo.

Sha Ju, who was far away, watched this scene, and at this moment, he had no strength to intervene in the battle.


"Let go, you old immortal."

"Don't even think about it, I won't let go until I pull your soul out."

At this moment, the master and apprentice were still pulling in the formation.

She Tongtian looked at Wu Chang behind him and knew that he would be finished if he continued like this. .


The collision of lightning and the monster hand.

Lightning and thunder, beast hand fierce light.

The collision of Yuwen Zuo Chidori and the monster hand directly combed Sha Luo's monster hand in the middle, not only blocking the attack, but also tearing the monster hand in half.

Sha Luo fell to the ground, and his hand healed immediately. He looked at Yu Wenzuo who stood up again, laughing wildly like a beast, drooling from his mouth.

"No way, he could still block Sha Luo's attack in that state." Sha Ju was shocked by his strength.

"Why am I so happy? Now I finally know that this kind of pain, defeating the person who can hurt me, taking away everything from him, can make me feel more strongly that I am still alive." Sha Luo laughed wildly and excitedly.

"It can hurt Sha Luo who has never been injured, and twice. Is that guy a monster?

No, the real monster is what Sha Luo has transformed into now, and it's just the right hand." Sha Ju clenched his fists and prayed.

On Sha Luo's side, the hand extended its length, and sand flowed out of the gourd mouth, turning into a giant tail, floating behind Sha Luo.

"What the hell is this guy? Continuously..."


Just when Yu Wenzuo was shocked, Sha Luo had already transformed and attacked him.

Fortunately, he avoided the first attack.


At the same time, it was also analyzed that now Sha Luo's speed and strength are stronger, and his combat instincts have also increased rapidly.

If it weren't for the Sharingan, he would not be able to keep up now. Even so, he could only avoid the attack under the condition of prediction.

After injuring the tree under him again, Yu Wenzuo avoided the attack and cast a spell.

Flame Wave!

At this time, he was no longer able to cast Chidori, and could only use the most familiar fire spell.

But Sha Luo's strange hand suddenly opened, without any intention of dodging, wrapped himself into a ball, and directly resisted his spell.

"Can't fire magic deal with sand? And with this level of spells... it really depends on Chidori."


He struggled to raise his magic power to block Sha Luo's attack, and the whole person flew backwards, even breaking a few trees.

Yu Wenzuo leaned against the big tree behind him and recalled what Duan Muxi said during training.

With his current strength, he can only use two Chidori in a day, plus the Sharingan consumption. If he wants to use the third one...

Not only will it drain his own cell activity, that is, his lifespan, but he may even... die.

[Hehe, you can't imagine it, right? We are still arguing. ]

[Yumo should let go of the Qingguang Sword and go up to kill Snake Tongtian. The third generation will die. ]

[You wish, the key is that the screenwriter won't let you! ]

[Yuwen Zuo's strength has become so strong in just one month, it's really outrageous. ]

[Yes, this time Sara is still in the transformation state, and he can still fight back and forth, which is incredible. ]

[The protagonist group must have a little protagonist halo, as long as it's not too exaggerated, I can accept it, after all, who writes a story without a protagonist halo. ]

[Do you think Sara will become a real monster in the end? ]

[It's possible, and if Sara can transform, it means that Naruto can also transform, this is the protagonist group's halo! 】

【So the true form of the ancient evil spirit is about to appear

I'm here. Doesn't it feel a bit early? 】

【It's not early. Look at the growth rate of the protagonists. If it's slower, there's no need to come out. Just push forward. 】

【Fighting in the venue, plus the pursuit, and the battle of Shaju and Sha Luo, are you out of mana? 】

【To use Chidori three times, you must squeeze out your lifespan in exchange for mana before you can use it. Since the screenwriter has proposed it, it means that it will definitely be done. Will Yuwen Zuo's ending be that he gets old quickly? 】

"What's wrong? Is this the extent of your existence value?

I'm honestly saying that you are very weak,

You are very naive because your hatred is too weak.

The power of hatred is the power of killing, and the power of killing is the power of revenge."

Every word of Sha Luo stimulated Yuwen Zuo, and the figure of his brother emerged in his mind.

"Your hatred is weaker than mine. Do you know what that means?"

"Shut up."

"It means you are weaker than me."

"Itachi chose me so that I could become the Avenger who killed him. I am the Avenger."


Sha Luo's words had deeply stimulated him. Regardless of the danger to his life, Chidori turned into lightning in his hand.


Another fight.

Yu Wenzuo's lightning suddenly weakened halfway and disappeared.

The mana could not hold on.


The moment the two approached, a loud noise startled countless flying birds.


The two changed positions at the same time.


Sha Luo's strange hand suddenly turned into sand and disappeared, leaving only the intact arm and the tail behind him.

On the other side, Yu Wenzuo had dense lines on his face and stronger lightning flashing in his hand.


The mana disappeared, and the pain brought by the mark made him fall to the ground.

As for Sara, his left arm turned into a strange hand while he was laughing wildly.

Then he flew towards Yuwenzuo and attacked him, as if the defeat just now had no effect on him at all.

"Damn it, I can't move my body." Yuwenzuo wanted to get up, but his mana was exhausted and he was still under the power brought by the curse seal, so he couldn't move at all.

Watching Sara getting closer and closer, the strange hand was about to grab him and crush him to death.


At the critical moment, a size 32 foot appeared and kicked Sara in the face, kicking him out.

His face was crooked by this sudden attack.

[Hey, I thought Chidori failed, but I didn't expect that the power of Snake Tongtian appeared! ]

[This exquisite seal is really handsome, but it's a pity that tattoos are not good for entering society. I dare not get a tattoo! ]

[You are stupid, tattoo stickers are so good, one sticker lasts for a few days, as long as saliva or acidic liquid, it can be wiped off little by little, and you can change tattoos constantly. ]

[Naruto finally arrived at the critical moment. 】

【Does Naruto want to learn to save the situation like Brother Lucky? 】

【The gold content of this kick is really high. If Yuwen Zuo is a woman, she might fall in love with him! 】

【The next step is Naruto's duel with this monster. The duel between two ancient evil spirit hosts is also a duel between two lonely people. 】

【From the picture, the transformed Sha Luo does not seem to be as powerful as the one using sand. Maybe I can't feel the oppression of physical cultivation. There is more visual impact with more spells. 】

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