The two of them were so angry that they were forced to leave.

"I will never let you escape."


Dugu Gang looked at the two people going away and crushed the stone in his hand.


"What's going on?"

Naruto looked at the scene here and the signs of destruction everywhere.

"It looks like a big fuss."

Ren Piaomiao breathed a sigh of relief.

Jingyin also saw that Dugu Gang should have refused.

"Where did that old lady Gang go?"

Naruto looked around.

Suddenly stepped on a coat.

"It's Dugu Senior's coat."

Looking at the word "gamble" on it, Jingyin said.

"Tuntun, which way?"

The piglet smelled the clothes and chased in one direction.

Naruto and others quickly followed.



In a mountain range.

Dugu Gang smashed a big hole again.

But at this time she was panting, and the necklace on her chest rose and fell with her breath.

"It seems that her breathing has become rapid, almost done." Snake Tongtian said.

Dou: "I'm not good at physical skills."

Took out a pill from his pocket and put it in his mouth.

"Bigu Pill?" Dugu Gang recognized the pill.


"That seal is..."

Dou made a seal to cast a spell, and blue mana appeared in his hands and maintained it in his hands.

Looking at Dugu Gang very seriously.

"This guy also knows medical spells?"


The ground under Dou's feet exploded, and he disappeared on the spot.


In an instant, the two fought for dozens of rounds.

At this moment, Dou's magic hand touched her right arm and thigh.

After a simple attack, Dou retreated with a smile.

"The muscle is torn..."

Dugu Gang covered his right arm.

"I cut off a little bit of the biceps and thigh muscles,

so you can't use that kind of brute force." Dou laughed.

Dugu Gang asked: "A magic scalpel? Why not aim at the artery?"

"This kind of scalpel can indeed cut off blood vessels and muscles without leaving external injuries,

but in battle, it is really impossible to make a thin scalpel that can reach the artery and myocardium,

but even so, it is not a problem to aim at the opponent's neck."

Dou explained to her while fighting.


Dugu Gang was careless, and Dou's scalpel hit her chest.

He stopped and watched Dugu Gang kneel down with his hands covering his heart.


Dugu Gang: "Damn, the intercostal muscles are cut, and breathing becomes..."

This guy is not an ordinary medical monk. His talent and power in magic even surpass me in my prime.

Looking at the person in front of me, I didn't expect him to be so strong. I was careless.

And I haven't fought for a long time. I'm really degenerate!

"If I let you die, it will be a headache.

I won't attack the neck, but you can move..." Just as he pushed his glasses, he was suddenly hit and flew out.

I was stunned in the air until I fell to the ground.

"What a powerful person. Most people can't move because of breathing difficulties.

It seems that she needs to suffer more."

Dou got up in a panic and looked at Dugu Gang who was kneeling on the ground again.

"Not fatal."

Just when he was about to take action, he found that his body could not move.

Recalling Dugu Gang's previous actions: "Could it be..."

[Is this pig a tracking spirit beast? Can it smell? ]

[Don't underestimate a pig, its nose is better than a dog's. ]

[Nonsense, how can a pig's nose be better than a dog's? ]

[I'm not good at physical skills, but I defeated you with physical skills, that's enough, are you that strong? ]

[Strong, but not so easy, it should be that Dugu Gang hasn't fought for too long. ]

[Indeed, one day without practice, one day of emptiness, three days without practice, ten days of relaxation, not to mention that she may not have experienced this level of battle for a long time! ]

[Oh, I didn't expect Chen Shisan to have a dabbling in medicine, and even know about biceps and thigh muscles? ]

[What kind of dabbling is needed? Just check and write it down. We are not studying medicine, how do we know if he is right or not. ]

[Dou was careless, and even pushed his glasses in the battle. Sure enough, glasses are not a good thing. It is better to take good care of the glasses and don't be nearsighted! ]

[? ? ? Did Dou get hit too? 】


Dugu Gangyi

The punch hit Dou's face, sending him flying.


"Is this the limit of my strength?" She panted, looking at Dou, whose body did not explode.

She Tongtian saw it: "So that's it!"

Dou twisted on the ground, holding his body: "This... this is not muscle, it's nerve."

"You found it, yes, it's nerve,

Converting mana into electrons, creating an electric field, and injecting it into your nervous system." Dugu Gang said.

"The communication between the brain and the body is all based on electronic signals,

Dugu Gang used a speed of 360 kilometers per hour to confuse all electronic signals."

She Tongtian did not take action, just watching.


"It's been a long time since I fought in actual combat, and I still have this strength. Is this the legendary Three Immortals?"

Dou looked at Dugu Gang in surprise.

And Dugu Gang didn't care about saving mana, and cast a medical spell to heal himself.

Although Dou has lost his ability to move, there is still a She Tongtian next to him.

"If I want to move my right hand, my left foot will move.

If I want to move my left ankle, my right shoulder will move."

Dou kept sending signals to his body with his brain, analyzing the body's situation.

"It's difficult, but... where I move, how it will move,

I have mastered 80% of it. Don't underestimate me for this level of magic."

Dou took out his weapon and turned around with a handsome knife flower.

Then he rushed forward with the weapon in hand.


You can control your body in an instant?" Dugu Gang hadn't healed himself yet, and when he saw that Dou was able to move, his eyes were full of astonishment.

"You are afraid of blood, right? I'll show you enough."

Dou rushed to her and was about to stab herself.

But at this moment, a smoke bomb flew out.


Dou stepped back a few steps and looked intently.

Three people and a pig appeared in front of him.

Dugu Gang: "Ren Piaomiao."

She Tongtian smiled when he saw the person coming: "Long time no see, junior brother."

"Ouwo, your eyes are still as evil as before." Ren Piaomiao looked at him and said.

After the smoke dissipated, Naruto saw the familiar figure.

"Dou...Dou Senior Brother?"

[Learn math, physics and chemistry well, and you will not be afraid to travel around the world. People today are not deceiving me! ]

[The physical constants in the world of immortal cultivation are also set the same as our reality, right? ]

[It's a bit interesting. I used to think that the spiritual consciousness of some immortal worlds is so powerful,

How come they can't even see the microscopic world?

Even if Chen Shisan is not the first batch, he is still unexpected! ]

[Dou is even more awesome. He actually adjusted himself when the neural signals were chaotic? ]

[This is changing the key position on the spot. Awesome! ]

[What kind of brain is this? Even the strongest brain is put here, it's just like this! ]

[No wonder She Tongtian trusts him so much, this talent can't be explained by strength, right? ]

[Then he was really good at pretending during the outer sect competition! ]

[Genius never complains about the environment, he will change the environment! ]

[Just now I felt that Dugu Gang's performance was far behind the other two, but now I don't think so.

It's right for Dou to be stronger with this kind of talent! ]

[Chen Shisan is also awesome, he used medical knowledge and physical knowledge! And also added metaphysics! ]

[The protagonist finally arrived, the timing was just right. ]

[The three people's deadline has expired, are they going to hold a class reunion? ]

[Naruto was surprised to see Dou, hahaha! ]

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