The old man was very angry.

"Let me tell you one thing, a monk relies on the perseverance of never giving up, and he just has it." Ren Piaomiao smiled at She Tongtian.

His tone was still very proud.

She Tongtian just calmed down after hearing this, and did not deliberately refute him, because he thought he had strong perseverance.

On the other side.

Dou was about to knock Dugu Gang unconscious, and when Ren Piaomiao was talking, Naruto blocked his attack, with blood on his head.

Dou was stunned.

Then he smiled.

Naruto was already furious at this time, and quickly rolled the balls in his hands.

He rushed towards Dou.


It was useless.

Kabuto dodged sideways and easily hit Naruto's right leg, causing him to fall to the ground, and the ball in his hand disappeared.

"I don't know what spell you are going to use, but it's impossible to hit me with this kind of movement."

Kabuto reminded Naruto.

Naruto gritted his teeth, covered his right leg and turned his head to look at Kabuto.

It is very difficult to hit a moving target with the Rasengan, and the magic power cannot be fully maintained.

"It seems that the leg bone has been cracked during the battle with the snake. It can still move, but it can't be done now, because I have cut off the broad muscle on the outside of your right leg." Kabuto continued.

Naruto glared at Kabuto. How can he hit him?

"Are you scared? Do you want to escape from me?"

Kabuto took out a monk card: "Naruto did say such big words during the first outer sect competition. Don't underestimate me. I won't run away.

I accept the challenge. Even if I am an outer sect disciple for life, I will rely on my fighting spirit to become the sect master, so it doesn't matter. I am not afraid. Can I still say such big words now?"

Naruto and Dugu Gang fell into memories at the same time.

Dugu Gang's mind flashed with Naruto's words, how similar to Rope Tree and Duan!

Her eyes trembled slightly.

She struggled in her heart.

"You are not a child anymore. It is best not to talk big. Give up when you see the situation. If you want to escape, just escape. Otherwise, you will die."

Naruto glared at Kabuto, with an extremely ferocious expression on his face.

"Oh my, what is this look? You will die. If you die, there will be nothing."

Dugu Gang also remembered that Rope Tree said that he would not run away, just like Naruto, and Duan died to protect the sect.

Holding the necklace tightly in his hand.

"Children think everything is simple, so they will talk about their dreams as if nothing happened, so they will not give up."

Kabuto slowly approached Naruto.

And every word he said was stimulating Dugu Gang's heart.


Kabuto did not kill Naruto, but kept punching and kicking him, as if to instill his own experience into Naruto.

"Chasing boring dreams, and then dying."


Naruto suddenly slapped Kabuto's feet away and stood up with all his might.

"Damn it, I always do what I say, this is my way."

Kabuto seemed to be stimulated, his eyes narrowed darkly, and a scalpel appeared in his hand.

"Lie down for me."

He directly chopped Naruto's neck and pushed him in front of Dugu Gang.

[Perseverance? I agree that going against the will of heaven is the position of a cultivator, but I don't agree with perseverance. Perseverance can allow you to reach the upper limit of your talent, but talent can make your lower limit higher than others. 】

【Naruto is someone who will not die unless he is courting death. If it were not for the aura of the protagonist, he would have died long ago. 】

【Kabuto is really something. Why didn't he use heavy hands? It seems that he always shows mercy. 】

【As a spy, he should know that villains die because they talk too much. 】

【From his words, it seems that he wants to instill his own ideas into Naruto, but he doesn't have too many thoughts about killing Naruto. 】

【It seems that it is true. The look in his eyes at the back is obviously stimulated. Foreshadowing, this is definitely foreshadowing. I guarantee it with ten years of singleness. 】

【With such stimulation, there is no need to think about it. Dugu Gang will stand up later. It's a classic old routine! 】

【What does Chen Shisan want to do? A minor supporting role, do you also want to create a wonderful story for him? Isn't it too procrastinated! 】

【Maybe he wants to create a script that can remember many characters, become famous in one fell swoop, and become a hot screenwriter master. 】

In Dugu Gang's trembling eyes, Naruto can still stand up.

"Grandma Tsuna, the bet must be made as agreed upon. I will accept the unlucky jewelry."


He cast a spell and a clone appeared next to him.

Kabuto, who was far away, saw that he was about to stand up and narrowed his eyes again.

"I told you that you will die like this, right? Once you die, all your dreams will be gone." Kabuto took out the short knife and rushed towards Naruto in an angry tone.

"Naruto, don't fight anymore, don't protect me, don't fight anymore." Seeing that he was still using the shadow clone in this situation, Dugu Gang persuaded him.


Facing the short knife attack, Naruto directly grabbed it with his palm. Even if his palm was pierced, he grabbed his weapon without changing his expression.

"I said that I would never die before becoming the leader of the sect."

Naruto's clone began to roll balls in Naruto's other hand, and then pressed it directly on Kabuto's chest, very quickly.

But Kabuto was not slow either, and the scalpel cut Naruto's body.

Dugu Gang was stunned. He completed this spell.

Kabuto also had a hideous face, and was full of astonishment under his glasses.

The Rasengan flew out of his hand, hitting Kabuto's chest, pushing farther and farther, and expanding at a very fast speed, forming a large sphere like Neji's Kaiten, wrapping Kabuto inside.

The land along the way formed ditches until a huge circular hole was formed on the mountain.


Bang, bang, bang!

The two brothers on the other side were still fighting at a very fast speed.

Although they all have defects now, they are still very decisive when fighting.

After sensing the movement on the other side, they temporarily stopped attacking.

"Naruto did it." Ren Piaomiao smiled.

"That kid can actually use that kind of magic?" Snake Tongtian was also a little surprised, but he didn't worry about Kabuto's idea. Even if he learned a few tricks, he was still far behind Kabuto.

And Dugu Gang was also surprised when he looked at Naruto at this time: "He did it, he really did it. He learned that spell within a week."



Dugu Gang looked at the laughing Kabuto in astonishment, his pupils shrank.

Naruto's eyes were blurry, and he couldn't hold on any longer and fell down.


Dugu Gang hurried over to hold Naruto, and then looked at Dou who was only slightly panting and with torn clothes.

"You were hit by that move, but you can still stand up?"

[It was like this? A breakthrough on the battlefield? ]

[Using another clone to help condense mana? A bit of quick wit! ]

[But I still feel that Dou was hit by the big one. Even if Naruto can grab the weapon, he can't grab his other hands and feet, right? ]

[You can't look at it that way. He fought with Dugu Gang for a long time before. In order to capture her alive, he spent a lot of energy. Even if he took medicine, it can't make up for much, right? ]

[But I have to say that this move looks very fierce, but I feel that it is not as strong as Ren Piaomiao's hit. It shouldn't explode. ]

[I have this feeling too. The moment it was released, it exploded, and the concentrated power must have been dispersed. 】

【Why did Naruto fall? 】

【He was hit by Kabuto's dying counterattack! 】

【He didn't die at all, he looked unharmed, just his clothes were a little torn. 】

【I thought he would be wiped out with the power of Typhoon, but this is it? 】

【It's said that Naruto couldn't even enter the inner gate. Now he is at most at the Qingxu realm. Even with the power of the Nine-Tails, he is still far behind the Chongxu realm. 】

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