The two of them were so busy that they had to fight.


Several ropes flew out of Gu Tong's armor and tied up Feng Xue directly.

Just as he was about to take her away, Xiao Ying cut the ropes in time.

Facing Gu Tong who was rushing over, Xiao Ying was ready.


Naruto rushed out from the side and punched him directly.


He hit the ice wall.

"Damn it."

Gu Tong quickly stood up and continued to attack. After the power amplified by the armor, he was blocked by Naruto with one hand.

"This power is..."

Gu Tong felt the power in his hand and looked at Naruto.

At this time, Naruto's sapphire-like eyes had turned red.

A few fox whiskers also appeared on his face.

His eyes revealed the wildness of a beast.

Bang, bang, bang!

Ice array.

In the large-scale magic attack, facing the ice array that rose from the ground, Yuwen Zuo was unable to dodge.

After touching the icicle, he was directly frozen inside.

Chen Yun smiled at this scene.

But it only lasted for a while.

Because Yuwen Zuo inside the icicle turned into a warm treasure stove with a detonating talisman attached.


In the huge explosion fire, several flying knives with steel wires followed the explosion.

Before Chen Yun could react, she was tied to the icicle.

Followed by the impact of the waterfall of fire.

At the critical moment, the device behind Chen Yun unfolded and cut the steel wire.

Turned into wings and took her to the sky, avoiding Yuwen Zuo's fire attack.

Looking at Chen Yun flying in the sky, Yuwen Zuo was very calm.

Obviously, this battle was not intense enough for him.

"Miss Fengxue, go back to the boat."

Sakura ordered.

But Fengxue thought of the scene where the palace was surrounded by flames and she was taken away by little Duanmuxi.

This scene also allowed the audience to see Duanmuxi's childhood, still wearing a mask.

Falling into memories, his eyes were no longer focused.

Tang San was watching anxiously.

"What are you doing? Go quickly." Naruto tried his best to block Gu Tong's attack.

Tang San: "Princess, go quickly."


"If you don't hurry up, you will die."

"It doesn't matter if you die, I won't go, I won't go to the Snow Country."

Fengxue said painfully while holding her head.

"Don't be so willful."

At this time, Naruto's red eyes had disappeared. After Gu Tong felt it, he immediately hammered him away, and a huge mechanical arm ejected.

It grabbed Fengxue directly.

Sakura blocked it at the critical moment, but was caught by Gu Tong and left behind.

"Sakura." Naruto gritted his teeth.

"Your Highness." Tang San looked at the fainted Feng Xue and said nervously.

On the other side, Duanmu Xi wanted to support.

"Didn't I say that your opponent is here?"

Han Chuixue felt that he was underestimated.

Under the amplification of the armor, he began to quickly seal.

"Ice magic, one-horned white whale."

On the way forward for Duanmu Xi, a long horn stretched out, and then a huge monster jumped out.

This is a whale bigger than Iceland.

Directly split the entire island in half.


"Amazing spell, Naruto, take them and run."

Duanmu Xi turned his head, and the red Sharingan slowly turned.

But he did not forget to remind Naruto before taking action.

Naruto and others also carried them away according to the teacher's instructions.

White Whale: Advanced ice spell, unique to the Snow Country, extremely powerful.

[Just showing red eyes, does this count as using the power of the Nine-Tails? ]

[It should be used, otherwise how can Naruto resist, but he has armor to assist. ]

[Yuwen Zuo has the best tactical quality in the whole team. It seems that he still has a lot of strength to fight against Chen Yun, who has armor enhancement and Qingxu peak strength. It seems that although they did not pass the competition and become inner disciples, they should have made a breakthrough! ]

[This tactic, this spell, is smooth, but it’s a pity that the enemy has high technology, but she still ran away. ]

[This snowstorm is so disgusting, if you don’t want to go, then don’t go, why are you dragging your feet? ]

[Xiaoying really suffered an unexpected disaster. She was thrown down by someone. It must be painful, I feel bad! ]

[No need for the author to explain, I can see the power from the picture! 】

"Ice magic, white whale."

Duanmu Xi made the same seal, and a huge white whale emerged from behind him.

"Imitating others again? The same spell can't tell the winner."


A white whale also emerged from behind him.


"Useless? Sorry, I failed your expectations!"


Han Chuixue gritted his teeth.

The collision of the two high-level spells was still under the control of the Chongxu monk.

It was a scene like a natural disaster.

The entire Iceland slowly sank to the bottom under the impact of the two white whales, leaving only a few ice blocks floating on the sea.

Naruto and others finally returned to the ship.

The huge impact formed a hurricane and huge waves, which moved the entire ship sideways.

"It's really an amazing scene."

Photographer Chen Xiaoming looked at the disappearing Iceland and muttered to himself.

The director and crew members next to him were also stunned.

This is really a big scene.

And the three people from the Snow Country stood on the ice, looking at the ship going away, and kept silent.


"Has it been almost ten years?"

Beside the fainted Fengxue, Duanmu Xi appeared here.

Looking at the crystal necklace in his hand.


"We've arrived at the port."

Tang San came in from the door, Duan Muxi glanced at him and put the necklace in her hand on the table.


"Tang San, you know it, right?"


"We should be able to foresee what will happen when she returns to the Snow Country."

"In order to get the princess back to this country, I can only do this."

Duan Muxi and Tang San chatted.

Naruto laughed when he heard it: "Uncle Tang San, that sister is just playing a princess in the movie,

not a real princess."

The other people also listened quietly.

Duan Muxi: "She is a real princess, an actress, just one of her identities,

Actually, she is the heir of this Snow Country, the princess of the Snow Country."

Tang San: "When I was with the princess, she was still very young,

it would not be strange if she didn't remember me."

"Is Uncle Tang San also from the Snow Country?" Sakura.

"I served the previous emperor, His Majesty Feng Qian.

The Snow Country is a small but peaceful country.

His Majesty Feng Qian loves His Royal Highness the Princess very much and lives a peaceful life every day.

However, on that day ten years ago,

His Majesty Feng Qian's brother, Feng Tao, that bastard, led the Snow Cultivators in a rebellion and

usurped the country.

The beautiful Huafeng City caught fire and finally collapsed.

I always thought that His Royal Highness the Princess had also passed away."

Duanmu Xi glanced at him. At that time, he couldn't beat that bastard Han Chuixue.

He took Fengxue and fled the Snow Country.

"I was so happy when I found His Royal Highness the Princess who starred in the movie again.

Fortunately, she is still alive."

Tang San shed excited tears.

"It would have been better if she died at that time." Fengxue appeared at the door at some point.

"Please don't say that. For us, the Princess is alive,

which is the greatest hope." Tang San.

"Although the person is alive, the heart is dead.

Since then, my tears have dried up." Fengxue said indifferently.

Tang San wiped his tears: "Since then, I have become Princess Fengxue's agent."

Chen Xiaoming looked at him: "Does that mean we were used by you?"

"I deceived you, I apologize to you,

But this is for the people of the Snow Country."

Tang San walked up to Fengxue and knelt down: "Princess Fengxue, please defeat Feng Tao and become the new emperor of this country.

I, Tang San, will protect Her Royal Highness even if I risk my life.

Please regroup with us."

"I won't do it."

Fengxue said that he would not do it, and even said that they were all idiots. No matter how hard they tried,

it was impossible to defeat Feng Tao.

Even if Tang San asked again and again.


Naruto slammed the table, stood up and shouted: "What are you talking about? This uncle is working hard to realize his dream. I will never forgive those who call him an idiot." Feng Xue was indifferent. "It is because we don't give up that we can see hope. It is because we see hope that we can face the future. Isn't it in line with the theme of "Fengyun Princess·The Final Chapter"?" Only the director was still thinking about his filming. "Director... do you want to continue filming?" Chen Xiaoming said in disbelief. This is a fatal matter. "Didn't I say that we want to make this movie a new look?" "Why is it so!" "Think about it, isn't it very rare to use a real princess to make a movie?" "Yes, it is also very topical. Showing the production footage will also be welcomed. If this is made public, it will definitely be well received." Chen Xiaoming said excitedly. [As expected of the copy monk Duanmu Xi, this scene is really magnificent

Watch! ]

[I still admire the crew, they still remember to shoot in this situation! ]

[If our entertainment industry also has this spirit, there won’t be so many bad movies, and there won’t be anything a man can watch! ]

[Sure enough, she is a real princess, I was right. ]

[It’s just that her personality is a bit difficult to deal with, even more difficult than my wife. ]

[Okay, for this plot, I only admire the director team, they are simply role models in the industry! ]

[It’s okay that the director is not afraid of death for his dream, even the employees are not afraid of death, are they so persistent in making a good movie? ]

[They are still using film, maybe they have just developed for a short time, now is the time to pursue the strongest. ]

[Well, the mission of the Fire Sect, is it not to make Fengxue the emperor, then make friends, and harvest national resources? ]

[It should be about the same. The power of a country is definitely stronger than that of a sect in collecting resources.

Now is the time when the Fire Sect needs resources the most, and the loss of strength is quite serious! ]

[But is it enough to send only Duanmu Xi? 】

【The Snow Country is just a small country, there shouldn't be anyone stronger than it,

At most, its technology is a little advanced, but it actually has magic technology, which is outrageous. 】

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