On the other side, the master and the apprentice were still pulling.

"It's really annoying, Master." Snake Tongtian.

"Don't you understand? The whole sect is my home. Didn't I say I'm the backbone of the family?"

"So didn't I also say that I would break this backbone?"

"As long as the people of the sect are still there, fighting desperately to protect important partners,

the backbone of the sect will not be broken by you."

"Then give it a try."

"Don't underestimate me."

Hong Rizhan actually increased his strength, and his soul was dragged again, stretching towards himself.

"How could it be, there should be very little mana left." Snake Tongtian was terrified.

"Mana and magic are not all about power." Hong Rizan smiled.


"This guy's eyes are so lonely."

This reminds Naruto of his past self.

Iruka, Yuwenzuo, Sakura, Shikamaru, Choji, Ichiraku, Canglan, Duanmuxi teacher...

He found himself because he found someone who recognized him.

No matter what other people in the sect say about him, it doesn't matter.

He is no longer alone.

If it weren't for these people, he would be the same as Sara.

Because of this, he can understand Sara's feelings.

Although I don't know what happened, the guy opposite has been tortured by loneliness and now can only believe in himself.

This kind of hell, for this guy, I who get recognition from others may be like being in a happy world.

There is no nervous coward.

"Can I really beat this guy?"

Sha Luo was impatient: "What's wrong, are you afraid of me? Show your strength and face me.

Or I will kill this woman."

Damn it!


Naruto split into countless clones, preparing to fight Sha Luo together.

But how could Sha Luo watch such means.

Little sandstorm!

The wild sand swept the area of ​​nearly 100 meters in front of him, and Naruto's clones disintegrated directly under this attack.

"It really hurts."

Naruto's real body was lying on a tree.

"I won't kill you, I will play with you first.

I am looking forward to when you will abandon your companions and run away." Sha Luo murmured.


Bang bang!

Bang bang bang!

"What does it feel like?"

Naruto was hit again and again, and turned over and over in the air under Sha Luo's play.

Just don't kill him.

"That guy." Sha Ju looked at Naruto.

"What's going on? What's this feeling that's surging in my heart?"

Naruto felt a force in his heart.

No matter what, facing this guy, I will never lose to him.

This force is so abrupt and inexplicable.

"What's wrong? You are obviously chasing me, but you look so miserable?

You can't even touch me.

It's really funny." Sara clenched his fist and said arrogantly.

Naruto took out the magic weapon and detonated the talisman.

No matter how far he can go, he must do his best.

Shadow Clone Technique!

Four or five Naruto appeared beside him.

"Next, it's the secret technique of the Fire Sect, the fifth Naruto, the clone sprint attack."

Five Naruto rushed towards Sara in succession.

But Sara's missiles directly defeated him.


Naruto used his clone to resist the attack, and the other clones hid behind.

Seeing this, Sara grabbed three Naruto with his big hands.

"Shadow Clone Technique."


Several more Naruto appeared, throwing themselves.

Quickly approached Sara.

"Shadow Clone Technique."

Another shadow clone feinted, and the real body continued to clone bait.

Naruto fell under Sara, stepped on a shadow clone, and came behind Sara's butt.

"Watch this, this is what Teacher Duanmu Xi taught me, the secret of the Fire Sect's physical technique, the Thousand Year Kill!"

Naruto made a tiger seal and inserted it directly into Sara's butt with unprecedented power.

Ding Ding Ding!

Shaju, Toad, and Dog were stunned at the same time, with black lines on their faces.

Pike: "Enema!"

Sara turned his head back to look at Naruto, flicked his tail, and threw Naruto out.

And on his butt, a flying knife with a detonating talisman was inserted there.


Naruto groaned softly, and Sara was like a fart that would explode.


A deafening sound.

[After how long, the two masters and apprentices are still pulling each other. I can already imagine if it was made into a TV series or a movie, or even an anime,

How long will this part drag on! ]

[Indeed, this endurance is even stronger than mine! ]

[Fortunately, Sara is just playing around. If he was a little more ruthless, he would be torn into pieces! ]

[Like a ball, being tossed around, so pitiful! ]

[With this ball-playing skill, Sara can already replace the Chinese national football team! ]

[Look at my Kunlun three-legged, copper wall and iron fortress! ]

[Naruto suddenly has power? Is it the power given by the ancient evil spirit? It doesn't seem like it! ]

[No, the Nine-Tail gives mana, not spiritual power. ]

[Could it be... there is a cheat? ]

[I don't know, the author likes to foreshadow, use it if you can, and don't say anything if you can't. ]

[What a secret trick, the Thousand Year Kill! ]

[The chrysanthemum is broken, the ground is full of wounds, just blow up its hemorrhoids! ]

[Naruto's clone tactics are actually not bad. 】

Pike broke out in a cold sweat: "A beautiful blow."

Toad covered his head: "Did you win?"

Naruto was thrown onto Yuwenzuo and hit him directly.

Reacted and left quickly.

"It was so hard to hit it!" Yuwenzuo said.

"Shut up." Naruto turned his head away.


Sha Luo's body was covered with quicksand, holding on to the tree roots next to him.

The body was like sand, flowing non-stop.

"It actually aimed at the weakest defense at the base of the tail.

Although he was not injured, he did not completely absorb the impact.

Did I underestimate him too much?" At this time, Sha Luo's heart was constantly narrating.


Sakura on the other side snorted, and the monster's broken arm shrank tighter.

"Hey, Naruto, even if you are stubborn, you have to rescue Sakura.

After rescuing her, take her away quickly. You can definitely do it." Yuwenzuo said softly.

Naruto: "Yuwenzuo, you..."

"I can hold him back for a while now. If I die here,

it means that I am only this level. I have lost everything before.

I don't want to see important companions die in front of me again." Yuwenzuo stood up with all his strength.

"The most important...companion." Naruto murmured.

I remembered what Teacher Duanmuxi said: "I will never let the enemy kill my companions!"


Naruto stood up and walked shoulder to shoulder with Yuwenzuo.

"Is that so? Because he is very similar to me, he has always lived a lonely and sad life.

That guy has always been lonely and fought only for himself.

That's why I think he is very strong.

But true strength should not be like that.

Fighting only for yourself will not make you a real strong man.

Only by protecting the one you love can you become truly strong."

Naruto's face was firm, and the blue mana burst out like a Saiyan.

"This condensed mana, is this Naruto?" Yuwenzuo felt the power coming from Naruto.

"I will definitely protect you."


Multiple Shadow Clone Technique!

[Sharo's inner narration is a hearty explanation! ]

[The power of bond is a classic among classics! ]

[It can be seen here that Chen Shisan is still quite positive, promoting these emotions of maintaining social peace. ]

[If I die here, it proves that I am only this level. This sentence is really handsome with this back view! ]

[It can be seen that Naruto and Yuwenzuo really care about their companions. Sakura has been talking about it, but in fact, her actions do lack the power to move people. ]

[It is far behind. Let's not talk about strength. In terms of protecting companions, Sakura is not a little bit behind! ]

[At least from the current plot, Sakura is just a person who can only talk nonsense and say that she cares about her companions. ]

[Whether it is because of the quarrel with Ino because of love or the distrust of Shikamaru, it really shows that she actually cares about few people. 】

【I feel that whether it is Yuwenzuo, Choji, Shikamaru, or Shino, they all care about their companions more than Sakura. 】

【Don't exaggerate. At least I just blocked an attack for Yuwenzuo, which is also protecting my companions! 】

【Pragmatist, rationalist. 】

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