The fire sect was in the process of a major infrastructure construction.

At this time, Sakura took a box of biscuits to her teammates at her mother's instruction.

When she thought that it was not Yuwen Zuo who saved her this time, but Naruto, she must let them eat enough this time.

Da Da Da!




On the mountain behind the fire sect, a thousand birds cried, and a rock exploded directly.

Smoke and dust rose everywhere.

When the smoke and dust dissipated, a huge pit appeared in the rock.

"I... can't do anything..." Yuwen Zuo looked at the attack of that level.

I remembered what Naruto said: "I don't want to see important companions die in front of me again.

I will definitely protect you."

And the powerful fighting power he showed.

Compared with him, he is too weak now.

"Naruto is getting stronger and stronger. Compared with him, I..."


He cast a spell again, and the sound of thunder resounded through the sky.




Under the blue sky.

Two figures in black robes with cloud patterns appeared at the top of a mountain range.

"Although he is an opponent you can find a way to deal with, I may not be.

We are not on the same level." Kisame said.

"If we fight him, we will all be killed.

It would be best if both sides lose.

Even if the number of people is increased, the result will not change."

Itachi sat on the cliffs, swaying in the breeze, looking at Naruto and Ren Piaomiao on the distant road.

"I didn't expect that the person protecting him was the legendary Three Immortals.

If the opponent was him, no matter if it was the Yuwen clan,

or the Seven Swordsmen, they would all become nameless." Kisame said.

Itachi: "Well, even the strongest people have weaknesses."

He stood up and looked at the sky in the distance, not knowing what he was thinking.


"I said, Lecherous Immortal, what kind of person is the fourth generation leader?" Several Naruto asked Ren Piaomiao while playing.

"Because he is my disciple, of course he has grown amazingly.

You are a blessed person to be able to receive my guidance, Naruto." Ren Piaomiao said proudly.

Several Naruto expressed great doubt and booed.

"What are you doubting? Only a good teacher can teach a good disciple.

This is natural." Ren Piaomiao said that Naruto's doubt made him very unhappy.

"Then let me ask you, who did the lecherous immortal learn from?"

"Me? The one who taught me was the third generation sect master."

"The third generation sect master?"

"The third generation sect master was still full of vigor at that time."

"The third generation, full of vigor?"

"Yes, I was also full of vigor at that time."

Several Naruto looked suspicious. Whether it was the third generation or Ren Piaomiao, they were all old men.

It really didn't match the vigor.

"Since you studied under Duanmu Xi, you should have practiced the bell act, right?"

"I have practiced it."

The scene showed Naruto being killed by the Thousand Years Killer and tied to a wooden stake.

Yuwen Zuo and Xiaoying were standing by and eating.

"For that, I suffered a lot."

"What, you too!"

"Also, what does that mean?"

"Don't ask, get up quickly."

The scene entered Ren Piaomiao's childhood.

The legendary three immortals' childhood scenes also appeared, the white-haired boy Ren Piaomiao, the elite boy She Tongtian, and the flat-haired girl Dugu Gang.

And the ugly third generation.

At that time, he was also beaten, hung on a tree, sunk into the river, and tied to a wooden stake.

And the scene of the flat girl being beaten by the girl.

"What's the matter with you, you fell into obvious traps many times in the battle?"


"Learn a little from She Tongtian."

"Teacher Hiruzen always calls you She Tongtian, She Tongtian, it's so annoying.

I also use the powerful invisibility technique when I peek." Facing the tone of teacher Hong Hiruzen comparing the good students with the bad students, Ren Piaomiao was also dissatisfied.

"Really, how powerful is the invisibility technique you said?"

"It's true that it has never been discovered so far." Ren Piaomiao responded.

Hong Rizhen, a middle-aged man, suddenly blushed: "Since you said so, I will go with you next time."

"Teacher Rizhen is a pervert." Xiao Piaomiao looked down on him.

[Yuwen Zuo has been stimulated enough. From crushing Naruto to only being able to see Naruto's back now,

How desperate he must be. No matter how hard he tries, he can't beat the cheats.

I hope your golden finger will arrive soon, otherwise you can only play a supporting role.

! ]

[Your brother has appeared, but you don't have the strength yet. Wouldn't you be too desperate? ]

[Didn't She Tongtian say that he was stronger than Yuwen Weizhe? Why did Weizhe say that he couldn't compare with Ren Piaomiao? Even if they could compare, both would suffer losses? ]

[Indeed, at the beginning of their conversation, I thought they were talking about Kai! ]

[No matter how strong a person is, he will have weaknesses. That's right! For example, because I was too strong, my wife couldn't stand it and divorced me! ]

[Don't talk nonsense, kid above! ]

[No wonder they can get the name of the Three Immortals. It turns out that they all had the face of the protagonist when they were young! ]

[She Tongtian was really handsome at that time, and Ren Piaomiao was not bad either. Why did they become ugly when they got old? ]

[Is this Dugu Gang? He has a good appearance, but he has no flat chest. He is not even small! ]

[Good fellow, Ren Piaomiao's perverted nature has existed since childhood, and his master indulged him and even taught him personally! ]


Ren Piaomiao suddenly chuckled when he thought of the past.

What a wonderful memory, but the war is too cruel, and people's personalities are constantly changing as they grow up. They can never go back!

"What, what's so funny about the perverted immortal?" Naruto asked curiously when he saw him suddenly laugh.

Touching Naruto's head, Ren Piaomiao said: "So a good master can teach a good disciple, right."

"I don't understand what you mean."


Duanmu Xi's room.

Two photos of the teacher and the disciple were placed at the head of the bed.

"From the looks of them, it seems that Naruto has not been found yet."

Kai glanced at the unconscious Duanmu Xi.

Sima Hong: "Don't you think this is strange? They have already sneaked into the sect.

It should be easy to find Naruto in this sect, right?"

Da Da!

He lit a cigarette and put it in his mouth.

Outside the stairs of the room, a figure slowly came up.

"Itachi knows what Naruto looks like."


Kai motioned him to stop talking.

"Teacher Duanmu Xi." Yuwen Zuo opened the door and walked in.

Seeing Hong Sima, Hong, and Kai, as well as the teacher lying on the bed.

He was completely stunned.

Why was the teacher lying there, and several of the true disciples were here.

"What are you doing, what happened?"

"No, nothing happened." Kai said with his head down.

Da Da!

Cheng Qingye, wearing sunglasses, suddenly appeared at the door and asked loudly: "I heard that Itachi is back, is it true?"

Kai's eyebrows were squeezed together, and he looked at Cheng Qingye with gritted teeth!

"And he's still looking for Naruto."

The other three covered their heads, and Yuwen Zuo also heard what he said and turned to look at him.

Hong sighed: "Stupid."

[Oh, I'm confused, I really don't have time to react! 】










【想脱颖而出,就要另辟蹊径,陈十三有这个丰富的想象力,以及将脑海剧情具现化的能力,是一个本事,能展现出来,才能在编剧大赛拿得头筹嘛! 】

【Yeah, look at the others. They are lucky to have a little fighting scene on screen. There is no need for details! 】

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